Sunday, February 14, 2010

A Limerick that Rhymes!

FMM: 3 mi

Greetings, girls & boys,

I'm pleased to present a superb limerick submitted by my old, but youthful friend, Donna Y:

There once was a gal named TIZ,
Who wrote English words like a wiz.
She blogged every day,
From a place far away,
So friends could be up on her biz.

If you have a limerick inside you that you need to get out, send it to me or post it below.

We saw "Eamon" at the Irish Film Institute. It's like a huge RagTag, the Columbia art house movie theater. It has a restaurant, wine bar, movie store, and 3 screens. The cost of a ticket is about $14. Teresa F, I'm afraid you would just move into the place if you lived here.

I'm off to walk with the Seashore Ladies. Hope you have a happy Monday.

Off on the trek from heck,

I remain

1 comment:

  1. Great limerick Donna!! What a perfect poem :) I've been trying to come up with one but nothing compares to yours.
