Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Sad News

Hi, everyone,

I'm sad to report that Bob has learned that his brother Ed has died. We don't know the arrangements yet. His brother lived in Clearwater, Fl. He had been in poor health, but his death was unexpected.


Saturday, October 24, 2009

Wheelchairs and Elevators

FMM: 6 mi

Wheelchairs and Elevators

Hi, Guys and Gals,

Happy Saturday! The wheelchair for Mom has been secured. However, the elevator in our building is out of order. Since we are on the fourth floor, this creates quite a problem with getting Mom to and from our apartment..I have placed a couple calls to the "emergency" number which is not in our complex, but so far no reply..Mom and Mary arrive Monday at 8:00 AM...Some Irish friends are picking us up for a tour of the Wicklow Mountains and dinner at their house tonight. We are even going in an au-to-mo-bile ! I'm excited!

*Note: I will update the blog sporadically while Mom and Mary are here; I will resume regular posts Nov. 6.

Hope you all have a fun weekend. Go, Tigers!



Friday, October 23, 2009

Does She or Doesn't She?

FMM: 7 mi

Good morning, blah-gies,

I don't have much to say, but that that's never stopped me before. I have stirred up quite a controversy over my hair color debate. I had no idea you all cared about me so much...I had intended to let my hair go au natural and grow to its own length while here. What better chance does one have to glimpse the future? I must admit that I was rather curious to see myself in the natural state. Perhaps my original beauty would show through and I would save myself a lot of time and money. Well, I've had a preview of the future and --well, let's just say I wish I hadn't bought that other mirror and hauled it home..Nonetheless, I have not given up my resolve yet. You know that my ultimate goal is to buy one of those cute houses across the street from the library in Columbia and walk back and forth with a large tote bag (or now I could even use my wheeled cart) and my grizzled long gray hair flying over my oversized glasses as I wander the library selecting and returning books while muttering to myself and becoming yet another colorful character on teh Columbia landscape....Well, keep sending me your thoughts as I weigh my decsion. Mary is threatening to bring a bottle of hair color. There are at least two things I have never done before: color my own hair or paint a wall...I will keep you posted.. Another question: Why do bangs in the eyes look so fashionable on Jennifer Anniston or Cameron Diaz yet quite different on me? Just wondering..Today I am off on a 6-7 mile journey to pick up a wheelchair for Mom. Bob has given me a map and marked my way, so I can't go wrong, right?.. Nancy says that I've been writing to many WORDS (what am I thinking??) so she doesn't read the blog all the way through. When she comes, she can show me how to Twitter. I know how to write a haiku; does that help??..Speaking of Nancy..her Homecoming skit which she spent about 100 hours rehearsing was voted "worst one of all" on the Greek Chatline. It was also voted that way by the judges. Hopefully, her psyche will recover from this dissing... Molly has invited 8 former sorority sisters to our house in Columbia for Homecoming. There are moments when I'm glad I'm 4,000 miles away..I may not be able to keep up the blog after next Monday when Mom and Mary arrive. I will do it when I can and resume on or about Nov. 6...

Rooting (pun intended)not rotting away in the Emerald Isle,


Thursday, October 22, 2009

Travel Planning

FMM (Forced Mile March, for you newbies): 1 mi

Hi, Blokes and Babes,

No one wrote to say that my blog is very late today...I hope some of you are still reading it..If you must know, I slept in then went to walk at the seashore with my friends. I almost have all of their names straight : Dympha, Marie (pronounced "Mary"), Aggie, Carmel, and Susan. They have given me lots of travel tips to help plan Mary & Mom's forthcoming visit...I spent 8 hours at my netbook making final arrangements yesterday. I blame Megan for making me a netaholic (or should I say a netbookaholic?) since she persuaded me to get my own laptop in August. I don't know what I did with my time before. Well, let's not go there...I've always had a hard time explaining myself... Anyway, I turned off the computer at 4:00. Bob didn't think I could go all night w/o checking my e-mail or playing Free Cell, but I did! I used real playing cards and did a crossword with a pencil while Bob watched soccer. So there!..Mom, Mary, Bob, and I have plans to go to Kenmare, County Kerry next weekend. Mom's mother was born there in 1874. We hope to go to the church where she was baptized...Bob is taking his first education class after 30 years in the classroom. It's about time, don't you think?.. He has had to write a 750 word "philosophy of education" and to teach a mini-lesson yesterday (all of us education majors know what that is, don't we?). He will get an educational certificate at the end of the year...Last night we went across the street to our local pub, O'Brien's. So far, I wouldn't say anyone knows us by name, but a bartender or two recognize us. They had what we thought was a "happy hour" advertised on the wall. We mistakenly thought that drinks were cheaper from 5-6. Turns out the the ad is only for OAPs. We learned that that means "Old Age Pensioners" over 66. So, now I know of at least two benefits to being old here: free public transportation AND cheap liquor.....To my kids and Columbia friends -- my resolve to let my hair grow out long and free to its natural color is waning...What should I do?

