Friday, December 25, 2009

The Morning After

FMM: 12/24 : 7 mi

FMM: 12/25 0 (Does waddling count??)
Happy birthday to the Christmas baby, Bob Bridwell!!!

Hi, Party On-ers,

You must be dying to know how our Christmas was, so here goes.. Christmas Eve we ate seafood (okay, Nancy had a cheeseburger)at The Bloody Stream (nice name for a restaurant, don't you think?)in Howth. It was bitterly cold and wet, but that didn't stop us from an invigorating walk up the hills to a cliffside view of the ocean. We didn't mind; after all, we are the mighty O'Connell Clan! Actually, Molly DID mind, so she and I had hot tea at The Summit Inn instead. Once she heard everyone describe the views, Molly decided that she DID want to see them, so she and I eventually climbed to the top. After 6 miles of forced marching, we came home, ate chili, got dressed and went to 11:00 PM Mass at St. Teresa's near Grafton St. It took Bob a while to figure out what all the bright lights, cameras, and free candles were all about, but eventually - with our help - he deduced that the Mass was being televised throughout Ireland. He wasn't too mad. Afterward there were no taxis available, so we finished our day with another invigorating walk. You'll understand why I did the unthinkable on Christmas morning: I slept until 9:00 AM! My family got to witness many of my Christmas morning antics that I usually keep hidden: things like spilling raw turkey juice all over the countertops and discovering I've gift wrapped 3 socks for Megan and just 1 for Nancy. You surely keep such secrets from your family, too, right? Somehow we had gifts to open, food to eat, and a few laughs along the way. We watched the movie _Michael Collins_ and the kids enjoyed seeing many Irish places they've visited...We are very sad to see Tim and Megan go to Scotland today.

Hope you are enjoying the holidays with your loved ones. Write and tell me all about it. I care! And I LOVE to waste time.

Wasting time, but not wasting away,
I remain



  1. i'd say that's a pretty accurate depection of what happeened yesterday. Good work.

  2. Was is "The Bloody Scream" or "The Bloody Stream"? I thought it was the scream.
