We are off to Northern Ireland at 6:00 AM. Will blog on Tuesday. Happy Memorial Day.
Sunday, May 30, 2010
Friday, May 28, 2010
Baby's Back

FMM: 2 mi
Top O'the Morning, Saturday Slackers,
Nancy & company have arrived. We had a joyful reunion at the airport... The girls have already learned that "speaking English" has its own meaning in Dublin. Jessica thought the customs official was telling her to "have a nice day", to which she effusively replied, "Thank you, thank you sooo much!" He was not amused as he was saying, "How long is your stay?", and he expected a proper answer. I also had to tell Jessica to stop smiling and hang onto her purse and scowl like me (I have it perfected) as she was being approached by nice-looking young men collecting for animal charities on the street. She said that she was so happy that she couldn't stop smiling and she LOVES animals. Ah, youth! I knew I needed a breath of fresh air...Despite jet lag, they managed to stay awake at -- you guessed it -- the Book of Hells, er I mean Kells. They loved their visit to a newly-opened tourist attraction: The National Leprechaun Museum. (I wonder where the International Leprechaun Museum is?) They liked the room where everything is huge and you can pretend you're a leprechaun. Heck, I experience that every day. I was thrilled to have Marie close the kitchen window for me as I usually have to climb up onto the kitchen counter to do it. They raved about last night's lasagna, so now my hostess duties are complete, right? At least my cooking repertoire has been exhausted. It's ham sandwiches and chips from here on out...Today they are off to see the world -- at least they will be once they wake up...
Hosting a big slumber party,
I remain
P.S. It's Saturday. Faithful readers know what to do. Don't put it off. Get up now and set those mousetraps!
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Guest of Honor
FMM: 8 mi
Hi, Friends & Fam,
My farewell parties have begun; surely you've started planning my welcome home parties, haven't you? If not, get busy! My friend Marie hosted a smashing luncheon for 8 with a gorgeous menu. They use the word "gorgeous" to describe food here; in fact, the food was gorgeous, and I wanted to take a picture of it. I should have because you probably won't believe me. Here goes: a huge salmon served cold, smoked mackerel, prawns (aka "shrimp"), crab salad, tossed salad, fresh moist brown bread and butter, chicken salad, carrot salad, potato salad, tiramisu with ice cream, free-flowing wine, and coffee. We enjoyed several hours of good craic before I finally had to say good bye at 5:00 PM -- my second 4 hour lunch within a week. I am sad to leave my faithful walking friends. We have enjoyed many happy hours walking the hills and enjoying the ocean views in Howth. Their friendship has been a blessing, and I was humbled to have them go to so much trouble for me...Meanwhile back in Dublin Nancy's friend Marie Schulte had arrived from Prague and was reading a book in the Burlington Hotel lobby, patiently awaiting my return. Isn't it supposed to be the other way around? I was only 90 minutes late. What's a girl to do? Stop talking?... Nancy and her two friends arrive in a few hours. Soon we'll have a full house of 6. Can't wait for the fun to begin...
Partying on,
I remain
Hi, Friends & Fam,
My farewell parties have begun; surely you've started planning my welcome home parties, haven't you? If not, get busy! My friend Marie hosted a smashing luncheon for 8 with a gorgeous menu. They use the word "gorgeous" to describe food here; in fact, the food was gorgeous, and I wanted to take a picture of it. I should have because you probably won't believe me. Here goes: a huge salmon served cold, smoked mackerel, prawns (aka "shrimp"), crab salad, tossed salad, fresh moist brown bread and butter, chicken salad, carrot salad, potato salad, tiramisu with ice cream, free-flowing wine, and coffee. We enjoyed several hours of good craic before I finally had to say good bye at 5:00 PM -- my second 4 hour lunch within a week. I am sad to leave my faithful walking friends. We have enjoyed many happy hours walking the hills and enjoying the ocean views in Howth. Their friendship has been a blessing, and I was humbled to have them go to so much trouble for me...Meanwhile back in Dublin Nancy's friend Marie Schulte had arrived from Prague and was reading a book in the Burlington Hotel lobby, patiently awaiting my return. Isn't it supposed to be the other way around? I was only 90 minutes late. What's a girl to do? Stop talking?... Nancy and her two friends arrive in a few hours. Soon we'll have a full house of 6. Can't wait for the fun to begin...
Partying on,
I remain
Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Hi, Blogaphae and Blogaphus,
FMM: 4 mi
Toshiba Ann is back on her mother's lap with a new motherboard. She was a bit of a brat and refused to show me where my pictures are now stored, but I eventually found them. I hope you appreciate them. And I hope I can find them again sometime.
