FMM: 2.5 mi
Greetings, Friends, Fam, & Frenemies,
Yesterday's blogs (there were 2 posts yesterday) generated no PUBLIC comments, but all 3 of my children contacted me PRIVATELY. What do you make of that??..I really do have some big news, but you'll just have to wait...In the "What else do I have to do?" Department: On behalf of my dear friend Marianne J, I've been shaking down a local proprietor for an item that she hasn't received. He's starting to figure out who he's dealing with -- two irate middle-aged women who have time to harass him -- and he claims he sent it out Wednesday. I'll keep you posted. I waited all day for a plumber to show up. He finally did -- at 8:00 PM. The result? He doesn't know what's wrong with the dishwasher and I should call the 800 number in the UK. At least that's what I think he said as he didn't really speak English....Okay, I've wasted enough of your time. The big news is that Molly got a job! She will begin working in Kansas City for Cerner, a supplier of IT to health facilities. She is thrilled, and so are we. She graduates in May with an MHA (master of health administration)...We are heading to Donegal today through Monday with our Irish friends, the Keanes. I don't know if we'll have WiFi, so I may not be blogging Saturday or Monday...
Beaming from ear to ear,
I remain
Thursday, April 29, 2010
Embarrassing My New Friends
FMM: 4 mi
Hi, Blogiphiles,
Yesterday my food intake was almost normal. My only aberration was having 2 glasses of wine for dinner. Note that I said "for" dinner, not "at" dinner. Yeah, that was my dinner. I was also shirtless and lying on the couch watching TV, but don't put that image in your head...Okay, let's move on..Earlier in the day I went to book club and had a lively discussion of -- you guessed it -- _The Picture of Dorian Gray_. Mercifully, Dublin's One Read series of events ends tomorrow, so I can officially put Dorian to rest. I went out to lunch in the lovely seaside town of Sandy Mount with two new friends, France and Melise. I had my purple patent leather wheelie cart with me. I was proudly extolling its virtues of as neither of them has one. I told them that it would revolutionize their lives. Both of them looked at me and burst out laughing. How dare they?? They said that they were perfectly aware of wheelie carts, but that they perceive them as the realm of women "of a certain age." They prefer to carry their items home in bags despite the inconvenience! Well, I'll show them. I am leaving this land in 6 weeks and guess to whom I am bequeathing my wheelie cart? My fancy friend France. I will leave her detailed directions for its use and perhaps a conveniently placed rain bonnet in the zipper compartment. Those aren't for "women of a certain age", too, are they?....Thanks for the SNAIL MAIL -- Marianne Juergensmeyer, Ann Shaeperkoetter, Nancy O'Connell. Keep it comin'...Bob comes home from Belfast tonight so I will hopefully get back to "normal", whatever that is...Mouse Update: Kit has not opened the door to the mouse-infested car in nearly 2 wks. It has either found a way out or she had better just leave that door shut...
Popping wheelies,
I remain
Hi, Blogiphiles,
Yesterday my food intake was almost normal. My only aberration was having 2 glasses of wine for dinner. Note that I said "for" dinner, not "at" dinner. Yeah, that was my dinner. I was also shirtless and lying on the couch watching TV, but don't put that image in your head...Okay, let's move on..Earlier in the day I went to book club and had a lively discussion of -- you guessed it -- _The Picture of Dorian Gray_. Mercifully, Dublin's One Read series of events ends tomorrow, so I can officially put Dorian to rest. I went out to lunch in the lovely seaside town of Sandy Mount with two new friends, France and Melise. I had my purple patent leather wheelie cart with me. I was proudly extolling its virtues of as neither of them has one. I told them that it would revolutionize their lives. Both of them looked at me and burst out laughing. How dare they?? They said that they were perfectly aware of wheelie carts, but that they perceive them as the realm of women "of a certain age." They prefer to carry their items home in bags despite the inconvenience! Well, I'll show them. I am leaving this land in 6 weeks and guess to whom I am bequeathing my wheelie cart? My fancy friend France. I will leave her detailed directions for its use and perhaps a conveniently placed rain bonnet in the zipper compartment. Those aren't for "women of a certain age", too, are they?....Thanks for the SNAIL MAIL -- Marianne Juergensmeyer, Ann Shaeperkoetter, Nancy O'Connell. Keep it comin'...Bob comes home from Belfast tonight so I will hopefully get back to "normal", whatever that is...Mouse Update: Kit has not opened the door to the mouse-infested car in nearly 2 wks. It has either found a way out or she had better just leave that door shut...
Popping wheelies,
I remain
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
When the Cat's Away...