Sincerely (mostly) yours,


P.S. Teresa, they have wonderful malt balls here!

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Water, Water, Everywhere

FMM: 4 mi

Banks, Bathrooms, Burger King, and Water Fountains

Hi,Dudes and Dames,

Welcome back for more Tiztalk...Bob and I met at the bank yesterday to get a general idea of how many euros are in our account after six weeks of blind ATM withdrawals. They don't send statements, and we couldn't get set up online -- well, not without Tim, Megan, Molly, or Nancy to help us anyway... Now we're all set.. except for the part where we got to see how much money was in our account...Hmm...They will provide checks at a cost of $.75 each. We declined. All bills are paid online and that's that. I'm sure that's where we're headed in the U.S.,too, but we aren't there yet. In fact, they won't even print a receipt from an ATM unless you demand it...We then went to Burger King. Most of the fast food restaurants have their eating areas on the 2nd, 3rd, or 4th floors. Luckily, Bob was along to carry the tray as getting myself alone up 3 flights of stairs without incident is an accomplishment...One thing I have noticed at restaurants here is that -- unlike in the U.S. -- they don't tell you if they give you a Pepsi when you've ordered a Coke. I ordered a Diet Coke the other day and my receipt read "Pepsi Max" whatever that is. I guess they figure we Americans won't notice the difference...On to water. Forget it! Who needs it? Evidently, not anyone eating in a restaurant or walking around a mall...It's an interesting attitude as water is "free" here; no one pays a water bill. And it certainly rains enough to provide plenty of water to all. As most of you know, ice is forbidden in Europe, or at least it seems to be. Sometimes you can beg one miniscule cube from a kind waitress, but don't count on it. I did break down and buy a plastic ice cube tray and it only cost me 6 dollars..Water fountains? Forget them, too. Drink before you leave home. I have yet to see or find an operating water fountain, even in a shopping mall...Bathrooms? Again, go before you leave home; many stores simply don't have them...So, here's my advice if you are thinking of coming: Before you leave the U.S., drink lots of water, go to the bathroom, and bring lots of euros with you. You will be fine! I am.

Water- blogged, but not water-logged,
I remain...


Tuesday, October 20, 2009


FMM: 3 mi

Hi, internet addicts,

Don't you have something better to do? I guess not if you're willing to read a blog entitled "Miscellaneous". Well, if you REALLY don't have anything better to do, check out this 4 minute clip of the 100 best You Tube videos: . You may recognize many, but there are a few new ones to enjoy...Now that I have 7 (already finished _Noah's Compass_ -- very good) new books to read, the library has called and the book I reserved 6 weeks ago has arrived, so now I have to read it before I can get back to my hand-picked stash...Woe is me!..In other news, Bob now has a cellphone. Now that doesn't mean he knows how to answer it or use it, but if you want the number, e-mail me...It is cold, dark, rainy and dreary here. They don't have exciting Midwestern-style rainstorms here with tree limbs blowing down and lightning and hail -- just dull, dark, droning, quiet ones. At least the cable - such as it is - rarely goes out; I don't have to miss my EuroNews in Portugese...I got a real letter from TERESA FOSTER yesterday. I was so excited. I promise to mention your name in the blog in CAPS if you send me a real letter; it doesn't even have to be hand written. E-mail me if you need my real live bricks and mortar address..You may be wondering how I am doing listening to _Dracula_. Well, for the first time in my life, I put on headphones and headed down the street. Outside of looking what I knew my mother would deem as totally ridiculous, I rather enjoyed the experience. However, I nearly stepped into the street while listening to an exceptionally exciting passage about a three vampire women about to attack the unsuspecting Mr. Harker...I've decided that I should limit my walking and listening to quiet park-like settings, not busy urban streets...I am off to meet Bob for lunch.

