Monday, November 30, 2009


FMM: 1 mi

Happy Monday, Everyone,

I hope you enjoyed Thanksgiving. We traveled by train to Waterford for a Thanksgiving dinner with fellow Fulbrighters. I guess they hadn't read the book on what and how much Americans eat for Thanksgiving, but the food was interesting and tasty. However, today I find myself longing for mashed potatoes and gravy, sweet potatoes, and pumpkin and pecan pie with ice cream AND whipped cream upon it. Never mind, those thoughts probably make you sick by now.. The Waterford Crystal plant officially closed in October. Waterford was bought by a U.S. venture capital company that has moved the production to Czechoslovakia. That has been a huge blow to Waterford, but it is still a lovely historic town which dates back to 900 AD. They have something in the museum that exists no where else in the world: a piece of clothing from Henry VIII. It is a perfectly well-preserved "hat of maintenance" which Henry wore under his crown. We hoped to hear traditional Irish music on Saturday, but we got treated to another night of country western in our hotel. Think of an Irish singer singing "Okie from Muskogee". We were joined by a couple in their 80s. The man had never been out of the Republic of Ireland, not even to northern Ireland. He was a singer, so he got up and sang a few Irish tunes which delighted the crowd... We are having company for dinner -- yes, two people have actually agreed to come here tonight and eat with us before a concert. I got out one of my most precious commodities: a box of Betty Crocker brownie mix for which I paid $4.00. Then I discovered that the directions are in metrics! How dare they do that to me?? Make me pay top dollar (top euro?) and then put the directions in metrics? Since I have no mixing bowls, I used a large pan that I use for cooking vegetables. However, I'm a bit concerned that a slight green bean flavor may seep into my brownies. I then put the brownies into the same pan that I have to use for the lasagna, so I'm also concerned that at brownie flavor may seep into my lasagna....Anyway, I am off to make a third try at locating ricotta cheese lest I revert to Bob Bridwell's old recipe of using dried cottage cheese...Wish me luck. Remember, what people think of me is what they think of YOU as an American! So, I will try to behave myself.

Out doing something cheesy (I hope),


Thursday, November 26, 2009

The Morning After

FMM: 8 mi

Hi, Turkey-lovers (haters?),

In case you haven't gotten off the couch yet, it is now Friday...We went to the Hilton "American Thanksgiving" celebration. We fell for the marketing ploy and enjoyed sitting amid little American flags in the bar listening to a country western singer/guitarist while watching a real, live NFL game...Today we are taking the train to Waterford for The Fulbright Commission's Thanksgiving dinner. Packing is a breeze since I only have about 4 outfits...Currently, all my kids are at our house in Columbia, Mo and I'm not. I am sad about that. Nonetheless, I am soldiering on to new places today...NO BLOG TOMORROW OR SUNDAY..

Don't shop too much and eat a plate of leftovers in my honor,


Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving!

FMM: 3 mi

Hi, Turkeys,

Shouldn't you be stuffing your turkey or a least yourself right now? Not us. Bob is off to work, and I am off to walk at the seashore. The forecast is cold (40s) and windy, but no rain. I won't need my plasto-bonnet or my phat hat today--what, you didn't read yesterday's comment section? You're slipping... Tim and Megan will be in Jefferson City with Megan's relatives. Molly will be in Jefferson City with Cody's relatives, and Nancy will be in Marshall, MO with Marie Schulte's family.

We will take the train to Waterford Friday for a Thanksgiving dinner for the Fulbright people.

I am nostalgic for the Thanksgivings of my childhood with Dad in his element happily carving the turkey surrounded by all of us. May you have a memorable day with family and friends today.

Happy Thanksgiving to you all!


Secret Revealed

FMM: 2.5 mi

Hi, Curious and Curiouser,

I have figured out why the Irish are so literate. No mystery to me why there is an overabundance of readers and writers here: nobody wants to go outside. I wish I could play a soundclip of the wind for you. I did the next best thing; I went to Weather Underground and compared the wind in Columbia, MO to that in Dublin. Here's how it breaks down:

DUBLIN: Wind 37mph, Wind Gusts 55.3 mph
COLUMBIA: Wind 11.1 mph, Wind Gusts 21.7 mph

Nonetheless, I am determined to take a break from darning at the peat fire today... There was a nationwide strike by public employees here yesterday. It shut down many venues, including Bob's school. So, we had the day off to explore, but nothing was open. We did what you would do: nothing. We read, watched TV, and had my kids' favorite dinner: popcorn...No one has sent in a jingle or tagline for my my plastic rain hat campaign. Get busy, you slackers! Do you think you can read my blog for free? Here are a few I have come up with:

"My hat's phat." ( I must appeal to the 14-39 demographic).."How Dry I am." ( the rights to this song must be available)..Surely you can do better than this! So reply below or send me an e-mail. As you can tell, I'll read any drivel you send.