FMM: 3.5 mi
Top O' the Morning/Noon/Night,
With Bob in Belfast for 3 days, I am a playing mouse. While throwing frozen dinners in the oven, sorting socks, or checking the OJ supply aren't terribly demanding tasks, I'm still glad to be free of them. However, I have found myself slipping into the bad habits of the last time I was left completely alone. By 10:30 AM, I had consumed a bowl of Grape Nuts, apple juice , AND a mid-morning snack of four chocolate cookies, a bag of potato chips (it was small), a bag of pretzels (also small), and warm sticky toffee pudding with whipped cream (not small). After that, I ate my "official" lunch of rigatoni with tomato sauce, my last precious cup of applesauce (brought to me by Teresa Foster), and a carrot (small, but aren't you proud of me?). Thank heavens there is not a CCTV (closed circuit television) in my apartment or Jillian from _The Biggest Loser_ would have come in person to drag me off to "the ranch". At this point, I decided that I needed to get out of the apartment. I had a large box to mail to the U.S., so I ingeniously strapped it to my wheelie cart with a belt and a string and set off to Donnybrook Fair, an upscale grocery/deli which houses a post office outlet. I wish I had looked at my watch. I arrived at 1:05, the height of the lunch hour. I wheeled past 30 or so smartly dressed professionals (Did you know I live in a very upscale section of Dublin known as D4? ) lined up to order sushi or salmon salad or whatever health-conscious people eat. At least I didn't have my rain bonnet on. To my surprise, the cost to ship the box was $100. I was going to send a check to my niece Kit for a baby gift, but Bob persuaded me that that was an "old lady" thing to do and that I should buy a gift and send it. I do hope little Drew Kirby appreciates his old great-aunt's efforts. And, Emily, if you're reading this, you're getting a check!..If you're still reading this shameful account of my day, I'll tell you the rest. I walked to the library to view a _Picture of Dorian Gray_ digital painting which changes from a handsome Dorian to a hideous Dorian in 30 minutes. What else did I have to do? I sat and watched it. I then wandered home, ate a bagel, crackers, and cheese for dinner as well as a chocolate graham cracker that had hidden itself in the back of the cabinet hoping to escape my morning rampage. I then plopped on the couch and stayed there for 4 continous hours talking on the phone to Mom, Molly, Tim, Pam (2 hours - we were just getting started), and my brother Bob...Today is a new day. I have no "good" (aka "junk food") food left to ravage, and I am determined to clean up my act and set a sensible, mature example for all of you readers. Otherwise, I may have to set a mousetrap for myself...
Consuming your calories for you,
I remain
Top O' the Morning/Noon/Night,
With Bob in Belfast for 3 days, I am a playing mouse. While throwing frozen dinners in the oven, sorting socks, or checking the OJ supply aren't terribly demanding tasks, I'm still glad to be free of them. However, I have found myself slipping into the bad habits of the last time I was left completely alone. By 10:30 AM, I had consumed a bowl of Grape Nuts, apple juice , AND a mid-morning snack of four chocolate cookies, a bag of potato chips (it was small), a bag of pretzels (also small), and warm sticky toffee pudding with whipped cream (not small). After that, I ate my "official" lunch of rigatoni with tomato sauce, my last precious cup of applesauce (brought to me by Teresa Foster), and a carrot (small, but aren't you proud of me?). Thank heavens there is not a CCTV (closed circuit television) in my apartment or Jillian from _The Biggest Loser_ would have come in person to drag me off to "the ranch". At this point, I decided that I needed to get out of the apartment. I had a large box to mail to the U.S., so I ingeniously strapped it to my wheelie cart with a belt and a string and set off to Donnybrook Fair, an upscale grocery/deli which houses a post office outlet. I wish I had looked at my watch. I arrived at 1:05, the height of the lunch hour. I wheeled past 30 or so smartly dressed professionals (Did you know I live in a very upscale section of Dublin known as D4? ) lined up to order sushi or salmon salad or whatever health-conscious people eat. At least I didn't have my rain bonnet on. To my surprise, the cost to ship the box was $100. I was going to send a check to my niece Kit for a baby gift, but Bob persuaded me that that was an "old lady" thing to do and that I should buy a gift and send it. I do hope little Drew Kirby appreciates his old great-aunt's efforts. And, Emily, if you're reading this, you're getting a check!..If you're still reading this shameful account of my day, I'll tell you the rest. I walked to the library to view a _Picture of Dorian Gray_ digital painting which changes from a handsome Dorian to a hideous Dorian in 30 minutes. What else did I have to do? I sat and watched it. I then wandered home, ate a bagel, crackers, and cheese for dinner as well as a chocolate graham cracker that had hidden itself in the back of the cabinet hoping to escape my morning rampage. I then plopped on the couch and stayed there for 4 continous hours talking on the phone to Mom, Molly, Tim, Pam (2 hours - we were just getting started), and my brother Bob...Today is a new day. I have no "good" (aka "junk food") food left to ravage, and I am determined to clean up my act and set a sensible, mature example for all of you readers. Otherwise, I may have to set a mousetrap for myself...
Consuming your calories for you,
I remain
Monday, April 26, 2010
Missing the Fun
FMM: 8 mi
Cheers, Mates,
Bob is off to Northern Ireland for a 3 day tour with Fulbrighters from Ireland and Britain. You'll be happy to know that your tax dollars are NOT paying for ME or any spouses to go. What am I supposed to do? Sit her and whine to my friends and family?.. Two of my seashore walking pals have installed not bathrooms, but wet rooms in their homes. Have you ever heard of these? The shower area floor is heated. There are no shower curtains or doors. The small floor tiles are angled toward a drain. So that water has no place to collect, the toilet and the sink are are attached to the wall, not the floor. The toilet tank is encased in another room. They claim they're great, easy to clean, and can be used into old age....In other news, I did my duty and showed up for the Monday Margarita Club. At least I'm welcome there...Off to entertain myself in a foreign land. My purple wheelie cart is getting antsy to leave our fourth floor perch and so am I...