Slogging through the bog,

Monday, October 19, 2009

Weekend Wanderings

FMM: 7.5 mi


Wake up, it's Monday. See, I can't even thing of a name to call you...Many of you have been wondering if Bob got a jacket. The answer is yes. The North Face outlet was too far away, so he ended up with a fleece-lined navy jacket from a sporting goods store... However, now that Bob didn't get a North Face coat, maybe I'll go check one out for myself...The store wasn't really THAT far away...Just kidding; I would NEVER do such a thing...We went to the Pearse Museum yesterday. Padriac Pearse was a schoolmaster who instigated the 1916 Easter Uprising. The school is on 50 beautiful acres and has a lookout tower from which you can see the Dublin mountains and surrounding areas...We came home and read our books. Yes, we are boring old folks. Bob is on page 65 (or at least the bookmark is there) of _Ulysses_...I am off to the library. Now that I have my book fix, they won't be seeing me for awhile.

Readingly yours,


Saturday, October 17, 2009

Leaves, TGIF

FMM: 4 mi

Hi, weekenders,

Hope you enjoy raking your leaves today. I'll be thinking of you..I did get my book order and now I have 8 brand-new books awaiting me..It is like having a giant chocolate cake on the counter. However, I am finishing_Away_ by Amy Bloom before I dig into my book stash...Bob and I went to this great new restaurant last night. It's called TGI Friday's; ever hear of it?? :).. Anyway, we enjoyed the advertised "American" fare. Bob even had a Miller beer, not a Guinness. However, he did have a little mishap while trying to swat a gnat. He knocked over his full glass of beer...and you thought only I did such things...Today we plan to look for a coat for Bob. He liked his co-worker's coat and made note of the brand: North Face. (Aargh! Where is a sale at Kohl's when you need it??) Anyway, there is rumored to be a North Face outlet here (don't tell Molly, Nancy, or Megan), so we will go on a forced march to find it today... Some of you have asked if I have found myself a coat. Sadly, no. At this point, I am in a 6-year-old light green hooded coat of undetermined origin; Bob is in a blue Gap windbreaker that I got him for $6.99 years ago. (Tim used to have one identical to it, but I suspect Megan has gently encouraged him to throw it out by now)..Enjoy some R & R. Go, Mizzou!

I remain,


Friday, October 16, 2009

TV Licence

FMM: 8 mi

Hi, Friends O'Mine,

I survived another hike along the coastline...I even stayed quiet walking up the hill this time. See, I'm learning! At coffee, one lady asked me what I missed the most about the U.S. I thought for awhile and proceeded to tell her how much I missed English muffins (I'd even take an Irish muffin at this point if there were such a thing) and Pepperidge Farm cinnamon bread. She looked at me rather strangely, then said, "Don't you miss your family?"...Oops, why do I always give the wrong answer? Of course, I miss my family more than I miss English muffins! I would like to have BOTH right now!..It seems that these ladies are lacking in their knowledge of sensational crimes. Probably because not that many occur over here. I was able to share a few crime tales that probably kept them up last night. And you all know I have more where those came from...Today I am off to walk 3 miles (who's counting?) to the post office to pick up my Amazon book order (thanks again, bunco friends!) AND to pay our television licence (that's how they spell it here) fee of $240. That's right. One must pay a fee of $240/year per television or risk a fine of $1,000 or even jail time. They actually come and knock on your door to see if you have a television! Even though we don't own the TV in our apartment, we must pay the fee. We were kind of ignoring the whole thing thinking that perhaps we could escape the fee for nine more months, but alas, we received a rather threatening letter yesterday which has prompted me to run to the P.O. this morning and pay the fee. All this for the privilege of watching EuroNews in Russian! It did occur to me that my blog would be considerably more interesting if I were imprisoned for not paying my TV tax. Do you think the U.S. embassy would come to my aid? .. Would you contribute to my defence (that's how they spell it here) fund? Just wondering... I went to a doctor's office yesterday and I thought I had stepped back in time a generation or two...Seriously, it was like walking into Mom's house and having her give me a flu shot in her bedroom while talking on the phone. Well, I must say that they don't waste a lot of time on paperwork (like who I am, my medical background, what side effects the shot might cause..) or fancy offices here. I pulled my shirt off in front of an open window that looked over the backyard garden, she gave me a shot, she had never heard of the medicines I'm currently taken for my cough, prescribed a few more, and sent me on my way...I guess I'm okay...

