Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Irish Television

Hi, Bloggies,

FMM: 3.5 mi

I guess you don't have anything better to do today than I do...I am enjoying my creative writing class. Last night I was paired with a young Polish man. He devised a much more exciting plot (about a policeman letting a criminal go free) than I would have cooked up for our story. He has lived here for four years. In fact, due to the Celtic Tiger, a reference to Ireland's formerly booming economy, there are many eastern European immigrants here. For several years, Ireland was the only country in the European Union (includes 26 of the 40 countries of Europe) that would allow eastern Europeans to immigrate. Guess what? Lots did, and many are still here. Many of the service jobs are held by immigrants....I know my kids are impressed that I know how many countries constitute Europe and even where Europe is...Now onto more important topics like Irish television...Our basic cable package seems to include mostly channels that are "off the air" or in another language. We pay to get EuroNews in French, Italian, Russian, PRT (which I think is Spanish) as well as an Irish language channel... People seem to actually go to bed over here, so many channels shut down, too...So, if you are planning to come visit and have some "happy tube time", as we call it in our family, be prepared! Again, no wonder the Europeans aren't fat. No fattening food, no endless choices of trash TV, and did I mention small portions at restaurants?? Nonetheless, I am becoming an expert on all these things and will help you through...I am becoming smarter, thinner, and I'm sleeping more.. Today I am carting myself off (I WISH someone would put me in my cart and push ME) to the SuperQuin for groceries and searching for a place to get a flu shot. Wish me luck!

Getting smarter by the minute, I remain..


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