Winding through the wind like an old windbag,


Monday, November 23, 2009

Problems Solved!

FMM: 1 mi

Good day, blokes and folks,

I know you've all been wondering about my fashion idea. What fashion idea could T/T/T-M/M/L/E come up with that would sweep across the U.S. making her rich and famous once and for all? More later on that.

As Mrs. Magers often told her students, if you have a problem you can either own it or solve it. While I choose to own most of mine and whine about them incessantly, sometimes I figure out ways to solve them. Here are some solutions I've come up with lately:

No corkscrew?

A well-placed carving fork does the trick. A little elbow grease and some loud exhortations (can't repeat as my kids read this, you know) help the process. I will advise that paperclips, toothpicks, and regular forks don't work. Using this method actually improves the wine's flavor - or at least your ultimate enjoyment of it.

No basting brush?

Pour oil on your hands and rub the chicken. It works just fine and can be rather therapeutic.

Too cheap to buy nail polish remover?

Just let your toenails grow out and the polish eventually wears off. Then you can take a pointed nail file and scrape the rest of it off. This whole process only takes about 3 months, and no one wears sandals here anyway.

Umbrellas all bent and broken?

***Here is my fashion idea***Remember those plastic rain bonnets that tie under your chin? That's right, the kind Mom still puts on after she gets her hair done? Why carry an umbrella around when you can pull a handy rain hat out of your pocket and put it on? I really do think a plastic rain cap would complete my look -- purple wheelie cart, outdated light green jacket, worn out running shoes, and granny jeans...Molly, please ask Cody if he will get on this right away. I think this idea could take the world by storm (no pun intended). I need a marketing campaign... I will take your suggestions for slogans. Please send them to me and I will publish them right here on the Blog from the Bog. You can even be anonymous. Don't you want to be part of the Next Big Thing?

Always thinking (not always clearly),
I remain...


Sunday, November 22, 2009

All Wet

FMM: 2 mi

Happy Monday, America,

We had a bit of rain and wind here and now our two brand new umbrellas are in Dublin dumpsters. I thought perhaps we were the only ones dumb enough to use umbrellas, but we saw umbrella handles in several dumpsters yesterday. They couldn't all have belonged to Americans. I have been wanting to start a new fashion trend anyway. It occurred to me when Mom was here, and she wore this handy rain item...I'll tell you my plan tomorrow. If you want to guess, comment below. I think it would be a perfect complement to my purple wheelie cart persona...The Bridwell family had Thanksgiving in Paris without us yesterday. On-the-spot reports indicated that the babies didn't cry, the children behaved (even my own), and Mom made fudge (now that would be worth flying home for..)...Since _Doc Martin_ went off the air, our new Sunday night show to watch is an Irish dancing contest call _An Jig Gig_. No, I'm not kidding, and it's in Gaelic but there are subtitles...

Clogging and blogging,


Friday, November 20, 2009

Saturday Stuff

FMM: 7 mi

Hi, Weekend Wasters,

Shouldn't you be cleaning your garage? Well, since you want to waste your time, I guess it's my duty to help you...It was beautiful here yesterday and I got caught up on my walking quota for the week. I met Bob downtown and we enjoyed the Christmas lights. I persuaded Bob (shamed him into?) to carry home the 2 new folding chairs 2 miles. I wanted him to see how I suffer each day, but he walked briskly, raised and lowered the chairs, and claimed to be invigorated by the workout. Grrrrr......Kind of like when he had his first colonoscopy after my lurid descriptions, but I won't go into that...I got a nice surprise from Tim and Megan: a box of my favorite molasses chips from Flesor's Candy Shop in Tuscola! I sat right down and enjoyed several pieces for my mid-morning snack. Now that they have sent me snail mail, I have removed them from the "Wall of Shame" and added them to the "Snail Mail Honor Roll". Don't you want to be listed on that??? You know what to do. I will be publishing it shortly. E-mail me if you need my bricks and mortar address. Believe it or not, I do exist in the real as well as the virtual world..