Whining but not dining,
I remain
Cheers, Mates,
Bob is off to Northern Ireland for a 3 day tour with Fulbrighters from Ireland and Britain. You'll be happy to know that your tax dollars are NOT paying for ME or any spouses to go. What am I supposed to do? Sit her and whine to my friends and family?.. Two of my seashore walking pals have installed not bathrooms, but wet rooms in their homes. Have you ever heard of these? The shower area floor is heated. There are no shower curtains or doors. The small floor tiles are angled toward a drain. So that water has no place to collect, the toilet and the sink are are attached to the wall, not the floor. The toilet tank is encased in another room. They claim they're great, easy to clean, and can be used into old age....In other news, I did my duty and showed up for the Monday Margarita Club. At least I'm welcome there...Off to entertain myself in a foreign land. My purple wheelie cart is getting antsy to leave our fourth floor perch and so am I...
Whining but not dining,
I remain
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Ars Gratia Artis

FMM: 4mi
Happy Monday, Everyone,
Today I'm treating you to a work of art - me reading a book at Dun Laoghaire (pronounced Dun leer' e). You have my permission to use my picture as your screensaver. You know you want to think of me every time you log on. Go ahead. I'll wait...To help my young readers avoid an unnecessary Google, ars gratia artis means "art for art's sake". It is MGM's motto. BUT, did you know that Leo the Lion, who roars at the beginning of each MGM movie, is Irish? That's right. Leo was born right here in the Dublin Zoo. He even roars with a brogue. Haven't you noticed?..
Trivial but convivial,
I remain
Friday, April 23, 2010
A Real Page Turner
FMM: 3 mi (that's Forced March Miles, for any newbies)
Good morning, Saturday Slackers,
Have you reset the mousetraps? You did remember to put one in your car, right? Fine, then you can read on. Otherwise, I'll wait for you...I gloated too soon yesterday. My idyllic trip to St. Stephen's Green to read until the sun went down didn't exactly go as planned. I did find a perfect sunny spot on a bench. I opened my book and began to read _Let the Great World Spin_. Within minutes, two foreigners sat down and began an animated conversation in Spanish. I decided I would just people watch until they finished. Well, I began to doze off. I don't think I snored, but one never knows. They showed no signs of quieting down, so I took myself to another bench. When I arrived, the lady sitting on it promptly got up and left. I opened my book and another set of foreigners speaking Polish (I think) sat down. Now I shouldn't complain about foreigners since I'm one myself, but if they spoke English at least I could eavesdrop on their conversations! It was also a bit chillier than I had thought, and I found that turning pages with my woolly gloves on was not so easy. I could've joined a homeless man with his backpack, but I decided to do what I do best: go on a forced march around Grafton Street... This morning I plan to sit on the couch under a blanket and read my book. I should remember my old boss Frank Ferguson's adage about newsletters, "Don't write what you're going to do. Write what you've already done." You'd think I would learn my lesson..
Seeking study hall,
I remain
Good morning, Saturday Slackers,
Have you reset the mousetraps? You did remember to put one in your car, right? Fine, then you can read on. Otherwise, I'll wait for you...I gloated too soon yesterday. My idyllic trip to St. Stephen's Green to read until the sun went down didn't exactly go as planned. I did find a perfect sunny spot on a bench. I opened my book and began to read _Let the Great World Spin_. Within minutes, two foreigners sat down and began an animated conversation in Spanish. I decided I would just people watch until they finished. Well, I began to doze off. I don't think I snored, but one never knows. They showed no signs of quieting down, so I took myself to another bench. When I arrived, the lady sitting on it promptly got up and left. I opened my book and another set of foreigners speaking Polish (I think) sat down. Now I shouldn't complain about foreigners since I'm one myself, but if they spoke English at least I could eavesdrop on their conversations! It was also a bit chillier than I had thought, and I found that turning pages with my woolly gloves on was not so easy. I could've joined a homeless man with his backpack, but I decided to do what I do best: go on a forced march around Grafton Street... This morning I plan to sit on the couch under a blanket and read my book. I should remember my old boss Frank Ferguson's adage about newsletters, "Don't write what you're going to do. Write what you've already done." You'd think I would learn my lesson..
Seeking study hall,
I remain
Friday Food for Thought
FMM: 7 mi
Hi, Ladies, Gents, and the rest of you,
Last night we went to a production of Oscar Wilde's works. I will leave you with a few of Wilde's quotations to ponder:
"We're all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars."
"Work is the curse of the drinking classes."
"I can resist anything except temptation."
"The only thing worse than being talked about is not being talked about."
"Biography lends to death a new terror."
"The only thing to do with good advice is to pass it on. It is never of use to oneself."
"My own business always bores me to death. I prefer other people's."
"America is the only country that went from barbarism to decadence without civilization in between."
And, finally, one to which the Blog from the Bog firmly adheres:
"Life is far too important a thing ever to talk seriously about."
I am off to enjoy the beautiful weather. I, ladies and gentleman, am taking a book down to Stephen's Green and sitting on a bench until the sun goes down..
