Thursday, April 1, 2010

Calm Down!

FMM: 4 mi

Hi, Excitable Readers,

Wow! Thanks for your blog comments yesterday. I'm still reading them. I didn't mean to incite such a response! I was only doing my job. Some things just need to be said...Okay, moving on..I met a friend for coffee and dessert yesterday. Don't be so surprised. I can scrounge up a friend when I need one. Although she's Canadian, she's from the American Women in Dublin Club. We had such a good time that we eventually moved from the coffee shop to the bar across the street. We came to a few conclusions: 1) our children should always listen to our advice; 2) our husbands should always listen to our advice (I just made that up, but we would've decided it had we discussed it);3) tattoos are generally not a good idea; 4) there's no way to get your hair to shine at our age; 5) 9 out of 10 eclairs sold in Ireland need to have sugar added to the whipped cream filling...Good Friday is a national holiday here as is Easter Monday. The bars are closed today, but that has sparked and ongoing national debate due to a big rugby game being played in Limerick. Somehow the bars there have petitioned and are allowed to be open today...Okay, if you've read this far, I'll come clean. There was no blog yesterday, you April fools! Gotcha!

Jesting and testing,
I remain



  1. Well I suppose I will make a comment since you are dying to have some.... No one played any April Fools jokes on me this year,except that Cody tried to tell me he won $50 on a scratchers ticket. You would think he would at least say he won $100 for an April Fool's joke lol!! Do people play jokes in Ireland for April Fools?

  2. Yes. One TV show had a contest for people to send in their stories. Some involved tricks older siblings played on younger ones. I could certainly relate to those as I was always much abused by the behavior of my older siblings, even if I was a crybaby, a whiner, and a tattletale.