Perched upon my new padded folding chair,

I remain,


Thursday, November 19, 2009

They're Coming to Take Me Away

FMM: 0 (BAD Weather)

Hi, Everybody,

Molly Malone here pushing my purple patent pushcart through the streets of Dublin singing, "Alive Alive 0, Alive Alive 0, I wonder if I am Alive Alive O"... Do you think I've been alone too much? Several of you have called me this week, so you must be worried about me. Remember in college when people walked into the room and encountered me and Pam they often ended up BACKING out of the room, usually in horror and confusion? Well, I think a few of you who spoke to me this week would have BACKED out the room had you been talking to me in person. And maybe called a shrink to make a housecall or a judge to issue a gag order. Anyway, I have calmed down. I haven't called the Postmaster General of Ireland and demanded that my lazy postman/woman be fired for not delivering packages to me. I haven't called the IMA (or whatever they call it) to have any physicians' licenses revoked. Nor have I assaulted anyone behind me at the grocery store for trying to rush me while I searched for the cheapest bottle of wine in Dublin. (It's called "Blossom Hill"; Bob was dismayed and afraid it might be similar to Strawberry Hill, but actually it tastes just fine.) I vowed and did take my own sweet time bagging my own groceries in my own bag while those folks in line with a salad and a chicken breast just had to wait their turn. I let the checker sigh all she wanted to. If they want me out of there in a hurry they need to provide a bag boy and a bag! If I had had a car I might have run into someone just for the heck of it a la Kathy Bates in _Fried Green Tomatoes_, but I only have my purple wheelie, so the streets of Dublin are safe for now...I did get started on my creative writing HOMEWORK (Aside: Mary insists that when we were kids, all of us had homework, but that I always had HOMEWORK and that I insisted on whining and complaining and bringing the whole family into my situation. Now I don't remember doing this, but I will say that Nancy has always had HOMEWORK while Tim and Molly only had ordinary homework..) My plans for today are to get out of this apartment come h*** (my kids read this) or high water!

Staying sane (almost),

I remain,


Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Mother Load

FMM: 3.5 mi

Hi, Blogites,

Back for more, huh?..It is dark, raining, and windy here. We currently have about one hour less daylight than you. It's too rainy and windy to walk with the seashore ladies, so I'll be home with me, myself, and I today... Yesterday I shifted into "mother mode" or should I say "mother load". I hiked to the store not once, but twice with my purple wheelie cart. ( A short aside on the purple wheelie cart. Some concern has been expressed about my lack of decorum in pushing around such a vehicle. I must only revert to one of my mother's more memorable mantras: "Nobody's looking at me." It's true. However, I have thought of searching for a matching purple patent leather raincoat just to see if I can at least get the gypsy woman who sits in front of the grocery store to open one eye or one of the young sophisticates dressed in black having a cappuccino to point and snicker with her friends.)..Okay, I'm back. Now if I can only keep the interesting cereals and cookies - well,it depends on if you consider McVitie's Digestives "interesting" - hidden from Bob and myself until Dec. 19 when all the kids are arriving, I'm off to a good start. Nancy, I did locate lasagna noodles, but they are short and seem to go in a square, not rectangular pan, so be prepared...I have also purchased towels in different colors to assign everyone so that we won't be grabbing the wrong ones off the, I mean towel racks. Tim and Megan, yours are hot pink..

Holed up on a rainy day in my 4th floor apt with stores of food that can't be touched,

I remain,


Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Spiders and Snakes

FMM: 6 mi

Hi, Rodent Lovers,

I mentioned animals that don't live in Ireland to exactly the wrong person: Dawn Peters, my outdoor & animal-loving next-door neighbor in Columbia. She has peppered me with questions such as "Are there frogs in Ireland? Opossums? Ants? Waterbugs? Etc, Etc.??" I was only trying to be cute and clever, how the heck do I know whether there are frogs here? According to Google, there are. There are also vicious grey squirrels which have killed off the nice, tame brown ones. Are you wondering how all this animal talk got started? Bob and I got a ride home with two young Irish brothers ages 19 and 25. One of them asked if I had ever seen a snake and wondered if there really were poisonous spiders in U.S. By the time, Bob got finished telling him an elaborate flesh-eating tale about what would happen if a brown recluse bit you, the poor kid was mortified. I think he expects to step off a plane in the U.S. and be immediately assaulted by snakes and spiders and sprayed by a skunk. I guess it could happen...So far, the only person I could impress with Bob's JEDWARD sighting was a young foreign-speaking girl who cut my hair yesterday...I bought a new deluxe wheeling shopping cart yesterday; my choices were purple or pink patent leather. Nancy was duly appalled when I showed it to her on Skype, she insists SHE won't be pushing it around. We'll see about that; it depends on how hungry she gets when she's here for a month...My creative writing class had a substitute last night and he gave us HOMEWORK! He must not know that we are all taking the class for fun. I will have to get off this blog and do some real writing...maybe a tale about a skunk that accidentally arrives in Ireland? A tale of two identical twins with vertical hair who win a big singing contest? A horror story about two innocent Irish lads who are greeted at the U.S. airport by spiders, snakes, and skunks?

