Saturday, December 5, 2009

A Friend and Some Fun

FMM: 4.5 mi

Top o'the Morning/Afternoon/Evening to you,

Shouldn't you be out scraping off your car windows or putting up your Christmas lights? Why are you sitting around reading this blog?...Oh, well, I'll help you waste your time... My newfound and soon-to-leave-the-country friend and I had great fun having tea and pastries at her house before wandering a giant art and craft show for hours. I got a lovely hand woven scarf and my friend showed me an innovative way to tie it around my neck. If I can remember how to do it, I will look great. If not, nobody's looking at me anyway. She also gave me her air mattress, so now my children can fight over who gets to sleep on it and who gets to eat the box of macaroni and cheese Mary sent. Don't you all want to come visit?...Bob and I went to the Irish music/dance hall. It reminded me of the American Legion Hall in Paris. It's a private Irish Culture Club in an old white mansion and has a bar with several rooms in the basement for Irish music and dancing. Bob finally got the Irish music he has been craving. It seems that anyone can come in, sit down, and join in the music. In fact, we didn't know any better and found ourselves sitting right in the middle of the gathering band. We didn't dance the jig, but we might next time. Luckily, we made the 11:30 bus home after standing in the -- you guessed it -- rain for 30 mins. I'm pleasantly exhausted from so much interaction, stimulation, and excitement in one day.

Further Suggestions Submitted for my plastic tie-under-the-chin rain hat:

The Sonnet Bonnet (would one of you like to write a sonnet to my bonnet? I promise to publish it right here on the Blog from the Bog; my standards are VERY low, as you can see.)

Hag Hat (incribed with "I am an old hag and I don't care what I look like" all over it)

Bloody Bonnet

Blog Bonnet

I must make a correction, too. Megan is NOT a slacker. She did, in fact, send in the correct response to what the 2nd or 3rd most spoken language in Ireland is. Do any of you remember what it is?? I thought not.

Time to make a list of things to do and then not do them anyway.

Saturday slacking,

I remain,



  1. Of course I remember.... POLISH! That's because I can understand it. Now speaking it is another story.

  2. I'm behind the power curve, I know, but what is your mailing address? Thanks, Carol