Well, it's time for my morning march.

Alive and (I think) well,


Thursday, October 15, 2009

Things I Like About Ireland

Hi, Blogaholics,

FMM: 2.5 mi

There are lots of reasons Ireland is such a popular tourist attraction. It's not just that there are more people of Irish descent in the U.S. than there are in Ireland! Here are a few things I've discovered...There are beautiful, colorful flowers everywhere. I am reminded of New Orleans and some of the extravagant beauty associated with ordinary porches, windowsills, and even lampposts...Everything truly is green. The leaves haven't really started to turn yet..The classic buildings are consistently in exceptional condition. There aren’t blocks where some buildings are torn down and some remain. I have almost become inured to them after only a short time here. They are the essence of picturesque with their classic mostly Georgian style and brightly- painted doors......There’s a store called Argis in the mall at St. Stephen’s Green. Not only has it relieved my mind of where I to find items like a cordless LANDLINE (GASP) phone. You just look through the catalog, write down the number, and they get it for you from the back room. It’s very quick and efficient like the old Service Merchandise. With no Best Buy, Target, or Wal-Mart or any facsimiles of them in sight, this is HUGE!....There is no tax added to purchases. The price you see is what you pay. It’s nice to not have to figure out “about” what your meal cost....The bus service is very efficient. The buses are clean and there are plenty of them. Of course, I have no real bus service to compare them to since I’ve never even been on a bus in Columbia....The people read a lot. There a several thriving (or so they seem to me) daily newspapers. The bookstores are busy. There is an big emphasis on books and book reviews in the newspapers. There are a lot of author-celebrities here which I think is less common in U.S. Sorry I missed the chance to see Ozzy Osbourne signing his autobiography at Eason's on Sunday, but I hope to encounter a few authors before I depart the Emerald Isle. I do know where Maeve Binchy lives so I guess I could stalk her...I wish I had had my camera yesterday as I saw an older man (those are getting harder and harder to find, by the way, can somebody explain that to me??) stopped in the middle of the sidewalk intently reading the evening newspaper. I don't recall ever seeing a similar scene in the U.S. Of course, there are lots of sensational headlines even in the "mainstream" newspapers over here. The TV news shows also show you the front pages of each newspaper every day and read them to you; I find this a bit unusual...Well, that's my travelogue for today. I'm sure Molly and Nancy stopped reading this several sentences ago, but those of you who made it to the end, I thank you for sticking with me...I am off to hike the oceanside cliffs in Howth with a group of ladies who haven't tired of me (or changed their days, times, and location for walking) yet. I will try to keep my mouth shut!

Hikingly yours,


Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Irish Television

Hi, Bloggies,

FMM: 3.5 mi

I guess you don't have anything better to do today than I do...I am enjoying my creative writing class. Last night I was paired with a young Polish man. He devised a much more exciting plot (about a policeman letting a criminal go free) than I would have cooked up for our story. He has lived here for four years. In fact, due to the Celtic Tiger, a reference to Ireland's formerly booming economy, there are many eastern European immigrants here. For several years, Ireland was the only country in the European Union (includes 26 of the 40 countries of Europe) that would allow eastern Europeans to immigrate. Guess what? Lots did, and many are still here. Many of the service jobs are held by immigrants....I know my kids are impressed that I know how many countries constitute Europe and even where Europe is...Now onto more important topics like Irish television...Our basic cable package seems to include mostly channels that are "off the air" or in another language. We pay to get EuroNews in French, Italian, Russian, PRT (which I think is Spanish) as well as an Irish language channel... People seem to actually go to bed over here, so many channels shut down, too...So, if you are planning to come visit and have some "happy tube time", as we call it in our family, be prepared! Again, no wonder the Europeans aren't fat. No fattening food, no endless choices of trash TV, and did I mention small portions at restaurants?? Nonetheless, I am becoming an expert on all these things and will help you through...I am becoming smarter, thinner, and I'm sleeping more.. Today I am carting myself off (I WISH someone would put me in my cart and push ME) to the SuperQuin for groceries and searching for a place to get a flu shot. Wish me luck!

