Sunday, April 25, 2010

Ars Gratia Artis

FMM: 4mi

Happy Monday, Everyone,

Today I'm treating you to a work of art - me reading a book at Dun Laoghaire (pronounced Dun leer' e). You have my permission to use my picture as your screensaver. You know you want to think of me every time you log on. Go ahead. I'll wait...To help my young readers avoid an unnecessary Google, ars gratia artis means "art for art's sake". It is MGM's motto. BUT, did you know that Leo the Lion, who roars at the beginning of each MGM movie, is Irish? That's right. Leo was born right here in the Dublin Zoo. He even roars with a brogue. Haven't you noticed?..

Trivial but convivial,

I remain



  1. Reader Request: Please start referring to your blog pictures as "Glamour Shots", I think it will add a nice layer of sophistication, and I don't think I am the only reader who will enjoy it!

    Also, many thanks for the MGM trivia, it will most certainly come in handy some day during a heated game of Trivial Pursuit, I am sure of it!

  2. Well, I guess if I don't include any more close ups I might be able to get away with calling them "glamour shots". And maybe I can figure out how to make my camera lens a little fuzzy. You know Oprah's pictures are doctored up; why not mine?
