Toasty toed
Hi, Blogpals,
Most of you know me as keen observer of what goes on around me. Okay, just say it, I'm nosy. Well, wasn't I surprised when my lame family and friends managed to put one over on me and surprise me with a 60th birthday party? Molly came from out of town. When my sister asked where she parked, she said, "In front of the restaurant. Mom will never notice." And she was right...My sister called and told me she was walking into the Country Club in Paris when,in fact, she was walking into Boone Tavern. Teresa took me for a glass of wine after work, and I didn't worry too much about why two other friends were no-shows. And I should've suspected something when Nancy rejected her favorite restaurant and suggested that we go to Boone Tavern instead for my birthday dinner...I must admit that I didn't have a clue. Instead of a quiet dinner with Nancy and Bob, I was treated to an evening with 20+ of my friends and family. My "friend" Jody, suggested that everyone bring me socks. And they all gladly complied. I suspect I'll still be wearing some of these socks when I'm sitting in my rocking chair.
Tim wrote me a poem, and I'd like to share it with you...
A Poem for Mom
By: Tim
Today you’re turning sixty, Mom,
Your years are getting higher.
But the Mistress of Knowledge does not age,
She only becomes wiser.
Over the years, you’ve acquired many names,
Like Ms. Liz, Tiz and Tizzie.
But the girls and I have used only two:
Either Mom or Mommy.
While we grew up, you washed our clothes,
Bathed, read-to, and fed us.
And Thursdays were the special days
You made us cinnamon toast for breakfast.
You have the gift of gab for sure,
Your loquacity is well-known.
It must be due to all those times
You kissed the Blarney Stone!
This wordiness has served you well
In your career as a blogger,
And it certainly helped you compose to me
“The Lament of the Mom of Soccer.”
Your exercise regimen consists
Of walking, talking and smiles,
But the girls and I are most fond of
Your famous “Mom Run Miles.”
Many a forced march have you completed
During your sixty years,
But you’ve usually marched forth in laughter
And not too many tears.
You’re a soccer mom, a poet,
An avid reader and a muse.
And everyone here calls you a friend,
That they would hate to lose.
At sixty years you’ve reached the time
When you are twice my age.
But you should be proud that throughout this time
You’ve made the world your stage!
This poem is done; there is no more.
But there’s one thing left to say:
From Molly, Nancy, Dad, and me,
We love you, and Happy Birthday!
Okay, I cried one more time when I reread it. I am a lucky lady.
I love and appreciate all of you!
With toasty toes,
I remain
Monday, December 26, 2011
Friday, October 21, 2011
Concrete, Cooking, Catherine, and Chidren
Good day, Bloggies,
Shouldn’t you be raking your leaves? Planning your Halloween costume? Eating a caramel apple? Well, since you’re slacking, I guess I’ll join you.
We have a new concrete patio outside our basement door! What? You’re not excited? Well, evidently, no contractors were either, as we had been trying to find someone to install one for quite some time. As usual, no one wants to do the jobs we need done. What? They don’t want to scrape peeling paint off my garage ceiling and redo it? A few years back, I got very excited about a great bid on that, but the painters never did show… Most guys we call either don’t call back and/or don’t show up. Do you think someone has our number? Are we on the contractors’ “No Call List”? One guy simply walked away during Bob’s interrogation (er.. I mean “questioning”) of how he was going to install the concrete. He drove off, leaving his stunned underlings to make excuses and skulk away. Another fellow spent several hours with us and even offered to “explain a law of physics” to Bob so that Bob would understand the angle at which the patio would be slanted… We finally picked the guy with the shortest rap sheet AND miraculously he eventually showed up. While we have never sat on the said patio and don’t intend to, it is a fine-looking perfectly –angled (well, we’ll know that after the first downpour that doesn’t result in a wet basement) piece of sand art… Now all this has led to us planting grass seed for the first time in our young lives, but I’ll save that for another blog.
Now let’s talk about cooking. What I know wouldn’t fill a blog, but evidently despite the internet, iPod, and iPhone (okay, now is where Nancy reminds me that she DOESN’T have one of these) to give her all knowledge she needs at her fingertips -- she knows even less than I do. She moved into her first apartment in Aug. Like a good mother, I supplied her with all the cooking essentials: Hamburger helper, Ragu spaghetti sauce, Shake ‘n Bake, Ramen noodles, a few frozen pizzas, etc. She called in dismay one evening. She was both hungry and humiliated. She had planned to make Hamburger Helper for her roommates. Her roommate Maggie asked, “Oh, do you have some hamburger?” Nancy’s reply, “Isn’t it in the box?” How’s a girl to know ? She hasn’t cooked the Ramen noodles yet, but remind me to tell her that Ramen won’t suddenly appear to cook them for her. ..