Getting smarter by the minute, I remain..


Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Trip Planning

FMM: 3 mi

I am planning Mary and Mom's upcoming visit. I have been making big decisions like "What would be more fun -- listening to an Irish storyteller or watching an Irish music show?" I'm also trying to figure out how to get us to the other side of the country (Ireland is about the same size as Missouri) in order to visit my grandmother's birthplace: Kenmare, County Kerry. She was born there in 1874. I'm told it's now a very exclusive vacation destination, so maybe we'll just settle there for good. Knowing Mom, she can probably come up with a deed that shows we own a prime piece of real estate there. If there ever was one, I'm sure it's still at 509 Marshall Street.. I got Bob to watch his first episode of "The Office: An American Workplace" (as opposed to the original British version of
"The Office "). He wondered why all the characters keep looking at the camera. How does one explain that? He didn't find it too funny...I was thrilled to find a show I recognized; I'll probably be back to watching camogie (that's Irish girls' hurling for those of you who weren't paying attention yesterday) tonight...Visited the library. I got a digitally loaded MP3 of Bram Stoker's (a Dublin writer) _Dracula_. I'm told that all I have to do is put in my earphones and listen. You can think of me listening to it as I go about my business (a very loose term, I know) today. Hopefully, I won't scare myself to death or shriek or jump as I walk down the street. I don't think anyone would notice as I talk to myself all the time walking down the street now and no one pays a bit of attention...Anyway, I'm all blogged out.

Vamping away,


Monday, October 12, 2009

Irish Potpourri

FMM: 5 mi

Happy Monday! Sat. we toured Kilmainham Gaol (Jail), a prison famous for being the site where the 1916 Easter Uprising rebels were killed by firing squad. We also had a short visit with Monsignor Flanagan and his niece. Msgr was in Ireland for a funeral...Bob now watches Irish sports including soccer, rugby, and even camogie (the female version of hurling). He doesn't know a thing about the NFL except what one of his officemates, who is a big fan of the NFL, has shared from watching games on the internet. We did watch Ireland tie Italy in a World Cup qualifier on Saturday. The World Cup stuff seems like the NBA in that the playoffs go on forever..We toured the James Joyce Centre yesterday. That visit inspired Bob to get back to _Uylsses_. He is now on page lxiii of the introduction which goes up to page Lxxxxxii. After that, he can begin the book which only has 933 pages. I was going to include the last line of the book for you just in case you ever get on "Jeopardy", but when I looked, it appears to be over 30 pages long. Seriously, there's not a punctuation mark or even a paragraph indentation for 33 pages. Therefore, you can check it out yourself if you're interested..Bob and I went to Bewley's Oriental Cafe, a well-known landmark, for their "world famous sticky bun". I had read about it in a travel book and had my hopes up that finally something truly sweet and tasty would cross my lips after a 6 week dry spell... Alas, they don't make the sticky buns on Sundays! I had my pick of an almond croissant, a currant (you kids know THAT is my favorite fruit!) scone, or a kind of danish. I chose the danish but it did not satisfy my craving. In my opinion, they need to add at least another cup of sugar to every wonder the Europeans are so thin!..Anyway, my search continues..As I've reported before, they do speak English here, but it has its own distinct pronunciations. Here are a few I've encountered: Ireland = R Land; funding = foonding; numbers = noombers; film = fil um; Van Gogh - Van goff (really!);he - your man; predecessor = preedecessor; and finally, Barack Obama = Barack (as in "attack") Obama (as in "Alabama")...All my observations for today. Happy Monday!