Above you'll see Rachel J and her friend Kate, Donna & Dana Y, and me with my pals at the yacht club. ( Notice the boats in the background?)...I am in full "mother mode" around here; I wish I had a new motherboard myself. Nancy will be glad to get on the plane if only to avoid one more e-mail or phone call from me with a question, suggestion, or a downright order. I did _take a break last night and went to the Abbey Theater to see the world premiere of _Bookworms_, a play about a book club. It was quite entertaining and even featured two actresses from _Ballykissangel_, our formerly favorite Irish TV show..My friend Marie is having a going-away luncheon for me at her house today after we walk at the seashore. I nearly cried when she told me she was doing it...Marie Schulte is coming from Prague tonight. We'll take her to the National Gallery tonight. Tomorrow morning Nancy, Jessica, and Maura arrive, and the fun begins. I can't wait!
Excited and delighted,
I remain
P.S. I know there are duplicate pix. If I could figure out how to get them off and how to make my text go where I want, believe me, I would! Gotta go on my last FMM with the Seashore Ladies!
The Reunion
FMM: 3 mi
Hi, Blogi,
I am off to pick up Toshiba Ann. I can't wait to hold her on my lap once again tickle her little keys. While Delly is a nice guy, there's nothing like your own flesh and blood, er...I mean laptop. Talk about happy laptime! (sorry, this one is an inside joke). Nancy and company arrive on Friday, so I have shifted into mother mode. The lasagna meat is cooking on the stove (Just call me Mama Oconnelli), the brownie mix is on the counter, and the grocery list is growing. Can't wait to see my little baby once again (and I do mean Nancy )!
Happy and sappy,
I remain
Hi, Blogi,
I am off to pick up Toshiba Ann. I can't wait to hold her on my lap once again tickle her little keys. While Delly is a nice guy, there's nothing like your own flesh and blood, er...I mean laptop. Talk about happy laptime! (sorry, this one is an inside joke). Nancy and company arrive on Friday, so I have shifted into mother mode. The lasagna meat is cooking on the stove (Just call me Mama Oconnelli), the brownie mix is on the counter, and the grocery list is growing. Can't wait to see my little baby once again (and I do mean Nancy )!
Happy and sappy,
I remain
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Compliments I've Received
FMM: 2 mi
Hi, Bloga and Blogus,
If you took Latin, you'll understand the salutation. I must be getting reflective in my waning days of Irish captivity. I have been focusing on nice things people have said to or about me. Don't worry; this won't take long. My dentist here remarked, "I wish I could get the Irish people to floss like you." Well, if you move to a foreign country and have an abscess, a root canal, gum cyst surgery, and your husband breaks a crown, believe me you are a most motivated flosser. With my eating habits, I am walking around with floss hanging out of my mouth most of the day...Donna's daughter Dana told me that my purple patent leather wheelie cart is much "cooler" than her mother's black mesh one. I have style and I didn't even know it.....Bob thanked me for last night's "delicious dinner" (a frozen Tesco brand quiche, salad from a bag whose expiration date I refuse to reveal, and a left over mini muffin). He was serious, too. Aren't you curious what a bad dinner would be around here?...The young Latvian man who cut my hair thought it was very thick or at least I think that's what he said. He could have been saying "ick" or "sick"....My friend Pam told me that I should write a book. She's been telling me that for at least 38 years. She said that I couldn't write _Ulysses_, but I could write something "quirky". Well, I think I have been writing _Ulysses_ all year, in a quirky sort of way right here on The Blog from the Blog. And I know Nancy feels like I've been gone for 20 years....I'll try to think of more compliments while I'm off hunting and gathering..
Pondering while wandering,
I remain
Hi, Bloga and Blogus,
If you took Latin, you'll understand the salutation. I must be getting reflective in my waning days of Irish captivity. I have been focusing on nice things people have said to or about me. Don't worry; this won't take long. My dentist here remarked, "I wish I could get the Irish people to floss like you." Well, if you move to a foreign country and have an abscess, a root canal, gum cyst surgery, and your husband breaks a crown, believe me you are a most motivated flosser. With my eating habits, I am walking around with floss hanging out of my mouth most of the day...Donna's daughter Dana told me that my purple patent leather wheelie cart is much "cooler" than her mother's black mesh one. I have style and I didn't even know it.....Bob thanked me for last night's "delicious dinner" (a frozen Tesco brand quiche, salad from a bag whose expiration date I refuse to reveal, and a left over mini muffin). He was serious, too. Aren't you curious what a bad dinner would be around here?...The young Latvian man who cut my hair thought it was very thick or at least I think that's what he said. He could have been saying "ick" or "sick"....My friend Pam told me that I should write a book. She's been telling me that for at least 38 years. She said that I couldn't write _Ulysses_, but I could write something "quirky". Well, I think I have been writing _Ulysses_ all year, in a quirky sort of way right here on The Blog from the Blog. And I know Nancy feels like I've been gone for 20 years....I'll try to think of more compliments while I'm off hunting and gathering..