And now, onto my mother, Catherine… You DO like to read about nearly 101-year-olds, don’t you? What my sister told me may help explain why Mom has gotten to be nearly 101. Mary stopped by one evening to take her for a ride. Mom was already in bed. She asked Mary, “Can I just go like I am?” So, she got out of bed, put on her robe and slippers, and did what folks in my hometown have made an art form: went riding around. Here’s to getting out of bed and keepin’ on keepin’ on.
And finally to kids. I have only one observation today. Years ago when Molly was a young girl, she was noted among her family and friends for having a most untidy bedroom. I could describe it, but some of you mothers reading this might weep openly and have to explain yourselves to your boss or worse. In Tom Sawyer fashion, whenever she needed to clean her room before getting to go play, she would convince her unsuspecting friend (sorry, Amy, it was usually you) to “help” her clean her room in order to enjoy her inimitable company. My ever-wise sister would say, “Don’t worry. When she grows up, her house will be spotless.” That was little comfort t to me. Well, guess what? My sister was right. Bob and I stayed in Molly’s apartment last weekend and there wasn’t a thing out of place. There were no dishes in the sink, there were clean towels in the bathroom, the garbage can was empty, we didn’t have to wade through piles of clothes. So, for all of you mothers of slobs out there – you know who you are – fear not. They do grow up, and they do have spotless homes. So, just suck it up for 20 years or so. It’s not so bad now, is it?
“C” ing things my way,
I remain
Shouldn’t you be raking your leaves? Planning your Halloween costume? Eating a caramel apple? Well, since you’re slacking, I guess I’ll join you.
We have a new concrete patio outside our basement door! What? You’re not excited? Well, evidently, no contractors were either, as we had been trying to find someone to install one for quite some time. As usual, no one wants to do the jobs we need done. What? They don’t want to scrape peeling paint off my garage ceiling and redo it? A few years back, I got very excited about a great bid on that, but the painters never did show… Most guys we call either don’t call back and/or don’t show up. Do you think someone has our number? Are we on the contractors’ “No Call List”? One guy simply walked away during Bob’s interrogation (er.. I mean “questioning”) of how he was going to install the concrete. He drove off, leaving his stunned underlings to make excuses and skulk away. Another fellow spent several hours with us and even offered to “explain a law of physics” to Bob so that Bob would understand the angle at which the patio would be slanted… We finally picked the guy with the shortest rap sheet AND miraculously he eventually showed up. While we have never sat on the said patio and don’t intend to, it is a fine-looking perfectly –angled (well, we’ll know that after the first downpour that doesn’t result in a wet basement) piece of sand art… Now all this has led to us planting grass seed for the first time in our young lives, but I’ll save that for another blog.
Now let’s talk about cooking. What I know wouldn’t fill a blog, but evidently despite the internet, iPod, and iPhone (okay, now is where Nancy reminds me that she DOESN’T have one of these) to give her all knowledge she needs at her fingertips -- she knows even less than I do. She moved into her first apartment in Aug. Like a good mother, I supplied her with all the cooking essentials: Hamburger helper, Ragu spaghetti sauce, Shake ‘n Bake, Ramen noodles, a few frozen pizzas, etc. She called in dismay one evening. She was both hungry and humiliated. She had planned to make Hamburger Helper for her roommates. Her roommate Maggie asked, “Oh, do you have some hamburger?” Nancy’s reply, “Isn’t it in the box?” How’s a girl to know ? She hasn’t cooked the Ramen noodles yet, but remind me to tell her that Ramen won’t suddenly appear to cook them for her. ..
And now, onto my mother, Catherine… You DO like to read about nearly 101-year-olds, don’t you? What my sister told me may help explain why Mom has gotten to be nearly 101. Mary stopped by one evening to take her for a ride. Mom was already in bed. She asked Mary, “Can I just go like I am?” So, she got out of bed, put on her robe and slippers, and did what folks in my hometown have made an art form: went riding around. Here’s to getting out of bed and keepin’ on keepin’ on.
