Thursday, February 11, 2010

Friday Musings

FMM: 3.5 mi

Hi, Peopletryingtogetthroughtheweek,

It is Friday for those of you who hold real jobs. You'll be happy to know that our water has not been turned off at night for 4 days in a row. We are sinking back into our old habits of flushing the toilet regularly and taking real showers. I will have to stop calling Bob by the name of his favorite cartoon character: Spongebob...I enjoyed lunch with the American Women in Dublin group. The women do know how to have a good time. If I want to, next week I can go to margarita night, an afternoon movie, a book club, or on a hill walk. I need to read Audrey Niffenegger's _Her Fearful Symmetry_ by Wed. I'm on page 2....Nancy is making good progress from her wisdom teeth surgery. She has had the strength to send me several e-mails detailing gifts I should send her to assuage my motherly guilt at not being there for her..I'll be home playing travel agent today..

Deranged and arranging,
I remain


  1. I almost choked on my tea laughing when I read that you've been calling Dad "Spongebob." Thanks for that!

  2. Trust me mom I'd much rather have you than any of the gift ideas.

  3. Oh, you made me cry. I'd much rather be there than send you something...