Snaking my way through the Dublin streets with my purple wheelie cart,


Monday, November 16, 2009

A Little (Very Little) Knowledge & Celebrity Sighting!!

FMM: 0 (That's right; I just stayed home!)

Greetings, Gang,

Bob has just called telling of a celebrity sighting on his way to work. I will tell you who it is later...Santa has arrived in Dublin; the lights get lit on Grafton St. tonight. So, I guess the holiday season has begun. As usual, Bob and I are a step ahead. We attempted to buy 2 padded folding chairs for our upcoming guests; alas, the last 2 had been sold. However, we were told to check the other store locations about a mile or so away. What else do we have to do? Furthermore, Bob's been complaining that he needs to do some "upper body work". What better than carrying two chairs 2 miles through crowded city streets? Why, he'll even get to practice that football training move where you weave and dip...Nancy called with a loaded question, "Mom, are you going to cook when we're there?" What is the correct answer to that? Does she want to eat out or could there be someone on the face of the earth who actually longs for MY cooking? I guessed the former, but, of course, she meant the latter. So, I will attempt at least a pan of lasagna when the deprived college freshman arrives.

Just to make this blog reading worth your while today, I'll share some interesting tidbits I've learned. Here are animals that I'm told do NOT reside here:

snakes (Thank you, St. Pat!)
big cockroaches (they do have little ones..)
poisonous spiders (no brown recluses, black widows, just nice, friendly harmless Irish spiders)
coyotes (thus, the fat and happy sheep population)
camel crickets (they don't even know what they are; I don't know their official name. I only know these prehistoric creatures reside in my basement in MO.)

Mom had a happy 99th birthday. She's threatening to come back to Ireland!

Okay, Bob saw Jedward - yes, Jedward - on his way to work. If you don't know who that is then you must be living on another continent --oops, all of you are! I told him to take a picture with his cellphone, but, well, that didn't happen.

Skunkless on an island,


Sunday, November 15, 2009

Tiz Dishes on Art, the Sea, and Living to be 99

FMM: 5 mi

Cheers (They really DO say that over here)!

Mary left a _Redbook_ here, so I took a tip from one of the titles...Bob and I took the train to Dun Laoghaire (pronounced: Dun Lear'y; believe me, we learn all the pronunciations the hard way) Saturday. Although it was quite chilly and windy, we spied a man "of a certain age" taking what I suppose was an invigorating swim. The beach is famous for year round swimming. Because of the weather and the topography, most shorelines here are more for beauty than for swimming. We've seen no evidence of a Florida/California beach culture here.. We spent 3 hours at the National Gallery of Art learning mostly about Irish artist Jack Yeats. He started out drawing things you could recognize and ended up drawing things that needed lengthy explanation. This was attributed not to advancing age, but to his genius. May we all be so charitably treated....Mom turns 99 today. She has enjoyed getting cards from many of you. She had a nice dinner at Andrew's in Paris with Mary, Willie, Kit, Andy, Luke, Bob, Carla, Tom, Marty, Tim, and Megan. Father Zimmerman led the parish in "Happy Birthday" yesterday at Mass. So, I think she's had a nice birthday so far and it's just begun. If you want advice on how to live to be nearly 100, I can share what I've learned. If you are about to bite into something tasty like a Krispy Kreme donut or a Panera cinnamon crunch bagel with hazelnut cream cheese, DON'T DO IT! Throw it out immediately. Go fix yourself a bowl of oatmeal or ONE piece of dry toast. If you are about to drink a hot cup of coffee, POUR IT OUT! Go fix yourself a cup of Lipton's tea, then fix yourself another while you enjoy 1/2 (one half) grapefruit with a teaspoon of sugar. Want chocolate? You may have 1 (one) Pinwheel cookie per day, preferably in the afternoon. Have a yen for fruitcake? Eat all you want! If you're not crying by now, you just may live to 99 yourself...

