Wednesday, December 2, 2009

All in a Day's Non-Work

FMM: 2 mi

Greetings, Gang,

Question (answer at the bottom): Can I see a palm tree growing outside my apartment?

Nancy's blog comment deemed yesterday's posting "the most boring one ever", I hope I don't top that today. Maybe she would like to be my guest blogger for a day...Yesterday I walked to nearby Grafton St. My walking friend recently asked if I'd been into Brown Thomas yet. I told her that since it has a doorman wearing a top hat that I usually don't feel qualified to walk in there in my daily garb. Somehow it doesn't seem like a granny jeans tennis shoe waterproof tote bag type of place. She insisted I should go on it. Well, I did wander into Brown Thomas and no alarms went off. However, in case you are alarmed, rest assured that I did not have my wheelie cart with me to cause suspicion. While no one stopped to give me a perfume sample or offer me a makeover, I did feel quite welcome. I've now decided to visit every store on Grafton St. For you non-Dubliners, Grafton is the highest rent retail district in Ireland and possibly in Europe. I'll take you there if you come.

Answer: Yes, there are palm trees here. They thrive in the rainy environment.

Boring everyone I meet,

I remain



  1. A palm tree?! I can't wait! Can we wear our bikinis and drink margaritas next to it? I feel like at this point you would be willing to do something like this just for the companionship :)

  2. I'm sitting under a palm tree in my bikini as i write this.

    Love ya,
