FMM: 1 mi
Good morning/afternoon/evening/middleofthenight(GO TO BED!), Blogophiles,
You must really be pathetic if you are willing to read a blog entitled "Taxes, Teeth,and Tidbits". Nonetheless, I guess you are, so I'll proceed. I spent about an hour on the phone sifting through 4 months of our Missouri mail with Molly. Talk about tedious! She had it organized into 5 piles, but that didn't help. Our homeowner's insurance was due yesterday, so Nancy was ordered to get in the car and rush to my State Farm agent with a check at 4:00 PM. Maybe I have enough friends in high places (John? Cheryl? Jerry? Are you listening?) to save me for a day or two if the check is no good (I didn't have time to check my balance!). She read me some of your Christmas cards, but was reluctant to mail them to me as that would cost money (I think that is my own money, but who's counting?) From all descriptions, you, your children and your grandchildren all looked adorable, and thanks for the cards. All of the tax statements are arriving. I fear it will take Bernard Bernanke to unravel my taxes this year, but I have decided to play Scarlett O'Connell (aka "O'Hara) and enjoy my glamorous lifestyle a bit longer and adopt a "Tomorrow is another day" attitude...On to teeth, you fools who are still reading. After much hand wringing and micromanaging from 4,000 miles away (thanks, Dawn), the surgeon canceled Nancy's wisdom teeth surgery. Always prepared, Nancy was left with 20 pudding cups which Molly wants immediately removed from the fridge (Molly is allergic to milk) and two large bowls of Jell-0. I was presented -- from 4,000 mi away -- with the problem of what to do with this stuff. So, if you're in the neighborhood, stop my house today and enjoy a plastic cup of pudding or two and maybe some Jell-o to go with it. Problem solved!...In between all these interesting goings-on, I have been filing medical and dental claims and making travel arrangements, so now you know why I didn't blog yesterday: I was afraid of boring you to death. Instead, I bored you to death today!..I leaving the apartment (or as Bob sometimes calls it "the rat's nest") today for a haircut and a wander downtown with the wheelie cart. Who knows what I might find in the dumpsters??
A anniversary shout-out to Cara and Jeff! (Nancy says I will get more comments if I include shout outs; I'll see if this works. Bob claims that I only have 11 readers for my blog. I know there are more of you out there. 11 is only the OFFICIAL signed-in number, right?)
Getting weirder all the time,
I remain
Thursday, January 21, 2010
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