Monday, July 12, 2010

My True Calling

Good day, friends and foes,

I've forged a new identity and have another great idea of how to make my life worthwhile. Read on and tell me what you think. On Saturday our WiFi wasn't working, so I called the Century Tel 800 number. I had a 30 minute conversation with the nicest young man. He patiently asked me the standard questions..What operating system do you have? (I don't know. How do I find that out?)..Well, how old is your computer? (Not sure. How do I find that out? I think my third child was in grade school when we got it. Give me a minute...)What search engine are you trying to get onto? (I don't know. All of them. Any of them. Just get me to my e-mail.)..Did you unplug the ethernet cord? (What color did you say that was? I think it's unplugged. I unplugged something.) Which lights are flashing? (Just a minute. Let me get my glasses.) Did you type in the codes I gave you? (Oops. I accidentally pushed "enter"; could you give me those 20 digits/letter again?). What's happening on the router? (Which one did you say was the router?) Luckily, I get a different guy every time I call. I worry that the techies might save my number (they would know how to do that, you know) and publish a "phone number hit list" of customers they want to off. I'm afraid I would be near the top of the list. That's why, despite many requests, I never give out my phone number to young men in bars. You just never know... On the other hand, I think I could make big money as a techie tester. I could hire myself out to large corporations to test the mettle of their tech support. If they could make it through a 30 minute conversation with me without heading for the nearest bridge afterward or reaching for a bottle of whiskey under the desk, they would be up to the job...

Tormenting techies,
I remain


  1. OK, do you know that Lynnie is sending this out on her list serve after getting the link from Pammie! I wonder how long it will take to get around the world and back? I think you might get on that Techie "black list" yet!

  2. You're a piker! We had a guy call HP once because his printer was DOA. He was ugly and abusive to the (then) Boise support person. The kid told the irate customer that he needed to run through a checklist and could he please make sure that the printer was plugged in. The guy said, "I'm a $%^&*() engineer, you %^&*() idiot. Of course it is plugged in." The support person said, "Please sir, I need you to verify that it is plugged in." The kid said he heard all kinds of laughter in the background and somebody else said, "So you're going to give HP a piece of your mind, huh? Better not give them too big a piece!" The kid said he never did talk with the ^&*()engineer because the guy hung up. You probably don't rate very high on the irritability factor. Here is one way I was thinking of making money: every time I move to a new state, the real estate market goes sky-high. When I go to sell, somehow the market falls through the floor. I figure I could get a state to pay me to move in and then pay me not to move! I could up the ante by getting another state to try to pay me to move there, thus sparking a bidding war. We're always thinking!

  3. Well, they say wisdom comes with age. We are just late bloomers in figuring out these new money making schemes for baby boomers. At least I'm nice when I call. Furthermore, don't tell them, but I would endure any and all verbal abuse to get my internet back...To Jan --- on LYNNI'S Listserve?? I'll be famous yet.