Searching for sugar,


Saturday, October 10, 2009

Interior Design

FMM: 5.5 mi

Hi, F & F,

You'll be happy to know that I did buy two mops, carried them home in the rain, and even used them yesterday. Not only that, but even I rearranged the furniture and created a little work of art. I covered a carboard box with _Paris Beacons_ and placed the full-length mirror atop it which simultaneously covered up about 10 power cords which used to greet you when you walked in. Who says I have no artistic talent? Bob loved it! Really. He said so. I knew there was a reason I had married him. His approval so inspired me that I stuck a greeting card from the girls on the windsill for added effect..I am working every day to get this place ready for when you all visit. Bob and I went out for pizza then attempted to find "real Irish music". We did find the music, but the place was so crowded we couldn't hear it. We will have to try during the week next time...Happy Saturday to all of you.

Artistically yours,


Friday, October 9, 2009

Will Walk for Friends

FMM: 8 mi

Good morning, blokes and birds,

I survived my self-imposed walkathon around the Howth Peninsula. (I couldn't have gotten myself invited to join a book club or a bunco club, now could I????)The ocean views are quite spectacular; so are the homes. I walked with four nice ladies in the loosely-organized Peninsula Walking Club. They are serious walkers. Thank God they stop for 3 mins a third of the way, and about 30 min for coffee at 2/3 of the way. Their stated habit is to stay silent up one rather imposing hill, but I stupidly took the floor then. Of course, I had to finish my tale about our wonderful 5 euro tour of the Glasnevin Cemetery and they seemed politely interested. (Although one lady remarked, "My husband would think I was out of my mind if I announced on Sunday afternoon that I was off to tour the cemetery.") However, it nearly finished me off... I did learn that you have to get a passport to take your dog out of the country!.. You animal lovers probably know that. Did you also know that hotels in Switzerland and Austria freely welcome dogs in their hotels and restaurants? That's what they told me...I did enjoy the 1 hour train ride and managed to finish a very good book called _Memoir_ by John McGahern, a popular Irish author. It was an _Angela's Ashes_ type true story of his Irish childhood. I couldn't put it down...Bob has suggested (demanded?) that I find a way to clean the floor in this apt. The only cleaning utensil provided is a push broom which I have occasionally swished around parts of the floor. Evidently, the sun shone in on a rather dusty corner heap last night, and now I'm in trouble. I must remember to keep the curtains closed when he comes home! Anyway, you can think of me dragging home a proper mop (no Swiffers here!) today. I may put on my babuska just for effect. To complete the picture: it is supposed to pour down rain all day today. At least my mop will be all ready by the time I get home... Maybe someone will hire me. They would be sorry...We are expecting company tomorrow. Monsignor Flanagan from Columbia is in Ireland and we will hopefully see him Saturday...

Mopingly Moppingly yours,


Thursday, October 8, 2009

The Irish Rover

FMM: 1.2 mi


(Footnote: Pam suggested the "Irish Rover" moniker; I have to give her credit or Floyd might sue me! Also, this way the actual Irish Rovers Band will sue Pam not me.)

Just the slob from the bog here. I am off to walk at the seashore momentarily with a group of ladies. Bob told me not to talk much, and they might invite me back. It worked! I will try it again today. I certainly have had lots of practice not talking... Furthermore, if this keeps up, I have decided I won't have to give up a thing for Lent. Do you know how hard it is for me to keep my mouth shut??? Don't answer that...It is cold and dreary here...Just got off Skype with Nancy. We don't know why she is still up at 2:00 AM. We demanded that she go to bed immediately...She may or may not go to the M0-Neb game tonight, so let her or me know if you need a ticket...Gotta go; don't want to be late for my forced march...

