Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Our Luck Runs Out

FMM: 2 mi

Hi, Folks,

Bob's birthday began with him breaking a gold crown and ended with Marianne losing her Visa debit card and running over here at midnight in her PJ's to frantically cancel the card. The Burlington Hotel will no doubt ban my future guests from staying there. It's always nice when your friends do dumber things than you. Why, it makes me look downright organized! Bob wanted to try out the Irish dental system anyway; why should I get to have all the fun?..In between catastrophes, we had another load of craic yesterday. An unnamed source has asked me to define that term. Okay, if you're too lazy to look it up or can't figure it out from context, Wikipedia says craic" is a term for fun, entertainment, and enjoyable conversation, particularly prominent in Ireland. Marianne and I had a successful day of shopping and eating out. We then had a birthday dinner for Bob and went to an Irish music show. Sadly, our fun is ending this morning as Marianne and Crusher are flying home in a few hours...As for the special request for a photo of me bouncing on a bog...such a photo exists and I plan to get my IT people working on it right away. Stay tuned...For your reading pleasure, may I present 2 more limericks submitted by my old friend Donna Y in honor of Bob? Donna admits that she has too much time on her hands, but I like to humor and honor such people:

There was an ol' prof they called Bob,
Who searched Celtic hills for his mob.
He made it quite clear,
It was just for a year,
And then he'd be back on the job.

----- OR -----

There was a prof Yank engineer,
Who left ol' MIZZOU for a year.
In a waterless spot,
He learned quite a lot,
Especially to bathe in the beer.

A big birthday shout out to my firstborn son, Tim, who has been subjected to me and my ways for 29 years now.

Craicing myself up,
I remain



  1. I feel for Mrs. J, seeing as I am a professional at losing my debit card. Yesterday I even called Dawn and had her come over to check to make sure I turned my hair straightener off before I went to class. I tried to call Dad yesterday but you weren't home:( Maybe now that your drinking buddies are gone you will have time to call your daughter!!



  2. Molly,

    I am in arrears in the daughter-calling department. Mea culpa. I will call you today.