Yours (unless someone else claims me),


Friday, November 13, 2009

Date Night

FMM: 5 mi

Hi, Saturday Slackers,

Shouldn't you be raking your leaves or something?..Hopefully, your spouse, friend, roommate, partner, significant other, amiable consort, family member or whoever won't catch you reading this drivel again...I met Bob last night in downtown Dublin, and for the second time this week I can say I was drenched to the bone...Our "date night" involved buying file folders, an umbrella (this may become a Friday night ritual), and eating at McDonald's (I seem to remember a restaurant chain by this name in the's all kind of hazy), and walking home in yet more rain while getting splashed by double decker buses as they whipped around corners...If that sounds fun and romantic, you are certifiably nuts...If you are seeking more commentary or even whining from me, give me a call. Bob suggested I darn my sock last night, so you know I have run out of things to do, but I'll NEVER run out of things to say!!

Happy Saturday.

Darning my sock by the peat fire,


Tea (I mean Coffee) and Sympathy

FMM: 3 mi

Begorra, everyone,

I'm not exactly sure what "begorra" means, but chances are you don't either...Did get to Howth to walk with the seashore ladies yesterday. The only problem was it was raining and blowing torrentially (I take that back about them having only wimpy un-Midwestern caliber rainstorms here) and no one showed up. My friend Maire finally called as I was taking cover under St. Fintan's overhang and offered to pick me up. She took pity on me and we had coffee and chatted for a couple hours. I must say that the Irish people are very generous with their time, and I was grateful to have a friend on a rainy day. It was grand, as they say here...Bob and I went to our "local" last night. I think 2 of the bartenders know us, but we aren't exactly part of any gang. I'm tempted to stage a fall or get into a big row with Bob some night just to bring attention to us. Then they could say, "That's that old broad who lives across the street who fell on her a** (my kids read this, after all) the other night after rowing with her husband, that nice gent in the tweed cap." I'll keep you posted on the success of my attempts at popularity or at least notoriety...The big news is that I was able to contact one of Bob's first cousins who lives here. Bob has at least nine first cousins he has never met as their parents stayed here in Ireland. She is Bob's age and seemed very happy to be contacted. She said she would set something up with her siblings so that we could all meet. Bob and I are excited about this. If any O'Connell cousins are reading this, please e-mail us with any info you have on the cousins here. We don't know a thing.

Happy Friday to all of you.

Off to hunt and gather,


Thursday, November 12, 2009

Running (Actually Walking) Out of Time

FMM: 3 mi

Hi, Blogmates,

Believe it or not, I don't have time to write today. I know what you're all thinking. She just sits around over there doing absolutely nothing, so how can this be? Well, I need to rush out to meet my seashore ladies for a walk. If I don't, I will miss my only human contact (excluding Bob, of course) for the week. So, I'm off- rain or shine- and it is (surprise) raining today- to walk along the coast at Howth...When you come visit, I can show you this breathtaking (in more ways than one) walking path...I met Bob for lunch yesterday at a top floor faculty lounge with a great view of Dublin. I met a few of his co-workers who were very friendly. Gotta catch the train. Maybe more later, but I didn't want to let you down in case my blog is the highlight of your day or night, you poor soul.

Preparing for another slog through the bog,


Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Book Reviews

FMM: 4.5 mi

Mom's 99th birthday is Monday, Nov. 16 if you want to send her a card...Kind of a slow day, so I'll rate a few books. If you want corroborating evidence for my ratings or if you just want to talk, give me a call. Remember, no international rates apply. E-mail me for the number. So far, no one has taken me up on my "Menopausal Night Sweats Hotline". If you find yourself wide awake - for whatever reason - in the middle of the night, call me. It is 6 hours later here. I promise to talk to you and put you right back to sleep. You all know I can do it!!! I will even listen if you ask me to...Okay, so here are my long-awaited book reviews. Pretend that my asterisks are shamrocks as "Notepad", the word processing program I must use to write this, doesn't allow boldface, let alone smiley faces or shamrocks! I'm thankful for an exclamation point! Sorry, I know it's bad writing to overuse exclamation points. And I do agree with the person who said each individual should be alotted 3 lifetime exclamation points. Okay, here goes:

* = lowest
***** = hightest

****_Story of Lucy Gault_ by William Trevor - gives a human perspective to the Irish "troubles"; takes place 1920s Ireland

***_On Love_ by Sue Miller - a quick read; annoying characters

*****_Memoir_ by John McGahern - I'm a sucker for dreadful Irish childhood tales; very well-written

**_Whitethorn Woods_ by Maeve Binchy - the usual Maeve stuff, an easy read; not Maeve at her best

****_Dublin 4_ by Maeve Binchy -- enjoyed it since I now live in Dublin 4

***_Dracula_ by Bram Stoker - loved the first half; last half was too long; fun to read the original descriptions of Dracula

