Monday, May 10, 2010

Life WIthout My Laptop

FMM: 1 mi

Hi, Folks,

I'm adjusting to my sentence of seven to ten days without my laptop. Sure I am. I have limited access to Bob's laptop, but he doesn't have the right stuff bookmarked, he uses Internet Explorer instead of Firefox, his keyboard is way too big, I can't find my files, and I can't figure out how to download photos. Basically, I miss my little 4 pound 9" Toshiba friend, even if she did let me down. I begged her black screen to come to life. I gently turned her on and off dozens of times, hoping for a miracle. She flatly refused. She would whir temptingly for a second or two before rebuffing my entreaties. Unlike most other pieces of technology -- 2 video cameras, several phones, and a snapshot camera -- I swear I never dropped her, spilled coffee on her, or left her on the roof of my car during a wedding (remember Bonnie Kiernan's wedding, Mary?). No, I treated her with utmost care. I securely zipped her into a soft red "skin" each time I took her out. I carried her close to my heart on the trains, planes, boats, and automobiles, always looking out for her safety and comfort. Nonetheless, my love has betrayed me. She has cast me off into a sea of uncertainty with no way to make sense of my world. I am utterly lost...

Scorned and forlorn,

I remain

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