Quoting and gloating,
I remain
Hi, Ladies, Gents, and the rest of you,
Last night we went to a production of Oscar Wilde's works. I will leave you with a few of Wilde's quotations to ponder:
"We're all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars."
"Work is the curse of the drinking classes."
"I can resist anything except temptation."
"The only thing worse than being talked about is not being talked about."
"Biography lends to death a new terror."
"The only thing to do with good advice is to pass it on. It is never of use to oneself."
"My own business always bores me to death. I prefer other people's."
"America is the only country that went from barbarism to decadence without civilization in between."
And, finally, one to which the Blog from the Bog firmly adheres:
"Life is far too important a thing ever to talk seriously about."
I am off to enjoy the beautiful weather. I, ladies and gentleman, am taking a book down to Stephen's Green and sitting on a bench until the sun goes down..
Quoting and gloating,
I remain
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Who is this? What is this?

FMM: 2.5 mi
Good day, Mates,
Do you know what kind of flower is above? I don't. It's in St. Stephen's Green. It also comes in orange. Do you know who is in the picture with me? I'll tell ya later..I went to the lunchtime play based on Oscar Wilde's story "The Birthday of the Infanta". I like noontime plays -- less chance that I 'll fall asleep. The Dublin One Read book is _The Picture of Dorian Gray_,so there are a lot of Oscar Wilde events this month. A book by a Dublin author is always selected. I reread _Dorian_ , and I would recommend it...The lady above is my new friend named France. We had a fun afternoon of shopping, going to an exhibit, drinking coffee, and chatting...I had an e-mail from Teresa Foster. She hopes that when I search my family history that I find a few cousins who are "full of craic" like me. She's so sweet...In other news, Nancy's billfold was lost and then found for the second time this year. Of course, it only got found after the card cancellations, but I didn't mind. What else do I have to do but sit on the phone with Master Card? All in the mother of a freshman's day, right? I would be ashamed to tell her all the things I lost or had stolen my freshman year at U of I. The list included numerous contact lenses,a billfold, and a full bag of luggage. Don't tell her, though, okay?..Off to walk at the seashore...
Still having your fun for you,
I remain
Great x 5
FMM: 1 mi
Hi, Friends, Fans, and Foes,
I am doing what I should have done when I arrived here 7 months ago: researching my Irish roots. And I don't mean my hair. When your mother stays in the same house for 100 years, she uncovers such things as a letter written by my great-grandfather in 1882. I have been poring over such a letter. It traces the Coady family tree back to my great-great-great-great-great-grandparents. It lists names, maiden names, and the towns where my ancestors lived. I've been figuring out the correct spelling of the towns and locating them on a map of County Kilkenny. If you have these names in your background, you might be my relative: Singleton, Kelly, Walsh,or Barry. I'm not sure what I will do with this information, but the search kept me occupied and intrigued all day. Yes, this is what you do when you have no live people with whom to interact: you look up your dead relatives. Trust me. I know these things. Megan, if you hadn't talked me into getting this laptop, who knows what kind of trouble I would be getting myself into?...Off to meet a friend for lunch and a dramatic reading of an Oscar Wilde story at Bewley's on Grafton Street.
ROOTing and computing,
I remain
Hi, Friends, Fans, and Foes,
I am doing what I should have done when I arrived here 7 months ago: researching my Irish roots. And I don't mean my hair. When your mother stays in the same house for 100 years, she uncovers such things as a letter written by my great-grandfather in 1882. I have been poring over such a letter. It traces the Coady family tree back to my great-great-great-great-great-grandparents. It lists names, maiden names, and the towns where my ancestors lived. I've been figuring out the correct spelling of the towns and locating them on a map of County Kilkenny. If you have these names in your background, you might be my relative: Singleton, Kelly, Walsh,or Barry. I'm not sure what I will do with this information, but the search kept me occupied and intrigued all day. Yes, this is what you do when you have no live people with whom to interact: you look up your dead relatives. Trust me. I know these things. Megan, if you hadn't talked me into getting this laptop, who knows what kind of trouble I would be getting myself into?...Off to meet a friend for lunch and a dramatic reading of an Oscar Wilde story at Bewley's on Grafton Street.
ROOTing and computing,
I remain
Monday, April 19, 2010
FMM: 2.5 mi
Hi, Friends and Frenemies,
I am entering my 5th day of being stranded on an island. That's right. Planes are still grounded in Ireland due to volcanic ash. While I haven't started naming volleyballs or talking to them yet, it's only a matter of time...I had to console myself at the American Women's Club of Dublin's (AWCD) Margarita Monday. That helped a little. It was held at Dandelion on Stephen's Green, a hip nightclub that probably wouldn't allow us in on the weekends unless we wore really short skirts, (actually, in that case, they would probably ban us completely) but is happy to take our money on Mondays at 4:00. We enjoyed having the whole cool place to ourselves. In keeping with our middle-aged lady image, one of our members complained about the caliber of the margaritas. The barman claimed he absolutely did not put orange liqueur in them. I suggested that next time we take a margarita recipe and insist that all bars follow it. That way we can get an honest-to-goodness margarita, maybe even one with salt on the glass's rim. Now that probably would get us banned for life...Welcome to my new great-nephew, William Andrew Joseph Kirby, who was born yesterday to Kit and Andy Kirby. Hopefully, Kit and the baby won't have to ride home in the mouse-infested car. Two people contacted me yesterday wondering if I had "made up" the mouse in the seat story. Never! Have you ever known me to stretch the truth?? Furthermore, I couldn't have made that up if I'd wanted to. You wouldn't have believed me..I also got contacted by an unnamed friend about my misuse of pronouns in yesterday's blog. If you were offended by my errors, don't worry, I have gone back and corrected every last one of them. However, it has given me an idea for getting feedback. I will start making a grammatical error or two every day and you can write and tell me my mistakes...