*****_Noah's Compass_ by Ann Tyler - 60 + year old male protagonist that you don't know whether to love or hate; quite funny

****_Brooklyn_ by Colm Toibin - bestseller here and in the U.S. - quick, easy, fun to read; Irish girl goes to the US in the 1950s

**_Away_ by Amy Bloom - quick read; predictable, far-fetched plot of an immigrant woman's experiences in US in early 20th century

I'm off to meet Bob for lunch. It is cold, dreary, and dark here.

Yours eternal,


Monday, November 9, 2009

Reading, Writing, and Arithmetic

FMM: 3.5 mi


Back for more, huh? Well, I have almost finished reading the NY Times; I didn't realize it was the Sunday edition....I am back to my old habits and have ripped out articles that I think Brad Stegemann, Kim Dude, and Teresa Foster need to read. Now whether I can get them sent is another story...Bob and I walked to the bank to pay our back rent..Suffice it to say, it was the computer's fault, NOT ours! As I've mentioned before, we don't get statements, have no checks, and haven't yet figured out how to see our account online (maybe today..), so we are in the dark about our account and have no idea whether our rent has/was/or will be transferred to the landlord. Anyway, we did get a printout yesterday, so now we know. Bob Bridwell commented that Dad is now surely rolling over in his grave, so I will try to do better---once I get that NY Times finished I plan to get right on it. Bob returned books to the library with me and I was forced to pay $1.50 euros ($2.25) in fines for slightly overdue books! I was tempted to say, "Daniel Boone Regional Library in Columbia, MO doesn't fine me OR charge me 50 cents to reserve a book!" (If they did, they would be opening the "Tizzie O'Connell Wing" by now!) However, I managed to keep my mouth shut, hung my head, and handed over the money. My next batch is due Nov. 30 - could you all please send me a reminder that day? Thanks...

Tim will be proud to know that I DID successfully DV-R _Doc Martin_ for Bob. Who could've guessed that all I had to do was press "record"? Thanks for the tip! Not only that, but we found it AND watched it last night!

Happy Tuesday.

Snail Mail Honor Roll (Let me know if I need to add your name)

Donna Lipski Yormark **
Cara Magers Clapper (included pictures of her twin boys)**
Marianne Juergensmeyer *
Molly O’Connell*
Nancy O’Connell*

* = more than one letter received

(To get on the Snail Mail Honor Roll, just send me a real letter through the mail. It costs $.98 from the U.S. Let me know if you need our address)

Until next time,


Still Learning My Way Around

FMM: 4mi
MRMs: 4 blocks

Hi, Folks,

Well, I just checked online and it says it's Monday, so I guess it is.. You may be wondering what MRMs are...well, I'll explain them later. Molly and Nancy may find it too painful to read this blog all the way through as they know what MRMs are...I had my second weekend all alone in a strange city, and I did better than last time. No cookies for dinner for me! Indeed, I had frozen spaghetti dinners each night. They were yummy...I went by bus and tram to the Museum of History and Natural History. I was proud of myself for getting there so easily. The natural history part is called the "Dead Zoo", a rather strange name I thought. There was a quotation there by well-known Irish author Roddy Doyle claiming that it is both "fascinating and perverse". I have to agree, but I did enjoy viewing all the dead animals in their glass cases. No unpleasant smells like you have in a real zoo and also the animals are quite close to each other, so there isn't much walking either. And the temperature was just right. All in all, quite preferable to a "Live Zoo". Megan, this may be your favorite zoo yet...Anyway, it gets dark over here shortly after lunch - okay, I'm exaggerating, but daylight is a precious commodity around here - so I decided that I must get myself home from the zoo before dark. The tram took me back to my bus stop, and I must confess to a moment of weakness. I noticed a branch of my favorite store: The 2 Euro Store. I couldn't resist a quick trip in to buy 3 precious commodities: paper napkins (sorry, Verlin, I'm weak), a small plastic bin, and a brownie pan (hallelujah!). This proved to be a fatal mistake... I then got on the bus since the usual tram wasn't running. I sat back and enjoyed new views of the city. After about awhile, I determined that the views were, in fact, REALLY new ones. I got out the map and discovered I was 30 mins the wrong direction from where I needed to be. It was now pitch black, the bus was at the end of its run, and I was the only person on the bus...The kind bus driver had to cut short his cigarette break to figure out what do to with me...When I got back to where I had started an hour before I determined to take a taxi home...Alas, I had spent all my money at the 2 Euro store. So, I tried to find Bus # 3 as the driver had directed (I already had a ticket). Well, it must have changed its route because I couldn't find it. So, I determined to walk home from downtown Dublin - about 1 1/2 miles. I was fine while the streets were crowded, but once I got near St. Stephen's Green, the crowds thinned out. That's when the MRMs kicked in. I began to run short distances in what Molly and Nancy have called "Mom runs"(id. est MRM = Mom Run Miles). They have both forbidden me from ever performing them again. Mary witnessed me doing one across a busy Dublin street and inquired, "What was THAT?" She also told me to never do one again. I will also add that not only was I doing "Mom runs" in order to flee possible assailants (the scariest one looked like Luke Magers with a skateboard), I was doing them in "Mom jeans". The jeans are so stretchy, roomy, and comfy that they might even qualify as "Grandma jeans" . Keep in mind that I did not have on running shoes and I was carrying a plastic bin and a cake pan under my arm....Anyway, I did get home safe and sound and no one "got" me. Bob has threatened to hire someone to throw a net over me, and deliver me to the front door one day, just to prove that I can be "gotten"..Anyway, aren't you glad you wasted your time reading this? I hope your boss wasn't looking over your shoulder..

