Saturday, July 3, 2010

Trying to Declare Your Independence?

Hey, Saturday Slackers,

You're at it again,huh? You don't think that YOU actually get a holiday, do you? Don't you remember that this is a three day weekend so that even more is expected of you? You must not only perform your usual chores - and you know what those are- but you must also don a pair of shorts (Lord preserve me), grab a metal spatula, and cook up something more exotic than the bricket-style balls that my parents passed off as grilled hamburgers. The art of cooking out has evolved even if you haven't. You must also put a smile on your face, entertain your family and friends, and do this all outside no matter what the temperature. Still sitting here reading this blog instead? You should be ashamed of yourself. Me? Tim and Megan's visit inspired me to new domestic and culinary heights. I fixed not one but two new recipes for dinner. One came from the Pepperidge Farm (God bless the USA) stuffing package, the other off the Del Monte (God bless America) shredded bag of salad. I also made my usual brownies which somehow never got firm in the middle. Maybe my oven really doesn't work. Megan dubbed them "molten cake" and we dug in anyway. Nancy insisted that her mono might cause her to get salmonella from the uncooked eggs, but it's a chance she took. She knows that you always eat here at your own risk. Anyway, they'll all be up to watch soccer shortly. I am thankful for yet another American pre-prepared product: Sister Schubert's frozen cinnamon rolls...Oops, I almost forgot to remind you...Are you paying attention? You know what to do. Go set them. Now. Those mice are just waiting to ruin your cookout...Did I ever tell you about the time Tim lifted his grill lid only to see five sets of baby mice eyes staring back at him?? It's true! He is still recovering..

Grilling when I want to be chilling,
I remain

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