Friday, November 13, 2009

Date Night

FMM: 5 mi

Hi, Saturday Slackers,

Shouldn't you be raking your leaves or something?..Hopefully, your spouse, friend, roommate, partner, significant other, amiable consort, family member or whoever won't catch you reading this drivel again...I met Bob last night in downtown Dublin, and for the second time this week I can say I was drenched to the bone...Our "date night" involved buying file folders, an umbrella (this may become a Friday night ritual), and eating at McDonald's (I seem to remember a restaurant chain by this name in the's all kind of hazy), and walking home in yet more rain while getting splashed by double decker buses as they whipped around corners...If that sounds fun and romantic, you are certifiably nuts...If you are seeking more commentary or even whining from me, give me a call. Bob suggested I darn my sock last night, so you know I have run out of things to do, but I'll NEVER run out of things to say!!

Happy Saturday.

Darning my sock by the peat fire,


1 comment:

  1. yes we are aware you of all people will not run out of things to say
