Friday, February 26, 2010

Friday Follies

FMM: 2 mi

Hi, Friday fans,

What's new here? Well, on television news shows here they show you all the newspaper front pages and read you the headlines. One caught my eye. It was the story of a priest in Galway who says Mass in 15 minutes! He is packing them in. This could be the answer to the priest shortage. I am sending the details along to Monsignor Flanagan in Columbia immediately...Mercifully, Bob is on the last chapter of Joyce's _Ulysses_. He admits that he hasn't understood any of it, but he has enjoyed the great guide book that explains line by line what he has read. I think a Harlan Coben or perhaps a James Patterson is needed to clear his mind...It's cold, damp, and overcast here. I hope to alight from my fourth floor tower eventually. In the meantime, I am engaging in my favorite pastime: making travel arrangements, or at least talking and thinking about making travel arrangements...

Happy Friday!

Keepin' it real,
I remain

1 comment:

  1. Please bring that priest back to the USA! If nothing else to give seminars! :)