Drinking and thinking,
Me remains
Hi, Friends and Frenemies,
I am entering my 5th day of being stranded on an island. That's right. Planes are still grounded in Ireland due to volcanic ash. While I haven't started naming volleyballs or talking to them yet, it's only a matter of time...I had to console myself at the American Women's Club of Dublin's (AWCD) Margarita Monday. That helped a little. It was held at Dandelion on Stephen's Green, a hip nightclub that probably wouldn't allow us in on the weekends unless we wore really short skirts, (actually, in that case, they would probably ban us completely) but is happy to take our money on Mondays at 4:00. We enjoyed having the whole cool place to ourselves. In keeping with our middle-aged lady image, one of our members complained about the caliber of the margaritas. The barman claimed he absolutely did not put orange liqueur in them. I suggested that next time we take a margarita recipe and insist that all bars follow it. That way we can get an honest-to-goodness margarita, maybe even one with salt on the glass's rim. Now that probably would get us banned for life...Welcome to my new great-nephew, William Andrew Joseph Kirby, who was born yesterday to Kit and Andy Kirby. Hopefully, Kit and the baby won't have to ride home in the mouse-infested car. Two people contacted me yesterday wondering if I had "made up" the mouse in the seat story. Never! Have you ever known me to stretch the truth?? Furthermore, I couldn't have made that up if I'd wanted to. You wouldn't have believed me..I also got contacted by an unnamed friend about my misuse of pronouns in yesterday's blog. If you were offended by my errors, don't worry, I have gone back and corrected every last one of them. However, it has given me an idea for getting feedback. I will start making a grammatical error or two every day and you can write and tell me my mistakes...
Drinking and thinking,
Me remains
Monday, Maynooth, Me, Molly, More Mice

FMM: 12 mi (Sat & Sun)
Happy Monday, Lads and Lassies,
There are some reasons that Baby Boomers shouldn't have digital cameras. See the second photo. Since Oprah always appears on the cover of her magazine, who else but I should be featured most often on Tiztalk? After all, you're reading this because you want to hear Tiz talk, right? Since we currently have no visitors to abuse, it's either Bob or I. Eventually, I may learn how to move around the pictures, put captions under them, and make my text go where it should, but in the meantime, I'm still amazed that I have ever gotten a picture to show up at all. The first one is mind BOGgling: it is I in front of a 5,000 year old piece of BOG at St. Patrick's College at Maynooth...We spent most of the weekend marching around Maynooth and Phoenix Park, a 1,000+ acre park here in Dublin, the largest enclosed park in Europe...Family Updates: Nancy's practice for her bit part in the Pi Phi Greek Week Skit was taking up 12 hours of her day yesterday. She was trying to figure out how to get out of practice so she could go home and do something frivolous: study for a test. Molly has a job interview today and has nothing suitable to wear. It seems that the nice suit I bought her last fall for just this purpose is now entirely unflattering and unsuitable. She was shopping at Gap at 4 PM yesterday..My niece Kit has a unique problem. Last week she was driving and felt a pain in her upper back. As her baby is due today (!!), she assumed it was a labor pain. However, the pain moved around her back in an unusual pattern. She stopped to clean out the car and discovered what she thought were chocolate sprinkles from ice cream. Since she is a certified health and safety inspector, she took a closer look and discovered that they were -- you guessed it --mouse droppings! Yes, a mouse is living in the seat of her car and was the cause of the strange feelings in her back! So far, the creature has not been captured. So, beware, ladies and gentlemen, and keep setting those mousetraps!...All the mouse droppings fit to print..
BOGgling minds every day,
I remain
Friday, April 16, 2010
This 'n That
FMM: 1.5 mi
Hi, Saturday Slackers,
Have you checked your mole traps? Your mousetraps? Do you have your shovels ready? You must truly have nothing better to do - or you must have something dreadful to do - if you are reading a blog entitled "This 'n That". Oh, well, if you insist.. I read a scary story yesterday about a young woman in Cork who was walking her dog along the shore in County Cork and got stuck in quicksand up to her neck for 30 minutes. That's one danger I hadn't considered. I will be watching my step these days. I thought if I didn't get struck by a bus while here I would be doing pretty well. They are still driving on the wrong side of the road here, despite my complaints. I've discovered that 75 countries drive on the left side of the road. Bob had told me there were 6, but my web search tells me otherwise...Volcanic ash is still grounding most flights here. Mother Nature wants to make absolutely sure that we remember our year here...