Pondering while wandering,
I remain
Monday, May 24, 2010
A Knack for Craic
FMM: 7 mi
Hi, Lads and Lassies,
Sorry about not blogging Saturday. I hope I did not add to your slacking by causing you to click on Tiztalk dozens of times. Surely you remembered to do You Know What without being reminded!...I've experienced two firsts: I've dined at a yacht club and been on a pub crawl. I went to a charity luncheon sponsored by the Peninsula Society at the Howth Yacht Club. The ladies I walk with (aka "the Seashore Ladies") had a table. We ate, drank, yakked, laughed, and took pictures. It was a gorgeous day to sit by the ocean. It started at 12:30 and was still going when I left at 4:30. And you thought only American women knew how to have a good time. As if that weren't enough fun for one day, Bob, Donna, Dana, and I went on a pub crawl that evening. I had my first beer in about 20 years; I've sworn off for another 20. We eventually ended up in the basement of a bar where a Bob got a taste of what he is always seeking: traditional Irish music...Donna was gloating about the fact that - unlike my previous guests - she hadn't lost a passport, debit card, purse or anything while visiting. Well, on the way home, she suffered what I would call a delayed "Tizzie effect." She left her reading glasses on the plane. The flight attendant announced that a pair had been found, but she didn't realize they were HERS until later. Now who would do that??..While Donna and Dana were in the air, we received a call from Rachel Juergensmeyer and her friend who are staying at a hostel. We met them for dinner and enjoyed hearing about their adventures in England...In Other News: Nancy and her pals are coming later this week...Molly starts her new job today.. My laptop needs a new motherboard. I guess I have worn it out with 9 months of nonstop surfing, e-mailing, and blogging. I should have my best friend (Toshiba Ann) back by Thursday. I promise to add lots of pictures...
Still slacking and yakking,
I remain
Hi, Lads and Lassies,
Sorry about not blogging Saturday. I hope I did not add to your slacking by causing you to click on Tiztalk dozens of times. Surely you remembered to do You Know What without being reminded!...I've experienced two firsts: I've dined at a yacht club and been on a pub crawl. I went to a charity luncheon sponsored by the Peninsula Society at the Howth Yacht Club. The ladies I walk with (aka "the Seashore Ladies") had a table. We ate, drank, yakked, laughed, and took pictures. It was a gorgeous day to sit by the ocean. It started at 12:30 and was still going when I left at 4:30. And you thought only American women knew how to have a good time. As if that weren't enough fun for one day, Bob, Donna, Dana, and I went on a pub crawl that evening. I had my first beer in about 20 years; I've sworn off for another 20. We eventually ended up in the basement of a bar where a Bob got a taste of what he is always seeking: traditional Irish music...Donna was gloating about the fact that - unlike my previous guests - she hadn't lost a passport, debit card, purse or anything while visiting. Well, on the way home, she suffered what I would call a delayed "Tizzie effect." She left her reading glasses on the plane. The flight attendant announced that a pair had been found, but she didn't realize they were HERS until later. Now who would do that??..While Donna and Dana were in the air, we received a call from Rachel Juergensmeyer and her friend who are staying at a hostel. We met them for dinner and enjoyed hearing about their adventures in England...In Other News: Nancy and her pals are coming later this week...Molly starts her new job today.. My laptop needs a new motherboard. I guess I have worn it out with 9 months of nonstop surfing, e-mailing, and blogging. I should have my best friend (Toshiba Ann) back by Thursday. I promise to add lots of pictures...