And finally to kids. I have only one observation today. Years ago when Molly was a young girl, she was noted among her family and friends for having a most untidy bedroom. I could describe it, but some of you mothers reading this might weep openly and have to explain yourselves to your boss or worse. In Tom Sawyer fashion, whenever she needed to clean her room before getting to go play, she would convince her unsuspecting friend (sorry, Amy, it was usually you) to “help” her clean her room in order to enjoy her inimitable company. My ever-wise sister would say, “Don’t worry. When she grows up, her house will be spotless.” That was little comfort t to me. Well, guess what? My sister was right. Bob and I stayed in Molly’s apartment last weekend and there wasn’t a thing out of place. There were no dishes in the sink, there were clean towels in the bathroom, the garbage can was empty, we didn’t have to wade through piles of clothes. So, for all of you mothers of slobs out there – you know who you are – fear not. They do grow up, and they do have spotless homes. So, just suck it up for 20 years or so. It’s not so bad now, is it?
“C” ing things my way,
I remain
Monday, September 5, 2011
Trying to be Fanny

Happy Labor-free day,
I hope you've slacked to your heart's content the past three days. I guess you're not done yet if you're reading this... One photo above shows me set free from the bonds of convention wearing what I secretly always want to wear: a fanny pack. Normally, my children won't allow it and even my sister tried to toss out my fanny pack collection (one way cool black leather one, a purple waterproof one, and a navy one I got for free that advertises something) when she came to help me organize my life a few years back. Well, I showed them. Bob and I went to Colorado in August, and I publicly and proudly made my statement. Bob didn't have a clue that I was a big dork. In fact, he's had 35 years to discover that, and he still doesn't know. As long as I could supply sunglasses clip-ons (they're not dorky, are they?), water bottles, and a debit card on a moment's notice, he didn't care what I wore. I loved having my hands free. In fact, I needed both my hands on one hike. We were the only ones on the trail and we were greeted by a sign which provided directions for what to do if we encountered a bear or a bobcat. One suggestion was to "do whatever you can to appear taller." Now that's a tall order for me. It recommended raising one's arms above one's head to accomplish this. And so I did as I followed Bob up the mountain. Of course, I worried the whole time about which animal I was supposed to give eye contact to and which one I was not. Luckily, my comprehension skills weren't put to the test as I'm sure I would've looked right at the bear and raised my arms and thereby incited him to action (or maybe just confused him..? ) The direction to not get in between a mother and her cub was particularly intriguing as would anyone do that on purpose? Wouldn't it be too late before you discovered that you were between them? Oh, excuse me, Mama Bear, let me step out of the way while you get to Baby Bear...Since Bob arrived in Colorado a few days ahead of me to attend a meeting, he had some time to get the hotel room in full welcoming mode for me. See the photo with the clothes draped lovingly on all possible surfaces. I felt so at home when I got there...Updates...Nancy still doesn't have a cute bedspread. Now that she's in her first apartment and supposedly on a budget, her solution is to come home and eat more. Some of you may remember how I stretched my money in college??? At the time, Pringle's potato chips were being test marketed and weren't available in Champaign-Urbana. However, they WERE available in Paris, Illinois. That's right. So, I introduced my friends to Pringles. They were quite a sensation. And I would get them at a very reduced rate (okay, free)from Bridwell's and then sell them to my friends. Those were the days...
Packing my fanny off to bed,
I remain
Tizzie/Tiz/Tizmom/Mom/Liz/ Elizabeth
Thursday, July 28, 2011
Summer Musings
Hi,Summer Slackers,
Has your summer slipped away without enough fun to show for it? Are you still waiting for a break in the weather -- like maybe a day in the low 90s -- to start enjoying yourself?
You must be wondering what I've been doing this summer. I've accomplished a few things. I have taken my razor out of storage and managed to shave my legs a few times without ending up at the ER... Nancy has painted my toenails, so I look like a modern, well-groomed gal. I have cleaned the back porch floor and will get to the furniture soon. Why, I'll be out there reading a book and sipping mimosas any month now...I have taken my swimsuit out of the mothballs and am preparing to go to a pool party this weekend; however, I'm afraid I did forget to go on a diet. Maybe next summer...Is have rearranged my dresser drawers so that the first thing on top is no longer a black turtleneck...I have eased my guilty conscience by simply not buying any hanging plants for the porch and subjecting them to my I mean nurturing... I have gone to the Dairy Queen once when I really wanted to and enjoyed a medium dipped cone...I have had a few "Tizhaps". I bought a new cheese grater. A certain person insisted on talking to me while I was grating which distracted me and caused me to grate my own knuckle. Ouch!..I managed to make a florescent light bulb explode in my car, spraying glass over a rather large area..