Rovingly yours,


Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Signing Onto Google, Books


FMM: 6.5 mi

Some of you have suggested that it would be more fun if you were able to post comments on the blog. I agree! All you need to do is set up a Google account with a name and a password. You can even comment anonymously. Please let me know if you have problems doing this, and I will check into it. Come join in the fun that is the Blog from the Bog or whatever you want to call it!... I walked downtown with Bob yesterday and discovered -at long last - the well-known shopping area called Henry Street. It has variety, selection, and even bargains; I would have enjoyed it even more if it weren't pouring down rain all morning.. Never mind, I can take you there when you come visit...Went to Eason's Bookstore and lurked about so long that I think they sent someone to stand beside me! I am a rather sinister looking character. And I was holding a small unpaid-for map of Edinburgh under my mini spiral notebook while I scribbled book titles. I have been scouring the bookstores to come up with titles to order with my gift certificate that my bunco friends gave me. Ladies, if you're reading this, you'll be happy to know that I ordered 8 books this morning. Thank you!...Since you're all so nosy, here are the titles I've ordered: The Other Hand (Chris Cleave), Born Under a Million Shadows (Busfield), House at Riverton (Morton), Girl With The Dragon Tattoo (Larsson), We Need to Talk About Kevin (Shriver), Tethered (MacKinnon), Noah and the compass (Ann Tyler)...Got a nice surprise phonecall from Rita Schulte yesterday. I was thrilled to hear from her. Remember you can call me on my Vonage phone with no international charges. Just dial 573-234-4541

Yours truly (mostly),


Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Monday, Monday

FMM: 3.5 mi

I'm marching downtown with Bob this morning, so I'll keep this short...Did my usual wanderings yesterday and managed to wander back to the right address once again...We now have food, books, DVDs, and clean clothes. The only thing missing is you, friends and family! And guess what? Mary and Mom have announced their dates. They are coming here Oct. 26 - Nov. 4. I was so excited that they are coming for a nice, long visit, that I nearly cried. Bob said he wanted to cry, too...Tim and Megan have also announced theirs: Dec. 19 - Jan 2! I am overcome with joy. I am waiting on Molly and Nancy now. Anyway, I am heading downtown to get a map of Ireland (where am I anyway?) so that we can broaden our horizons. It's rainy and bleak - Bob's favorite weather...We're off.

Marchingly yours,


Monday, October 5, 2009

All About Nancy

Nancy has threatened to stop reading my blog since I don't mention her. Like most celebrity bloggers, I have tried to shield my family members from publicity, but Nancy prefers to take the Suri/Shiloh route, so I must oblige her... What can I tell you about Nancy? Nancy is 18 and a freshman in college. She has had a few surprises in her classes this year. She has lucked out on a few tests she didn't study for and not lucked out on a few she did. .. She is and always has been very lovable and very likable. She is also very funny. She recently won a spot in her sorority's Homecoming skit due to her ability to impersonate -- are you ready for this -- an Irish accent! She did visit here in 2004, but otherwise has had little exposure to Irish accents. When I try to give her tips on word pronunciation, she doesn't need them. Is is possible to inherit an Irish accent from generations past? I don't know. However, if her career plans in marketing don't work out, I think she could make it as an impersonator. Really. She is an observer of people...What else? Well, she told her father that she bought a pair of Uggs over the weekend. Of course, her father has no idea what those are which is just as well. No father should have to know what they are or especially how much they cost...She also just recovered from a nasty case of the flu. She doesn't think it was swine flu, but she's not sure.... Now if you have comments you'd like to make about Nancy, please log on to the blog and make them. Nothing would make her happier. And, like a rat in a Skinner box searching for pellets, I suspect Nancy will read this blog forevermore as she will think that there just might be a mention of her!!! If you would like to be a featured topic, too, just let me know; I'd be glad to blog about you...What is the saying, "If you want something done, give it to a busy person." Well, luckily, no one gave me anything to do last weekend, as I wouldn't have gotten it done. I had nothing in particular to do and did a whole lot of nothing...However, I did find a real honest-to-goodness mall... I am in search of a jacket, but I had no luck. I think that my standards are just too high. You tell me what you think. Here's what I'm looking for: lightweight, waterproof car coat length coat with a hood that has a tie and several strategically-placed pockets to accommodate my nomadic sherpa lifestyle. It also must be flattering, slimming, fashionable, youthful, affordable yet durable, and in one of my "Color Me Beautiful" colors. Teresa, if you are reading this, maybe Amy (who is studying at the Fashion Institute in L.A.) can design one for me...Oh the other hand, maybe I should search for an army surplus store; I have always looked good in khaki, and I could stick a few rations in my pockets for the next time I get lost wandering around the city...Again, I do know that some of you have to get back to work... I am off to hunt, gather, and do whatever it is I do...