Still slacking and yakking,
I remain
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Some Broads Abroad
FMM: 4 mi
Hi, Friends & Fam,
Donna and Dana from Chicago via Rome have arrived! I once more have a purpose in life: eating, drinking, and being merry. We dined and drank on O'Connell Street then ended up at the Arlington Hotel watching Irish dancing. At the end of the evening, Bob pulled his usual trick when asked, "Is it close enough to walk home?" I truthfully announced that it was a 35 min walk while Bob insisted it was only 20-25. Who did they believe? At least it was a beautiful evening. Their FMMs have begun...Due to volcanic ash, Donna and Dana spent 3 extra days in Rome. Although they missed seeing me, they did talk rather excitedly about unexpectedly seeing a famous man named Benedict. Perhaps you've heard of him? ..The good news is that Donna and Dana get to stay here until Sunday. Donna and have I picked up our wisecracking repertoire where we left off last time and her patient daughter Dana (23) has acquired another old broad (me)who doesn't know east from west or how to turn up the volume on her cell phone. I think her mother has also kept her busy locating the "@" symbol on Italian computers and deciphering how to make international phone calls with calling cards. She has even needed to instruct her mother on the proper pronunciation of the word "blog". Does anyone really know how this this made-up word is pronounced? Now if she can figure out how to get photos onto Bob's computer and then onto this blog, we're all in luck. This time I predict that Dana will be my visitor who needs psychiatric care after she goes home. After all, she has been with her mother for 11 days and 3 more just got added with her mother's old cackling crone of a friend. Nonetheless, Dana is young and strong and I have high hopes that she can withstand this assault on her sanity and her very being. She even seemed quite interested in Bob's description of reading _Ulysses_...In other news, I am off to the Howth Yacht Club today. Don't laugh! I was officially invited by one of the Seashore Ladies. I will brush off my black pants once again and try to behave myself. However, it is supposed to be hot today, so let's hope I'm not perspiring in my polyester... Perhaps you're wondering where my guests will be while I'm off hobnobbing with Dublin's elite? At the Book of Hells - er I mean the Book of Kells -, of course! A friend gave me two free tickets, and I have graciously shared them with my friends....
Broadening my horizons every day,
I remain
Hi, Friends & Fam,
Donna and Dana from Chicago via Rome have arrived! I once more have a purpose in life: eating, drinking, and being merry. We dined and drank on O'Connell Street then ended up at the Arlington Hotel watching Irish dancing. At the end of the evening, Bob pulled his usual trick when asked, "Is it close enough to walk home?" I truthfully announced that it was a 35 min walk while Bob insisted it was only 20-25. Who did they believe? At least it was a beautiful evening. Their FMMs have begun...Due to volcanic ash, Donna and Dana spent 3 extra days in Rome. Although they missed seeing me, they did talk rather excitedly about unexpectedly seeing a famous man named Benedict. Perhaps you've heard of him? ..The good news is that Donna and Dana get to stay here until Sunday. Donna and have I picked up our wisecracking repertoire where we left off last time and her patient daughter Dana (23) has acquired another old broad (me)who doesn't know east from west or how to turn up the volume on her cell phone. I think her mother has also kept her busy locating the "@" symbol on Italian computers and deciphering how to make international phone calls with calling cards. She has even needed to instruct her mother on the proper pronunciation of the word "blog". Does anyone really know how this this made-up word is pronounced? Now if she can figure out how to get photos onto Bob's computer and then onto this blog, we're all in luck. This time I predict that Dana will be my visitor who needs psychiatric care after she goes home. After all, she has been with her mother for 11 days and 3 more just got added with her mother's old cackling crone of a friend. Nonetheless, Dana is young and strong and I have high hopes that she can withstand this assault on her sanity and her very being. She even seemed quite interested in Bob's description of reading _Ulysses_...In other news, I am off to the Howth Yacht Club today. Don't laugh! I was officially invited by one of the Seashore Ladies. I will brush off my black pants once again and try to behave myself. However, it is supposed to be hot today, so let's hope I'm not perspiring in my polyester... Perhaps you're wondering where my guests will be while I'm off hobnobbing with Dublin's elite? At the Book of Hells - er I mean the Book of Kells -, of course! A friend gave me two free tickets, and I have graciously shared them with my friends....
Broadening my horizons every day,
I remain
Mea Culpa
Hi, Folks,
I've been working on Nancy's itinerary details and my friend Donna is flying in shortly. Sorry, but I'm out of time. You'll have to get your blather fix somewhere else today.
I've been working on Nancy's itinerary details and my friend Donna is flying in shortly. Sorry, but I'm out of time. You'll have to get your blather fix somewhere else today.
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Drugged Out
FMM: 1 mi
Hi, Friends & Fam,
You've caught me at a bad time. I've been working on prescription claim forms to be resubmitted to my U.S. insurance company. Last night, after I perused the latest form that needed completing, Bob made a rare attempt to calm ME down; usually, it's the other way around. I am trying positive. I keep reminding myself that this is all worth $500 to me -- or at least it could be, might be, or should be. Who knows what I'll actually receive or why? I only know that my 45 days to re-submit the forms is running out and that my patience has already run out... My mood got so bad that I had to meet my friend France at Kilkenny for coffee and a scone just to get away from it all. Afterward we visited a Hyperbolic Crocheted Coral Reef Exhibit at Trinity College... I'm back home now an ready to get down to business...
