Friday, October 9, 2009

Will Walk for Friends

FMM: 8 mi

Good morning, blokes and birds,

I survived my self-imposed walkathon around the Howth Peninsula. (I couldn't have gotten myself invited to join a book club or a bunco club, now could I????)The ocean views are quite spectacular; so are the homes. I walked with four nice ladies in the loosely-organized Peninsula Walking Club. They are serious walkers. Thank God they stop for 3 mins a third of the way, and about 30 min for coffee at 2/3 of the way. Their stated habit is to stay silent up one rather imposing hill, but I stupidly took the floor then. Of course, I had to finish my tale about our wonderful 5 euro tour of the Glasnevin Cemetery and they seemed politely interested. (Although one lady remarked, "My husband would think I was out of my mind if I announced on Sunday afternoon that I was off to tour the cemetery.") However, it nearly finished me off... I did learn that you have to get a passport to take your dog out of the country!.. You animal lovers probably know that. Did you also know that hotels in Switzerland and Austria freely welcome dogs in their hotels and restaurants? That's what they told me...I did enjoy the 1 hour train ride and managed to finish a very good book called _Memoir_ by John McGahern, a popular Irish author. It was an _Angela's Ashes_ type true story of his Irish childhood. I couldn't put it down...Bob has suggested (demanded?) that I find a way to clean the floor in this apt. The only cleaning utensil provided is a push broom which I have occasionally swished around parts of the floor. Evidently, the sun shone in on a rather dusty corner heap last night, and now I'm in trouble. I must remember to keep the curtains closed when he comes home! Anyway, you can think of me dragging home a proper mop (no Swiffers here!) today. I may put on my babuska just for effect. To complete the picture: it is supposed to pour down rain all day today. At least my mop will be all ready by the time I get home... Maybe someone will hire me. They would be sorry...We are expecting company tomorrow. Monsignor Flanagan from Columbia is in Ireland and we will hopefully see him Saturday...

Mopingly Moppingly yours,



  1. I just read this out loud to Timegan and we all laughed out loud! We love and miss you!! We think your blog should be called "The Dublin Sherpa" :) Love
    Nancy & Timegan

  2. Nancy,

    I like that title suggestion. I will certainly put it in my pipe and smoke it.

    I love and miss you, too. As Oscar Wilde said, "The only thing worse than be talked about is not being talked about." My sentiments exactly!!