Blogingly yours,


Saturday, October 3, 2009

Walkin Around Dublin

FMM: 3 mi

Hi, F & F,

Nice to have you back again on a Saturday...At least you are not checking this on your boss's time!... Update: one of the Fulbright administrators heard my plight, took pity on me, and brought me a stack of coffee filters. I'm saved!..Bob and I had another full day among the Fulbrighters yesterday...We toured a Georgian house. Georgian is the era during which three Kings named George - including the one that lost the U.S. for the crown - ruled in succession in England. See, I WAS listening! Tea was very expensive during that time and it was locked in a case with the mistress of the house wearing the key securely around her neck. Somehow I could see Mom doing that even today with her precious Lipton teabags.. anyway, we then had a very lively tour guide who liked to talk more than walk which was fine with me. He took us to see the Oscar Wilde statue in Merrion Park and incorporated in my favorite Oscar Wilde quotation, one I plan to use the next time I cross the border. When Oscar was asked at customs if he had anything to declare, he replied, "Only my genius." (I would make a smiley face now, but "Notepad", the system Tim says I have to write this blog on, doesn't allow such frivolous additions -- it's words and words only and not even a boldface for emphasis can be used!)..Only 3 out of 30 of the Fulbrighters are stationed in Dublin. I did meet one wife who acts like she might hang around with me. We have arranged to go out on Wed. to a Literary Pub Crawl. Do you think I can read _Ulysses_ and _Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man_ by Wed? I think Cliffs Notes are online now, aren't they?...I am now home alone for the weekend as Bob has gone with the rest of the Fulbrighters up to Maynooth for a total immersion in the Irish language...He has been very excited about this as he has been studying Irish for many years on his own. Some of you may be wondering, "Don't they speak English in Ireland?" Well, yes, they do, but certain parts of the country speak Irish or Celtic. All signs here are written in Irish as well as English as are all laws. Students are required to take Irish all the way through school. There is even an Irish language TV channel here. While I'm told that only 30,000 people actually speak Irish soley, it has enjoyed a rebirth of interest, including Bob O'Connell's interest. He hopes he will get to try speaking it when we visit the Dingle Peninsula...So, you're probably wondering what I am going to do with myself this weekend, right? Well, last night I had a bag of candy and a bag of cookies for dinner (remember: Bob doesn't read this blog, so he'll never know I've gone off the health wagon and all evidence will be discarded before his return), watched part of the movie "Away from You" while dozing on the couch, read an Irish tabloid, slept in my clothes, written a few e-mails, watched David Letterman's confession online, read Sue Miller's _For Love_, and generally been a big slob. However, today is a new day and I plan to get dressed any hour now!..

Have a nice weekend!

Yours truly (well, mostly truly),

Friday, October 2, 2009

The Embassy

Hi, Blogites,

FMM: 1.5 mi

I think I OD'd on social interaction yesterday. I am out of the practice of talking to anyone but myself. However, I hit my stride by mid-morning. We met all of the other Fulbrighters in Ireland yesterday...It is quite an interesting group of people and projects which include such things a creating traditional Irish music score for cellos (evidently they have never been used before in traditional Irish music), creating abstract art which incorporates the Irish landscape, studying the rise in obesity among Irish men over 80...well, you get the picture? It was fun to hear about the projects and meet the people... The American Embassy is a modernistic building - it looks like a flying saucer - set among Georgian buildings. When we stepped inside (now don't laugh at this) it looked just like an Embassy Suites Hotel:> Really. The reception room is round and surrounded by three floors of rooms which overlook it. The ambassador was not available, but his deputy greeted us. He had just gotten off the phone with Hillary Clinton's office and he let us in on a secret: she is coming here next weekend. Now you know the secret, too...We went to the Abbey Theatre and enjoyed the world premiere of a play called "Tales From Ballycumber" by a well-known Irish author named Sebastion Barry...You know I can't wait for today's main Fulbrighter activity: a WALKING tour of Dublin! You know I need one of those...not only that but I am PAYING to take this tour.....more later..

Your stand-in here in Ireland (pronounces "R Land" by most people I meet),


P.S. Nora, if you're reading this, they pronounce your name "LEE HEE" over here.