Monday, April 19, 2010


FMM: 2.5 mi

Hi, Friends and Frenemies,

I am entering my 5th day of being stranded on an island. That's right. Planes are still grounded in Ireland due to volcanic ash. While I haven't started naming volleyballs or talking to them yet, it's only a matter of time...I had to console myself at the American Women's Club of Dublin's (AWCD) Margarita Monday. That helped a little. It was held at Dandelion on Stephen's Green, a hip nightclub that probably wouldn't allow us in on the weekends unless we wore really short skirts, (actually, in that case, they would probably ban us completely) but is happy to take our money on Mondays at 4:00. We enjoyed having the whole cool place to ourselves. In keeping with our middle-aged lady image, one of our members complained about the caliber of the margaritas. The barman claimed he absolutely did not put orange liqueur in them. I suggested that next time we take a margarita recipe and insist that all bars follow it. That way we can get an honest-to-goodness margarita, maybe even one with salt on the glass's rim. Now that probably would get us banned for life...Welcome to my new great-nephew, William Andrew Joseph Kirby, who was born yesterday to Kit and Andy Kirby. Hopefully, Kit and the baby won't have to ride home in the mouse-infested car. Two people contacted me yesterday wondering if I had "made up" the mouse in the seat story. Never! Have you ever known me to stretch the truth?? Furthermore, I couldn't have made that up if I'd wanted to. You wouldn't have believed me..I also got contacted by an unnamed friend about my misuse of pronouns in yesterday's blog. If you were offended by my errors, don't worry, I have gone back and corrected every last one of them. However, it has given me an idea for getting feedback. I will start making a grammatical error or two every day and you can write and tell me my mistakes...

Drinking and thinking,

Me remains



  1. I will start making a grammatical error or two every day and you can write and tell me my mistakes...

    Make that:

    you can write and tell me my mistake or mistakes..

    Are we to assume you are habitually making multiple errors? :-)

  2. See, I've already incited a comment! Hooray! Thanks, Michael. I'll try harder.