Claiming and complaining,
I remain
Hi, Friends & Fam,
You've caught me at a bad time. I've been working on prescription claim forms to be resubmitted to my U.S. insurance company. Last night, after I perused the latest form that needed completing, Bob made a rare attempt to calm ME down; usually, it's the other way around. I am trying positive. I keep reminding myself that this is all worth $500 to me -- or at least it could be, might be, or should be. Who knows what I'll actually receive or why? I only know that my 45 days to re-submit the forms is running out and that my patience has already run out... My mood got so bad that I had to meet my friend France at Kilkenny for coffee and a scone just to get away from it all. Afterward we visited a Hyperbolic Crocheted Coral Reef Exhibit at Trinity College... I'm back home now an ready to get down to business...
Claiming and complaining,
I remain
Monday, May 17, 2010
FMM: 2 mi
My friends Donna & Dana are volcanic ashed in in Rome, Italy until Thursday. I guess they could be stranded in worse places. So, I have cooked and cleaned for nothing. I will have to hide the lemon squares and my world-famous Betty Crocker brownies from Bob(and myself) for 3 days. It won't be easy. He boldly ate a plate full last night before I had a chance to protect them...I just gingerly put the battery into my water-damaged camera; it works! Hallelujah!
Hiding while biding,
I remain
My friends Donna & Dana are volcanic ashed in in Rome, Italy until Thursday. I guess they could be stranded in worse places. So, I have cooked and cleaned for nothing. I will have to hide the lemon squares and my world-famous Betty Crocker brownies from Bob(and myself) for 3 days. It won't be easy. He boldly ate a plate full last night before I had a chance to protect them...I just gingerly put the battery into my water-damaged camera; it works! Hallelujah!
Hiding while biding,
I remain
Sunday, May 16, 2010
An Ocean Away
FMM: 7 mi
Happy Monday,
Seems like my children had a fun weekend at the old home place. Reports indicate that the grass is a little long, but dandelion-free, the house is habitable, my car is still running, and our cat Tip is keeping up her mouse-killing duties. The kids enjoyed late night happy hour at Addison's (leave it to Molly..), cinnamon crunch bagels from Panera (can you hear me weep?), and dinner at Murry's...Dublin Airport is cancelled due to volcanic ash, so my friends Donna and Dana will not be arriving on time today. Nonetheless, I plan to to cook, clean, and maybe even wash my "good" jeans...
Fussing and Gussying,
I remain
Friday, May 14, 2010
FMM: 1 mi
Hi, Saturday Slackers,
You know what you should be doing. Why are you reading The Blog from the Bog? Is anyone looking over your shoulder? For all you know, there could be a mouse perched on your shoulder. Get up and set those mousetraps! I'll wait....You're back? OK. I presume Molly graduated last night. I'm only her mother, so how would I know for sure? The photos were taken yesterday afternoon. The first is of Molly and her boyfriend Cody. The second is Nancy and Molly. Aren't they darling?..I met my friend at the mall for lunch and shopping. We did great at the lunch part but quickly tired of the shopping part. We decided to go to her house for coffee, cupcakes, and conversation instead...If you run into Tim, Megan, Molly, or Nancy this weekend, give them my regards..
Missing the fun,
I remain
This 'n That
FMM: 4 mim
Hi, Friends, Fam, & Frenemies,
Last night's concert at the Embassy was grand. I finally got to see the U.S. ambassador - from the rear anyway. Do you know his name??..I am beginning to say goodbye to my friends in the American Women's Club. While I haven't known them for long, I certainly have been glad to have them. Friends really do make all the difference. My friend France gave me the highest compliment: she says I remind her of her best friend and that she laughs just as much with me as with her... I am off for lunch and shopping with an Irish friend who has promised to find me petite clothing...Molly graduates from MU tonight. Tim, Megan, Nancy, and Cody are scheduled to cheer her on...
Feeling just a little homesick,
I remain
Hi, Friends, Fam, & Frenemies,
Last night's concert at the Embassy was grand. I finally got to see the U.S. ambassador - from the rear anyway. Do you know his name??..I am beginning to say goodbye to my friends in the American Women's Club. While I haven't known them for long, I certainly have been glad to have them. Friends really do make all the difference. My friend France gave me the highest compliment: she says I remind her of her best friend and that she laughs just as much with me as with her... I am off for lunch and shopping with an Irish friend who has promised to find me petite clothing...Molly graduates from MU tonight. Tim, Megan, Nancy, and Cody are scheduled to cheer her on...
