Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Chicks & Tip(s)

FMM: 3 mi

Hi, Loyal and even Un-loyal Readers,

I hiked and pushed my purple wheelie cart to 2 groceries, a "hardware" store (please note that when I use quotation marks they really do mean "something akin to a hardware store"; I do deplore the over- and misuse of quotation marks, don't you??), a convenience store, and a hotel yesterday. No need to fear that we will go hungry or thumbtackless. However, we must do without a lint roller for a bit longer as no one really seems to know what one is. I'm beginning to wonder myself... I had the usual number of frustrations..Question: "Do you carry pretzels?" Answer: "Are those those long brown things? No, we don't carry them."...However, I am thrilled to have a thumbtack. Soon I will hang up the 2010 calendar and I will know once and for all what month this is and even the day. ...I do keep up on the news around the world here in my little turret. I am excited to learn that when we return to Columbia, MO we will be able to LEGALLY keep chickens in our backyard! Hooray! I will be excited to get ours out of the basement. And this will surely provide much entertainment for our cat Tip as well as for a few neighbors whose names I won't mention...Today I plan to play travel agent for my upcoming guests. Maybe there really is an American King-sized bed in a hotel somewhere in Ireland. If not, you can add king-sized beds to your water fountain franchise and make a mint here. (Note: they do have king-sized beds here, but they are what we call queen-sized, so you'll have to come up with another name.)..

Raving like a madwoman,
I remain

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