FMM: 4 mi
Banks, Bathrooms, Burger King, and Water Fountains
Hi,Dudes and Dames,
Welcome back for more Tiztalk...Bob and I met at the bank yesterday to get a general idea of how many euros are in our account after six weeks of blind ATM withdrawals. They don't send statements, and we couldn't get set up online -- well, not without Tim, Megan, Molly, or Nancy to help us anyway... Now we're all set.. except for the part where we got to see how much money was in our account...Hmm...They will provide checks at a cost of $.75 each. We declined. All bills are paid online and that's that. I'm sure that's where we're headed in the U.S.,too, but we aren't there yet. In fact, they won't even print a receipt from an ATM unless you demand it...We then went to Burger King. Most of the fast food restaurants have their eating areas on the 2nd, 3rd, or 4th floors. Luckily, Bob was along to carry the tray as getting myself alone up 3 flights of stairs without incident is an accomplishment...One thing I have noticed at restaurants here is that -- unlike in the U.S. -- they don't tell you if they give you a Pepsi when you've ordered a Coke. I ordered a Diet Coke the other day and my receipt read "Pepsi Max" whatever that is. I guess they figure we Americans won't notice the difference...On to water. Forget it! Who needs it? Evidently, not anyone eating in a restaurant or walking around a mall...It's an interesting attitude as water is "free" here; no one pays a water bill. And it certainly rains enough to provide plenty of water to all. As most of you know, ice is forbidden in Europe, or at least it seems to be. Sometimes you can beg one miniscule cube from a kind waitress, but don't count on it. I did break down and buy a plastic ice cube tray and it only cost me 6 dollars..Water fountains? Forget them, too. Drink before you leave home. I have yet to see or find an operating water fountain, even in a shopping mall...Bathrooms? Again, go before you leave home; many stores simply don't have them...So, here's my advice if you are thinking of coming: Before you leave the U.S., drink lots of water, go to the bathroom, and bring lots of euros with you. You will be fine! I am.
Water- blogged, but not water-logged,
I remain...
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OK... now I've figured out how to comment. I hope you won't be sorry you suggested this. I am enjoying your adventures. You will have "legs of steel" when you return to the USA. Donna