Feeling just a little homesick,
I remain
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Nancy & Nada
FMM: 3 mi
Hi, Friends & Fam,
Nancy has mono. If you see her bopping around Columbia, please send her to bed and report back to me immediately. She needs to rest for her trip here...So far I've resisted the urge to turn on my water-damaged camera to see if it works; I haven't resisted much else, however...Today I have the American Women in Dublin meeting. Last time I left home at 9:45 and got home at 3:30. We have lots of important business to conduct, you know. Don't you smirk!.. Tonight we are attending a concert at the U.S. Embassy. I hope my black pants hold up for one more outing...
Wasting your time for you,
I remain
Hi, Friends & Fam,
Nancy has mono. If you see her bopping around Columbia, please send her to bed and report back to me immediately. She needs to rest for her trip here...So far I've resisted the urge to turn on my water-damaged camera to see if it works; I haven't resisted much else, however...Today I have the American Women in Dublin meeting. Last time I left home at 9:45 and got home at 3:30. We have lots of important business to conduct, you know. Don't you smirk!.. Tonight we are attending a concert at the U.S. Embassy. I hope my black pants hold up for one more outing...
Wasting your time for you,
I remain
Just My Luck
FMM: 1 mi
Hi, People,
My camera must've read my blog yesterday. While waiting in line at the Post Office, a lady pointed out that something was leaking out of my bag. I had bought a bottle of water, had a few sips, and placed it into my tote bag. The water bottle had relieved itself all over my camera. I tried the camera; a picture feebly flickered on the screen. I have rushed home to attempt resusitation. I immediately dried it with my hairdryer which only runs on "high". Then I found a great website. The first suggestion was:"Whatever you do, DON'T turn on the camera." The second suggestion? "Dry the camera ONLY on the lowest heat setting." I am now following the third direction: "Put it in a dry, well-ventilated place for 7 days." Wish me luck! I need it.
Feckless and techless,
I remain
Hi, People,
My camera must've read my blog yesterday. While waiting in line at the Post Office, a lady pointed out that something was leaking out of my bag. I had bought a bottle of water, had a few sips, and placed it into my tote bag. The water bottle had relieved itself all over my camera. I tried the camera; a picture feebly flickered on the screen. I have rushed home to attempt resusitation. I immediately dried it with my hairdryer which only runs on "high". Then I found a great website. The first suggestion was:"Whatever you do, DON'T turn on the camera." The second suggestion? "Dry the camera ONLY on the lowest heat setting." I am now following the third direction: "Put it in a dry, well-ventilated place for 7 days." Wish me luck! I need it.
Feckless and techless,
I remain
Monday, May 10, 2010
Life WIthout My Laptop
FMM: 1 mi
Hi, Folks,
I'm adjusting to my sentence of seven to ten days without my laptop. Sure I am. I have limited access to Bob's laptop, but he doesn't have the right stuff bookmarked, he uses Internet Explorer instead of Firefox, his keyboard is way too big, I can't find my files, and I can't figure out how to download photos. Basically, I miss my little 4 pound 9" Toshiba friend, even if she did let me down. I begged her black screen to come to life. I gently turned her on and off dozens of times, hoping for a miracle. She flatly refused. She would whir temptingly for a second or two before rebuffing my entreaties. Unlike most other pieces of technology -- 2 video cameras, several phones, and a snapshot camera -- I swear I never dropped her, spilled coffee on her, or left her on the roof of my car during a wedding (remember Bonnie Kiernan's wedding, Mary?). No, I treated her with utmost care. I securely zipped her into a soft red "skin" each time I took her out. I carried her close to my heart on the trains, planes, boats, and automobiles, always looking out for her safety and comfort. Nonetheless, my love has betrayed me. She has cast me off into a sea of uncertainty with no way to make sense of my world. I am utterly lost...