Slacking and yakking,
I remain
Hi, Saturday Slackers,
Have you checked your mole traps? Your mousetraps? Do you have your shovels ready? You must truly have nothing better to do - or you must have something dreadful to do - if you are reading a blog entitled "This 'n That". Oh, well, if you insist.. I read a scary story yesterday about a young woman in Cork who was walking her dog along the shore in County Cork and got stuck in quicksand up to her neck for 30 minutes. That's one danger I hadn't considered. I will be watching my step these days. I thought if I didn't get struck by a bus while here I would be doing pretty well. They are still driving on the wrong side of the road here, despite my complaints. I've discovered that 75 countries drive on the left side of the road. Bob had told me there were 6, but my web search tells me otherwise...Volcanic ash is still grounding most flights here. Mother Nature wants to make absolutely sure that we remember our year here...
Slacking and yakking,
I remain
St Stephen's Green

FMM: 1.5 mi
Hi, Folks,
Spring has arrived as the photo of St. Stephen's Green shows. The park is just a few blocks away..Many planes are grounded here due to volcanic ash from Iceland. Of course, I had no idea where Iceland was, but I do now. Wikipedia tells me that it's a lot closer than I thought... We hope to see a few movies at the documentary film festival this weekend... You know I'm out of steam when I'm writing about the weather, geography, and what I might do. Oh, well, better luck next blog..
Boring and snoring,
I remain
Thursday, April 15, 2010
A Hole in One?
FMM: 0
Hi, Everybody,
No much happening here; however, I did hear an American diss on TV. A sportscaster reported that golferPhil Mickelson had driven through Krispy Kreme in his green Masters jacket. The sportscaster didn't know what Krispy Kreme was. When he learned that it was a drive-thru doughnut shop, he rolled his eyes and said, "Ah, America, home of the brave!" The other announcer replied, "I hope he doesn't get jam on his jacket." If I had had interactive TV, I would've told them 1) I would kill for a Krispy Kreme Doughnut shop about now; 2) We wouldn't ruin a good doughnut by putting jam on it...Off to meditate on other important topics of the day..
Missing my transfats terribly,
I remain
Hi, Everybody,
No much happening here; however, I did hear an American diss on TV. A sportscaster reported that golferPhil Mickelson had driven through Krispy Kreme in his green Masters jacket. The sportscaster didn't know what Krispy Kreme was. When he learned that it was a drive-thru doughnut shop, he rolled his eyes and said, "Ah, America, home of the brave!" The other announcer replied, "I hope he doesn't get jam on his jacket." If I had had interactive TV, I would've told them 1) I would kill for a Krispy Kreme Doughnut shop about now; 2) We wouldn't ruin a good doughnut by putting jam on it...Off to meditate on other important topics of the day..
Missing my transfats terribly,
I remain
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Another Set Bites the Dust

You've come here and stayed a while;
We've shown you 'round the Emerald Isle.
Until we meet across the sea,
May God bless you, and God bless me.
FMM: 5mi
Hi, Friends, Fam, and Foes,
We have just run yet another set of visitors out of town. Yes, the Fosters are heading back to sunny Missouri. Like others before them, they are probably headed to the nearest psychiatrist when they get home. No doubt Scott will need to talk with someone about the experience of going to a museum with Bob. You’ve heard of the nihilist play “No Exit”, of course? Well, it’s sort of like that. Once you get Bob into a museum, you can’t get out . However Scott attempted to repay Bob by taking 30 minutes worth of photos of Dublin doors. Scott was also suffering from severe iced tea withdrawal . Hopefully, Panera is preparing a barrel to celebrate his return. Teresa will need the usual De-(Tiz)tox treatment to counteract 7 days spent with me blabbing away. She may simply need to take another vacation, something she seems always willing to do…We followed Rick Steves’ advice and discovered an actual good pastry shop – (translation: plenty of sugar used and worth the calories) called the Queen of Tarts…We went to an indie movie called _Double Take_ which was about Alfred Hitchcock’s Doppelganger. Don’t feel bad if you don’t know that word; I didn’t know it either until Molly and Nancy told me recently. It’s the person in the world who looks just like you and is living a parallel life. Anyway, the movie was quite strange, but it did get us talking about Doppelgangers. Teresa and Scott reiterated the sentiments of Tim, Molly, Nancy, and a waitress at Shiloh Bar that Bob’s Doppelganger is Larry David. Of course, Bob refuses to remember who Larry David is which only solidifies everyone’s opinion. The pivotal statement was Bob’s announcement --- after learning about the lack of sewage facilities in Edinburgh during Medieval times – was to announce that “99% of the people in all of history have lived miserable lives.” On that note, I will leave you and get back to my own miserable life, and I’ll let you get back to yours….
Miserable and Tizerable,
I remain
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
No Time to Blog
Sorry, guys. Off to meet Teresa and Scott. No time to blog. Catch you tomorrow.
