Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Good News and a Celebrity Sighting!

FMM: 2 mi


Nancy is much better. She has enjoyed lavish personalized TLC since I issued an all-points freaked-out mother bulletin on her behalf. She has been awash in milkshakes, popsicles, smoothies, carry-in dinners, visits, and phonecalls, from her friends, my friends, and her family. It worked. Thanks, everyone, from the bottom of my heart....Did I mention that we saw yet another celebrity on Sunday while we were lurking about the Burlington Hotel lobby pretending to read the free newspapers? He is in Harry Potter. Calm down, Megan, I know your pulse rate is racing...We saw none other than Professor Mad-Eye Moody (aka Brendan Gleeson)! He was taking pictures with fans, but I wasn't astute enough to realize who he was in time to join in... We have a young visitor from the U.S. coming to spend the night. His wife is a Fulbrighter; he's a composer. He is coming to hear his compositions performed. I will pull out my last contraband bag of Nestle's semi-sweet chocolate chips and bake some cookies. (They don't have those here, only milk chocolate ones.) I'll also be performing my usual unofficial travel agent duties...

Happy, sappy, and yappy,
I remain

1 comment:

  1. Oooooh Mad-Eye Moody!! That IS exciting!

    Will try to remember to upload a pic from the Pi Phi wine tasting to e-mail you & Molly this weekend :)
