Thursday, December 17, 2009

A Dublin Christmas

FMM: 0 mi - never left the apt

Hi, Harried Holidayers (I've always loved made up words, haven't you?),

In about 24 hours, I will no longer be an anonymous (purple) bag lady wandering the streets of Dublin. No, I will be that most cherished of creatures: dear old Mom. At the airport, my children's faces will shine with delight when they spot me. We'll hug and talk all at once and try to make up for the 3 months we've been apart. We'll sit by the peat fire with mugs of hot cider and the children will listen enthralled at my tales of Christmases past. We'll sing a few of our favorite Christmas carols. Bob will carve the goose while everyone smiles and looks expectantly down the table at him. Finally, with my family happy and well-fed, I will raise a toast, "God bless us everyone."

Or something like that...Do you think I've watched too many movies??

Before this idyllic scene takes place, I have a few tasks to complete today. I am dragging Tim & Megan's bedspread down 4 flights to shake it out. Then I'll drag it back up again. Hopefully, it won't be raining and I will remember to take the apt keys with me. After that, I will be dusting, adjusting, cleaning, leaning, scrubbing, rubbing, drying, (crying), folding, holding, sweeping, (weeping), spraying, praying, wiping, typing, making, baking, walking, not talking, shopping, flopping, wrapping, napping, wrapping, napping, wining, and dining!

I'll try to post a few pictures while Tim and Megan are here to show me how or better yet do it for me. In fact, I think they just posted one. I probably won't blog much for the next few weeks while the kids are here.

Have a wonderful holiday and I'll see ya next year! Thanks for reading.

Having Christmas delusions,
I remain

1 comment:

  1. merry christmas mom i love you! maybe you'll find this comment and be over joyed that i left you one :)