Sunday, April 11, 2010
Kells, Cliffs, and Clowning Around

FMM: 7 miles
Hi, Mates,
Look carefully at the picture. Notice anything? Bob and Scott have been stealing beauty secrets from me and Teresa. This picture flatters them because they are bending a knee, turned sideways slightly, and they should have had their chins raised. Don't they look like cover boys? We thought so, too..Now on to more important things (SURE, Tizzie..) Bob took Teresa and Scott to the Book of Hells (oops, I mean Kells) while I sat on a bench and read _The Picture of Dorian Gray_. We met our Irish friends Michael and Jenny Keane at a dinner/music venue called My Irish Party. When asked to sing a song, Michael did our table proud with a many-versed Irish ditty which brought down the house. Bob, Scott, Teresa, and I determined that we couldn't think of a comparable song to sing. Michael says he's experienced this before with Americans. Unlike the Irish, we don't sit around and sing much. Therefore, we have no clever American ballads to sing at the ready. Can you help us out? We are scratching our brains. Teresa suggested "Yankee Doodle Dandy", but we couldn't remember the words. I came up with a song Dad used to sing in the car "Ragtime Cowboy Joe". Any suggestions? Send them along, and start singing. You'll be prepared next time you have an opportunity to get up and show your stuff. I'll be singing "Turkey in the Straw" in the shower myself shortly...I have had further thoughts on Teresa's passport loss. It think I've figured it out. It's her new hair color. She used to be a level-headed brunette. Just a theory...Yesterday was a grand day of FMMing (forced mile marching for any newbies) on the cliffs at Howth, followed by a fresh seafood dinner, and a nightcap at O'Brien's Pub. Bob and Scott wonder what Teresa and I can find to talk about (many of you reading this mostly), but we haven't run out of topics yet. If you've done anything wild and crazy or scandalous, please let me know right as we have two more days to fill up with talk..Off to sight see. Maybe I'll surprise them with a little song as we wander the streets of Dublin...
Belting out while Celting out,
I remain
Friday, April 9, 2010
Another Friend Messes Up

FMM: 6 miles (including 1 Royal Mile)
Hi, Lads and Lassies,
We are having a great time sightseeing here in Edinburgh. The city and the sights are gorgeous. We have been to the castles as well as several museums and tours of the cemetery and the underground city... However, I seem to have a strange effect on my friends. Teresa woke up this morning and found that she was without her purse which contained - you guessed it - her passport. That's right. Marianne J loses her credit card and now Teresa loses her purse. And these two ladies are my most organized friends by far. I think it is the "Tizzie effect". Nonetheless, I always savor an opportunity to look good myself at the expense of my friends. I know just where my own passport is -- Bob has it for safekeeping. It turns out she had left it in a bar - the big lush (!) - and the bartender found it, so our day was saved.. We're heading to Dublin first thing tomorrow, so I won't be blogging.
Still a tattletale,
I remain
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
On A Kilt Trip

FMM: 5 mi
Hi, Statesiders & others,
Here we are in bonny Edinburgh (Tim is right; it is pronounced Ed-in-burra, not Ed-in-burrow). It is absolutely gorgeous. It is 10 PM Wed. and - in true O'Connell fashion - we have managed to torture the Fosters and ourselves via sleep deprivation combined with nonstop forced marching up and down hills and around a castle and food and drink only at irregular intervals. Teresa and Scott have finally escaped and locked themselves in their room for the night. We are meeting first thing tomorrow morning for more fun...
Tired and wired,
I remain
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
All Wet
FMM: 7 mi
Hi, Pals,
Been tickling any rats? Just wondering...Bob and I took yet another beach side march at Malahide. We were rained on, blown around, pelted by little pea-sized hail, splashed by cars driving through puddles, and, of course, ended up walking twice as far as we intended. Bob's only comment, "Aren't the rainstorms better here than in Missouri? No fear of lightning or tornadoes." I told him that my goal before I leave is to go to the ocean once when I'm not cold, wet, or with a group of fitness freaks, and sit on a bench as long as I want just looking out... We leave for Edinburgh (pronounced "ed'in burrow"), Scotland, tomorrow to meet the Fosters. To save $75, we are not checking any luggage. We'll show that greedy Aer Lingus! Who needs luggage? We plan to spend our $75 at a fine restaurant, preferably one that allows faded flood pants, water-logged tennis shoes, and green suede St. Pat's ball caps. I warned Teresa that I was adopting the 3 layered vagrant look. She seems okay with it... No blog tomorrow. Catch you on Thursday.
Cracking about not packing (Okay this one has no rhythm, but I am off for a haircut and can't spend all morning thinking of cute ways to sign off!),
I remain
Hi, Pals,
Been tickling any rats? Just wondering...Bob and I took yet another beach side march at Malahide. We were rained on, blown around, pelted by little pea-sized hail, splashed by cars driving through puddles, and, of course, ended up walking twice as far as we intended. Bob's only comment, "Aren't the rainstorms better here than in Missouri? No fear of lightning or tornadoes." I told him that my goal before I leave is to go to the ocean once when I'm not cold, wet, or with a group of fitness freaks, and sit on a bench as long as I want just looking out... We leave for Edinburgh (pronounced "ed'in burrow"), Scotland, tomorrow to meet the Fosters. To save $75, we are not checking any luggage. We'll show that greedy Aer Lingus! Who needs luggage? We plan to spend our $75 at a fine restaurant, preferably one that allows faded flood pants, water-logged tennis shoes, and green suede St. Pat's ball caps. I warned Teresa that I was adopting the 3 layered vagrant look. She seems okay with it... No blog tomorrow. Catch you on Thursday.