Scorned and forlorn,
I remain
Hi, Folks,
I'm adjusting to my sentence of seven to ten days without my laptop. Sure I am. I have limited access to Bob's laptop, but he doesn't have the right stuff bookmarked, he uses Internet Explorer instead of Firefox, his keyboard is way too big, I can't find my files, and I can't figure out how to download photos. Basically, I miss my little 4 pound 9" Toshiba friend, even if she did let me down. I begged her black screen to come to life. I gently turned her on and off dozens of times, hoping for a miracle. She flatly refused. She would whir temptingly for a second or two before rebuffing my entreaties. Unlike most other pieces of technology -- 2 video cameras, several phones, and a snapshot camera -- I swear I never dropped her, spilled coffee on her, or left her on the roof of my car during a wedding (remember Bonnie Kiernan's wedding, Mary?). No, I treated her with utmost care. I securely zipped her into a soft red "skin" each time I took her out. I carried her close to my heart on the trains, planes, boats, and automobiles, always looking out for her safety and comfort. Nonetheless, my love has betrayed me. She has cast me off into a sea of uncertainty with no way to make sense of my world. I am utterly lost...
Scorned and forlorn,
I remain

FMM: 1 mi
Hi, Friends & Family,
Pictured are Bob's new-found cousins: Ann, Margaret, and Daniel. They were floored by how much Bob resembles their late father. They couldn't stop looking at him. Their father stayed in Ireland while most of his siblings - including Bob's dad - emigrated to the U.S. in the 1930s. We had fun catching up on each other's lives and families. Bob learned that his grandmother -- who died in the 1930s - was noted for her beauty. She was a teacher; however, she didn't teach in a school building. She taught in a Hedge School where classes were held outside near bushes, bridges, or sometimes in barns. In defiance of British rule, the Irish set up these schools to ensure that Roman Catholicism as well as Irish history, tradition, and ancestry could be taught... The cousins gave us a warm welcome and a lively tour of Tipperary, or "Tip", as the locals call it...In other news, my laptop hard drive has or is crashing, so I am at the mercy of Bob's willingness to lend me his laptop...
Grinnin' and kinnin',
I remain
Friday, May 7, 2010
Off to Meet the Cousins
FMM: 1 mi
Hi, Saturday Slackers,
What are you doing reading a blog? I can hear the mice from here! Get busy! Get those mousetraps set. While you're at it, put out the ant traps, the roach hotels, and perhaps deposit that special "liquid" around the tulips - you know, the one that keeps the deer away. I may need to hire a full time exterminator by the time I get back to the states...Today is a big day. Bob has several first cousins here that he's never met. Today we'll finally meet one or more of them. We are headed off on the train to Tipperary.
Off to kiss the cousins,
I remain
Hi, Saturday Slackers,
What are you doing reading a blog? I can hear the mice from here! Get busy! Get those mousetraps set. While you're at it, put out the ant traps, the roach hotels, and perhaps deposit that special "liquid" around the tulips - you know, the one that keeps the deer away. I may need to hire a full time exterminator by the time I get back to the states...Today is a big day. Bob has several first cousins here that he's never met. Today we'll finally meet one or more of them. We are headed off on the train to Tipperary.
Off to kiss the cousins,
I remain
Fashion Tips
FMM: 7 mi
Hi, Friends and Fam,
Here’s what I learned at the fashion show last night:
*Show your legs. That’s right. No matter what they look like, the world is dying to see them. Are you dying to see my legs? I never knew that.
*Dresses are the fashion. Forget the pants -- or as they call them over here, the “trousers”.
*Pack light. Your pajama top can be worn night AND day. I think my sister already knows this trick.
*Buy new underwear.
*Check with your mother or a trusted female relative to confirm what your true hair color is. If you are a mother, cut a lock of your child’s hair, keep it in a safe place for 40 years, then hand it over to your daughter to determine how light or dark she should color her hair. It can be 2 shades lighter or darker.
No you can be as fashionable and with it as I am. You know you’ve always wanted that…
Full of blarney,
I remain
Hi, Friends and Fam,
Here’s what I learned at the fashion show last night:
*Show your legs. That’s right. No matter what they look like, the world is dying to see them. Are you dying to see my legs? I never knew that.
*Dresses are the fashion. Forget the pants -- or as they call them over here, the “trousers”.
*Pack light. Your pajama top can be worn night AND day. I think my sister already knows this trick.
*Buy new underwear.
*Check with your mother or a trusted female relative to confirm what your true hair color is. If you are a mother, cut a lock of your child’s hair, keep it in a safe place for 40 years, then hand it over to your daughter to determine how light or dark she should color her hair. It can be 2 shades lighter or darker.
