Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Bogs, Bumbershoots, and Books

FMM: 1/2 mi (the girls have taught me how to take the bus)

Good day, friends and frienemies,

We're still on water alert here. The newspaper advised us not to hoard water in the tub or elsewhere. Why, I hadn't even thought of that, so I did fill up a jug or two or three. The free flow of information is so essential to a functioning democracy; don't you agree?... A strange thing happens when you run out of things to do. Mary has long had this theory about why we Baby Boomers became avid readers: we were bored stiff in our youth. When we ran out of friends and our very limited selection of TV shows, we needed SOMETHING to occupy us. That's when we pulled out a book. Well, that theory has proved itself true once again. After 3 1/2 weeks of sightseeing, museum going, family togetherness, and full disclosure from all Facebook and e-mail contacts, my daughters have retreated to book reading. Nancy is reading _Lovely Bones_. Molly has read _Catcher in the Rye_, _Dublin 4_ (an old Maeve Binchy), and is reading _Thirteen Reasons_. Both have asked to take books home with them. Of course, I have had to set a good example for them and I have just finished _Tethered_ by Amy MacKinnon (kinda weird; I wouldn't really recommend it) and _We Need to Talk About Kevin_ (a bit weird, too, but an interesting read)...We did get to one museum yesterday to view the bog bodies which are about 5,000 years old. It was raining and freezing and I'm sad to report that two more O'Connell bumbershoots were laid to rest. I am always sure to bless them before binning them. Bob says there is a $60 bumbershoot that is layered, allows the air through and won't blow apart. What would YOU do? Buy 45 $1.50 ones at the 2 euro store or 1 good one?? It's a tough conundrum....It's cold and rainy again today. We have plans to go to Gravediggers' Pub for lunch and take a tour of Glasnevin Cemetery; however, we may just stay home and read. I'll let you know tomorrow.

Still hanging out on the 4th floor,
I remain


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