Bob just arrived from Florida and he has brought a most prized commodity with him: a real live New York Times. So, I plan to go sit beside him and enjoy myself for a hour or two.

Until next time...

Yours until somebody gets me,


Saturday, November 7, 2009

Landscape, Lifts, Laurels, and Love

FMM: 3.5 mi

Hi, Friends and Foes,

I am looking out my 4th floor apt to an overcast, windy, cold day. I will venture forth eventually. If you would all write me an e-mail or two, I could contentedly stay inside longer....Perhaps you've wondered about the lift (aka "elevator") situation here. In fact, it was NOT working Mom's first three days here. However, Mom was a trouper, and we counted the 57 steps each time. She was always sure to thank Almighty God at the end of each trip for not being "too busy":> However, HE must have gotten distracted on one of our train rides as the train started moving while we were walking from one car to another. Luckily, two nice Irish blokes caught her mid-fall before any damage was done. Mary and I nearly had heart attacks, but Mom was oblivious.. While Mom was here, Bob Bridwell had a new ceiling and lights put in the den, the windows painted, and the carpets and chairs cleaned at 509 Marshall; we all applaud his efforts as none of that could have happened if the boss were home...In their own words, Mary's family was "barely functioning" while she was here. Hopefully, they are back to as normal as they get by now...Her little granddaughter Claire (2) did dash to greet her "MeMe" at the Indianapolis airport, creating what I can only imagine as a Hallmark moment... Nancy got initiated into Pi Beta Phi with Molly in attendance..Megan won the women's division of her first 6K race..
I'm off to entertain myself in the city. I will probably go lurk about another museum or two...Congratulations to CRAIG MANDELL and EMILY MILLER who are getting married today in Chicago!!!!! I imagine Pam is already up putting on her makeup as I am writing this. I'm sure she is the foxiest mother-of-the groom that Chicago has ever seen.

Coming soon: Book Reviews

Lurkingly yours,


Thursday, November 5, 2009

The Blog from the Bog Returns!