No you can be as fashionable and with it as I am. You know you’ve always wanted that…
Full of blarney,
I remain
Thursday, May 6, 2010
Gussying Up a Gissa
FMM: 4 mi
Hi, Folks,
Tonight I am headed to the American Women of Dublin's Fashion Show. I know, I know, I'm hardly fashion show material. In fact, I've never even been to a fashion show. I decided to attempt to improve my image by buying a new outfit to wear to the show. My total clothing purchases since arriving 9 months ago include a turtleneck (4 euros), a sweater (7 euros), a St. Pat's green hat (3 euros), and my big ticket item-- a winter coast (67 euros). That totals 81 euros or about $105 by today's exchange rate. I did arrive on these shores with two new pairs of jeans and a new top. Nowadays I check my jeans each morning to make sure the knees haven't worn through. Like the ugly stepsisters in "Cinderella", I attempted to squeeze myself into the latest European fashions. I've decided that they don't have people of my stature (in more ways than one!) over here. At the fourth store, I heard someone call my name. It was my friend France who is also going to the fashion show. We agreed to have coffee and revive our fragile egos. Ultimately, we've both decided on the usual solution: we are wearing our black pants tonight...
Shopping then stopping,
I remain
Hi, Folks,
Tonight I am headed to the American Women of Dublin's Fashion Show. I know, I know, I'm hardly fashion show material. In fact, I've never even been to a fashion show. I decided to attempt to improve my image by buying a new outfit to wear to the show. My total clothing purchases since arriving 9 months ago include a turtleneck (4 euros), a sweater (7 euros), a St. Pat's green hat (3 euros), and my big ticket item-- a winter coast (67 euros). That totals 81 euros or about $105 by today's exchange rate. I did arrive on these shores with two new pairs of jeans and a new top. Nowadays I check my jeans each morning to make sure the knees haven't worn through. Like the ugly stepsisters in "Cinderella", I attempted to squeeze myself into the latest European fashions. I've decided that they don't have people of my stature (in more ways than one!) over here. At the fourth store, I heard someone call my name. It was my friend France who is also going to the fashion show. We agreed to have coffee and revive our fragile egos. Ultimately, we've both decided on the usual solution: we are wearing our black pants tonight...
Shopping then stopping,
I remain
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
Telling Tales
FMM: 3 mi
Hi, Everybody,
It's a slow day, so I added pictures from Nancy's HS graduation. Nancy's English project at MU was to write and perform a rap. She wrote it all but performed it with a partner and got rave reviews. Her only complaint was that her partner got all the "good" lines, and therefore all the laughs. Life can be cruel...Tim ran the Christie Clinic Marathon in Champaign, IL last weekend. Megan learned to mow the lawn; she'll be sorry she exhibited that talent..Molly is apartment hunting in KC. She is seeking a lovely spacious place in a cool complex with a health club, pool, garage, security, great location, and one inhabited by young tenants. Oh, and it needs to be affordable, too. Send me your leads.. A birthday shout out to Mary Dierkes and Gabe Bridwell..
Reporting , not distorting,
I remain
Monday, May 3, 2010
All on a Bank Holiday

FMM: 8 mi
Hi, Gissas and Gussers,
Bob & I just returned from County Donegal; that explains your new names. Don't worry. A gissa is a girl, and a gusser is a boy. A baby is a wan as in "wee one." Our friends, Jenny & Michael Keane, drove us to County Donegal to visit with Michael's sister Mary. Once again, I caused one of my friends to do something completely out of character (Remember Marianne and her credit card? Teresa and her passport?). Well, Jenny didn't check her gauge, and -- for the first time in her life -- she ran out of gas. Since he had company along (us), Michael stayed mostly calm, and he hitched a quick ride to the petrol station. Bob especially enjoyed interacting with a lovely horse while we waited. Mary has a lovely spacious house with lots of bedrooms. Bob was the last one to bed on Friday, and he wasn't sure which bedroom was ours. At least that's what he said. He inadvertently wandered into Mary's room. She promptly woke up and ordered him out! So far this year, Bob and I have managed to avoid eating black and white pudding. Our luck ran out on Friday when our hostess served us this traditional dish of dried animal blood cooked with a filler until it congeals. That description is why we have avoided the stuff. However, we agreed it was quite tasty. I may even serve it at Bunco in August, ladies, so watch out...We stayed on St. John's Point, a peninsula. Bob thinks that Donegal is the Ireland that he -- and perhaps you -- has always had in his mind. It was rainy and windy. We saw cliffs, the ocean, fishing boats, a castle, green fields, rainbows, sheep,cows, mountains, wildflowers, and not a lot of people. It was nice to spend a relaxing weekend with friends...(An aside to Kim L, Teresa F, and any other shallow, celebrity-obsessed friends reading this: Sarah Jessica and Matthew have a place right across the bay from where we stayed.)...
Having your fun for you,
I remain
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