Saturday, March 27, 2010

Are my Duds Duds?

FMM: 2.5 mi

Hi, Saturday Slackers,

I can hear the mice squeaking from here! Go release them, beat them over the head if you need to (Tim can tell you how to do this), and get those mousetraps reset. Then sweep your porch, clean out the garage, and continue staining the deck. All done? Now you can sit down and enjoy the Blog from the Bog...You might be wondering how my clothes are holding up. Admit it. That has crossed your mind. I'll share an incident from last night. Since our favorite show has been taken off the air, Bob and I had to leave home and inflict ourselves upon society last night. I met Bob at Sinnot's Bar off fashionable Grafton Street wearing a zip up sweatshirt - stylishly accented with gray stitching which brings out the gray of the Mizzou shirt I usually wear under it -- but nonetheless a sweatshirt - which I usually reserve for my walks at the seashore. Bob was most effusive in his praise of my appearance. Where did you get that sweatshirt? (JC Penney's in Columbia) I like the color. (Yes, I do look good in yellow, don't I?) Why don't you ever wear that? (I've been saving it for a special occasion). It started me thinking of what I usually look like. I have three pairs of jeans. All are, in fact, slightly too short for me. This is not my fault. My clothes dryer only works on high, so they have all shrunk or else I have gotten taller. When I hang them to dry, they stay wet for about a week. I have a few neutral-colored sweaters and exactly one fashionable scarf which often gets caught in the zipper of my coat, but that's another story. I also have one pair of black pants and a black and white jacket which my sister donated to me when she visited. I have a plain black dress which I've worn exactly twice and and a skirt and top which I've worn exactly once. I have a well-worn pair of dirty walking shoes, a pair of stained and worn Sperry Topsiders, a pair of black leather shoes I stole from Molly with the heels currently at a 45 degree angle, a pair of $9.00 fake Uggs, a pair of black ankle boots which are my only concession to high fashion, and a pair of black heels which I've worn exactly once. Upon reading this, my friend Pam Mandell has now keeled over and Floyd is running for the smelling salts. My plan is to dispose of most of my clothes before I return to the U.S. in June. However, I have developed a strange attachment to them kind of like a how a child feels about and his teddy bear. I'm not sure I'll be able to. They are part of me. This morning I have put on the yellow sweatshirt again and am awaiting any and all compliments. I also have on a cute pair of patterned socks; however, due to a laundry malfunction, they are slightly different shades. I am reassured by my mother's mantra "Nobody's looking at me." I only hope that's true.

Probably not Ireland's next top model,

I remain


  1. Since I've stopped working, my wardrobe has become very strange: I can outfit a ski team, and compete with you on the hanging out in the house, but putting together an acceptable outfit presentable to a swanky crowd is a real challenge. I need Mommy jeans since my actual waist line is about 4 inches above the currently-designated fashion waistline, which results in a gap of sometimes 6 inches between me and the pants. The pieces and parts of my former working wardrobe (keeping in mind that I worked at a casual dress engineering company) either no longer work or are so dated that even I notice! Getting a dress for Jessica's wedding was the worst: I had to choose between matronly and prom dress. The worst part is that I don't really care anymore...

  2. I hear you. Did you choose matronly or prom?

  3. Please disregard my question about my sneakers being too casual. :)

  4. I brought two dresses home from Nordstrom and let Jessica choose. She chose the prom dress. It looks suspiciously like the dress I wore to the 1969 Lebanon Community High School prom. I'm not kidding. Same color, same material, but this one has a jacket. After the festivities, I'll send you two pictures so you can LYAO.