FMM: 2 mi

Hi, Lads and Lassies,

My much-anticipated 10 days with Mary and Mom are over. You’ll be happy to know that Mary colored my hair and left about half of her wardrobe here for me, so I am much improved…Now I only need a haircut… She and Mom also brought me Pepperidge Farm cinnamon bread (3 pieces left), English muffins (1 left), Welch’s grape jelly, Killion’s honey (those of you from Paris know that not just anyone can get a bottle of that!), handfuls of rubber bands and paperclips, a few pads of scrap paper, and a needle and thread. I had visions of them not being allowed to cross the border with the contraband and an alert official forcing them to swallow whole loaves of PF bread and Mom’s ubiquitous Archway ginger snaps on the spot. However, the smuggling plan was a success…
...I had planned a full range of activities, but I needed to add a few more as Mom, who turns 99 on Nov. 16, had more energy than Mary or I who were perfectly happy to lie around for long periods. If you're not interested in our travelogue, you may want to skip the next few lines...Here is some of what we did: lunched at Eason's Bookstore in downtown Dublin while overlooking O'Connell Street, toured the Pro-Cathedral, lunched at Kavanagh's Pub, the oldest family-run pub in Dublin (the proprietor's daughter had a lovely 94-year old man for Mom to meet, but alas, he only comes in for his pint on Saturdays..), toured Glasnevin Cemetery and gave Mary the first of her many Irish history lessons--she thinks she is an expert now, dined at The Brazen Head, the oldest pub in Dublin, while listening to a storyteller who told us that there is no such thing as leprauchans (bummer!) but he warned us that fairies DO exist and under no circumstances should disturb a "fairy fort", took a bus tour to the Wicklow Mountains -a very foggy day ruined our view, but Mary got to walk 3 miles up a mountain in the rain and wind to view a lake while I sat with Mom in the cozy lodge. The highlight of their trip was our trip to Kenmare, County Kerry, where our grandmother McCarthy was born in 1874. It is a gorgeous seaside town which is a very popular vacation spot. We had just missed the tourist season, so it was quaint and quiet. We went to the Holy Cross Church where we think our grandmother was baptised. The priest was very nice and friendly and he gave us the information that the parish could provide about McCarthy baptisms. We're not sure it's the right McCarthys as some of the dates don't match, but, nonetheless, he assured us with a smile that "all of the McCarthys and Moriartys in Kenmare were "fine, upstanding citizens." We were glad for that. Hopefully, the Kenmare relatives won't come to the U.S. to trace what's become of all of US.....anyway, we took a private 9 hour tour of the Ring of Kerry with Declan Finnegan. Mom, Bob, and I had been on a bus tour of the Ring of Kerry before, but Mary hadn't. Our tour guide owns the tour company and normally does the bus tours, but he took the 4 of us in his car. It was perfect (that would be pronounced "pear'fect" here in R land). He stopped wherever we wanted and even took us an extra hour to realize one of Bob's dreams: seeing the home of "the great liberator", Daniel O'Connell. We were the only visitors there, so we got to wander to our hearts' content and view the unbelievable ornate chariot that greeted Daniel (aka "uncrowned king of Ireland" from the early 1800s) when he was released from prison (accused of "seditious speech" by those pesky British). He rode it through the streets of Dublin amid a crowd of 200,000 cheering supporters...Kenmare is known for its lace dating from the potato famine when a nun showed the women how to make it as a way of supporting their families. Mary, Mom, and I enjoyed looking in the shops and buying a bit of lace. The items are gorgeous. I assume they're still made in Kenmare, although they could be made in China for all I know...Bob put up with all of us females and even entertained Mom a few nights so Mary and I could go tip a few pints and try to solve the problems of the world - if only everyone would do exactly what we say what a wonderful world this would be!!!

Now I am back to my lonesome without a friend in the world except for those of you reading my blog. I am a pathetic creature. Today I will make the 3 hour trip to return Mom's wheelchair.

I must duly recognize the SNAIL MAIL HONOR ROLL:

Teresa Foster
Molly O'Connell
Nancy O'Connell
Donna Yormark Lipski*
Marianne Juergensmeyer

*= more than one item received

If you want YOUR name to appear above, simply send me a letter via snail mail. I know some of you bunco ladies have the proper postage as I gave it you myself, so get busy! If you need my address, send me an e-mail.

Bob is in Florida unti Monday morning. Bob, Eddie Mitchell, and Bob's niece Kristen O'Connell had been to Clearwater Beach last night and had eaten at the Palm Pavillion. Tim arrived there last evening.

As ever,


Edward J. O'Connell (1951 - 2009)

Bob flew to Florida on Tuesday. His brother Ed’s funeral is tomorrow at 10:30 AM at St. Cecelia's in Clearwater, FL. Bob's cousin, Father Dennis Harten of Naples, FL, will perform the service. Ed was 58 and grew up in Saddle Brook, NJ. He graduated from Paramus Catholic HS in Paramus, NJ, and from Marist College in Poughkeepsie, NY. He also had a master’s degree in economics from New York University. He worked for many years for United Jersey Bank, rising to the level of vice president of strategic management. He moved to Florida several years ago. He had a daughter, Kristen Marie O’Connell, who is 29. She graduated from NYU with a degree in communications. She recently received a law degree from NYU. Ed was very proud of her. He married Claire Corrigan in 2002, and she survives. Ed was an avid reader and had an extensive book collection. He loved to do the NY Times crossword puzzle. He was very knowledgeable on a wide range of subjects. He had a very dry sense of humor. He was Bob’s only sibling. R.I.P.

I put Mom and Mary on the plane today. I will write more tomorrow.