Cracking about not packing (Okay this one has no rhythm, but I am off for a haircut and can't spend all morning thinking of cute ways to sign off!),
I remain
Monday, April 5, 2010
Bank Holiday
Sorry, Guys,
Today is a bank holiday here. Bob is home, and I'm off schedule. Our building is quiet, many businesses are closed, and the streets are deserted. I'm taking the day off, too. Catch you Tuesday.
Slacking, not yakking,
I remain
Today is a bank holiday here. Bob is home, and I'm off schedule. Our building is quiet, many businesses are closed, and the streets are deserted. I'm taking the day off, too. Catch you Tuesday.
Slacking, not yakking,
I remain
Friday, April 2, 2010
FMM: 3 mi
Good morning, Saturday Slackers,
Don't you know it's "Turn Off Your Computer" Day? That's right. What were you thinking? Do I have to tell you what you should be doing? I guess so since you're still reading. I am perched here in my fourth floor turret looking down on the world and doing-- you guessed it -- absolutely nothing. Therefore, the rest of you must do something to make up for me and the air I breathe, the space I take up, food I eat, and most of all the hot air I exude. So, get busy! Go and check the mousetraps. Now. You know you heard a squeak. But did you know that rats - and probably mice, too - like to be tickled and they LAUGH? I don't think I would try tickling the mouse in your trap; however, if you go to YouTube and type in "Rats Laughing" you will see an interesting demonstration. And it's for real; after all, it's on YouTube...It's a quiet weekend here as most of our neighbors have gone away for Easter. We are off to Malahide to investigate another seaside walking/bike path for Scott and John. I wish you guys would hurry up and come; I'm getting tired of this. If I had a rocking chair and knew how to knit, that's what I'd be doing. But since I truly have no useful skills, I'll just keep marching and blogging..
Tickling rats 6 days a week,
I remain
Good morning, Saturday Slackers,
Don't you know it's "Turn Off Your Computer" Day? That's right. What were you thinking? Do I have to tell you what you should be doing? I guess so since you're still reading. I am perched here in my fourth floor turret looking down on the world and doing-- you guessed it -- absolutely nothing. Therefore, the rest of you must do something to make up for me and the air I breathe, the space I take up, food I eat, and most of all the hot air I exude. So, get busy! Go and check the mousetraps. Now. You know you heard a squeak. But did you know that rats - and probably mice, too - like to be tickled and they LAUGH? I don't think I would try tickling the mouse in your trap; however, if you go to YouTube and type in "Rats Laughing" you will see an interesting demonstration. And it's for real; after all, it's on YouTube...It's a quiet weekend here as most of our neighbors have gone away for Easter. We are off to Malahide to investigate another seaside walking/bike path for Scott and John. I wish you guys would hurry up and come; I'm getting tired of this. If I had a rocking chair and knew how to knit, that's what I'd be doing. But since I truly have no useful skills, I'll just keep marching and blogging..
Tickling rats 6 days a week,
I remain
Thursday, April 1, 2010
Calm Down!
FMM: 4 mi
Hi, Excitable Readers,
Wow! Thanks for your blog comments yesterday. I'm still reading them. I didn't mean to incite such a response! I was only doing my job. Some things just need to be said...Okay, moving on..I met a friend for coffee and dessert yesterday. Don't be so surprised. I can scrounge up a friend when I need one. Although she's Canadian, she's from the American Women in Dublin Club. We had such a good time that we eventually moved from the coffee shop to the bar across the street. We came to a few conclusions: 1) our children should always listen to our advice; 2) our husbands should always listen to our advice (I just made that up, but we would've decided it had we discussed it);3) tattoos are generally not a good idea; 4) there's no way to get your hair to shine at our age; 5) 9 out of 10 eclairs sold in Ireland need to have sugar added to the whipped cream filling...Good Friday is a national holiday here as is Easter Monday. The bars are closed today, but that has sparked and ongoing national debate due to a big rugby game being played in Limerick. Somehow the bars there have petitioned and are allowed to be open today...Okay, if you've read this far, I'll come clean. There was no blog yesterday, you April fools! Gotcha!
Jesting and testing,
I remain
Hi, Excitable Readers,
Wow! Thanks for your blog comments yesterday. I'm still reading them. I didn't mean to incite such a response! I was only doing my job. Some things just need to be said...Okay, moving on..I met a friend for coffee and dessert yesterday. Don't be so surprised. I can scrounge up a friend when I need one. Although she's Canadian, she's from the American Women in Dublin Club. We had such a good time that we eventually moved from the coffee shop to the bar across the street. We came to a few conclusions: 1) our children should always listen to our advice; 2) our husbands should always listen to our advice (I just made that up, but we would've decided it had we discussed it);3) tattoos are generally not a good idea; 4) there's no way to get your hair to shine at our age; 5) 9 out of 10 eclairs sold in Ireland need to have sugar added to the whipped cream filling...Good Friday is a national holiday here as is Easter Monday. The bars are closed today, but that has sparked and ongoing national debate due to a big rugby game being played in Limerick. Somehow the bars there have petitioned and are allowed to be open today...Okay, if you've read this far, I'll come clean. There was no blog yesterday, you April fools! Gotcha!
Jesting and testing,
I remain
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