Monday, November 16, 2009

A Little (Very Little) Knowledge & Celebrity Sighting!!

FMM: 0 (That's right; I just stayed home!)

Greetings, Gang,

Bob has just called telling of a celebrity sighting on his way to work. I will tell you who it is later...Santa has arrived in Dublin; the lights get lit on Grafton St. tonight. So, I guess the holiday season has begun. As usual, Bob and I are a step ahead. We attempted to buy 2 padded folding chairs for our upcoming guests; alas, the last 2 had been sold. However, we were told to check the other store locations about a mile or so away. What else do we have to do? Furthermore, Bob's been complaining that he needs to do some "upper body work". What better than carrying two chairs 2 miles through crowded city streets? Why, he'll even get to practice that football training move where you weave and dip...Nancy called with a loaded question, "Mom, are you going to cook when we're there?" What is the correct answer to that? Does she want to eat out or could there be someone on the face of the earth who actually longs for MY cooking? I guessed the former, but, of course, she meant the latter. So, I will attempt at least a pan of lasagna when the deprived college freshman arrives.

Just to make this blog reading worth your while today, I'll share some interesting tidbits I've learned. Here are animals that I'm told do NOT reside here:

snakes (Thank you, St. Pat!)
big cockroaches (they do have little ones..)
poisonous spiders (no brown recluses, black widows, just nice, friendly harmless Irish spiders)
coyotes (thus, the fat and happy sheep population)
camel crickets (they don't even know what they are; I don't know their official name. I only know these prehistoric creatures reside in my basement in MO.)

Mom had a happy 99th birthday. She's threatening to come back to Ireland!

Okay, Bob saw Jedward - yes, Jedward - on his way to work. If you don't know who that is then you must be living on another continent --oops, all of you are! I told him to take a picture with his cellphone, but, well, that didn't happen.

Skunkless on an island,


1 comment:

  1. hah yes mom i do LONG for your food. I've always told you that i thought you were a good cook because you are and that's why i want you to cook :) AHAh also, i saw a skunk and a opposum the other day while i was walking by faurot field. It was disgusting. Love you!