As the summer winds down, I have started hearing those words no mother ever wants to hear, "Mom, when can we go shopping for my first apartment?" Now some of you who are helping your first child move into an apartment are thinking that I'm a particularly negligent curmudgeonly mother who can't take joy in her child's progress. But that's not it at all. I could show you my basement and garage and what happens to all those "darling" bedspreads with matching pillows and had-to-have pieces of furniture, the dishes, the bookshelves, the toaster ovens..Somehow whatever we already own won't be the right thing. It won't be cute enough or modern enough (okay, I do still have the rolling cart I put my TV on in college and sometimes it even has a TV on it) or hip enough for the roommates. Do you think anyone would take my crockpot which has part of the lid held together with duct tape? How about my skillet which has half the Teflon scraped off? My pink towels with bleach spots which give them a bit of a tie dye appearance? So, if you see me schlepping around Bed, Beth, and Beyond with a cart full of crap while accompanied by a perky college girl, remind me to smile and enjoy myself.
So, write and tell me what YOU'VE accomplished this summer. Or better yet, what you haven't accomplished.
Sweatin' and frettin',
I remain
Has your summer slipped away without enough fun to show for it? Are you still waiting for a break in the weather -- like maybe a day in the low 90s -- to start enjoying yourself?
You must be wondering what I've been doing this summer. I've accomplished a few things. I have taken my razor out of storage and managed to shave my legs a few times without ending up at the ER... Nancy has painted my toenails, so I look like a modern, well-groomed gal. I have cleaned the back porch floor and will get to the furniture soon. Why, I'll be out there reading a book and sipping mimosas any month now...I have taken my swimsuit out of the mothballs and am preparing to go to a pool party this weekend; however, I'm afraid I did forget to go on a diet. Maybe next summer...Is have rearranged my dresser drawers so that the first thing on top is no longer a black turtleneck...I have eased my guilty conscience by simply not buying any hanging plants for the porch and subjecting them to my I mean nurturing... I have gone to the Dairy Queen once when I really wanted to and enjoyed a medium dipped cone...I have had a few "Tizhaps". I bought a new cheese grater. A certain person insisted on talking to me while I was grating which distracted me and caused me to grate my own knuckle. Ouch!..I managed to make a florescent light bulb explode in my car, spraying glass over a rather large area..
As the summer winds down, I have started hearing those words no mother ever wants to hear, "Mom, when can we go shopping for my first apartment?" Now some of you who are helping your first child move into an apartment are thinking that I'm a particularly negligent curmudgeonly mother who can't take joy in her child's progress. But that's not it at all. I could show you my basement and garage and what happens to all those "darling" bedspreads with matching pillows and had-to-have pieces of furniture, the dishes, the bookshelves, the toaster ovens..Somehow whatever we already own won't be the right thing. It won't be cute enough or modern enough (okay, I do still have the rolling cart I put my TV on in college and sometimes it even has a TV on it) or hip enough for the roommates. Do you think anyone would take my crockpot which has part of the lid held together with duct tape? How about my skillet which has half the Teflon scraped off? My pink towels with bleach spots which give them a bit of a tie dye appearance? So, if you see me schlepping around Bed, Beth, and Beyond with a cart full of crap while accompanied by a perky college girl, remind me to smile and enjoy myself.
So, write and tell me what YOU'VE accomplished this summer. Or better yet, what you haven't accomplished.
Sweatin' and frettin',
I remain
Sunday, July 3, 2011
Six Reasons to Go to Branson

Hi, blogpals,
Recently, Mary,Mom, and I enjoyed a fun getaway in Branson, MO. Branson is the Nashville/Vegas of the Midwest, in case you don't know. There are 138 shows in town. I have now been there six times since 1991, so it got me to wondering why people go there and why they go back. So I've come up with what I think are some of the reasons. Ready? Here goes..
1. To feel young again. Despite our status as Baby Boomer babes, Mary and I were NOT the oldest people at most of the shows --- we made sure of that since we took Mom with us to all the shows. However, there were plenty of senior seniors wandering the streets and shows of Branson.
2. To feel really old. When you look at the photos advertising Paul Revere and the Raiders in full American revolutionary gear you kinda see the passing of time, shall we say? At one show, one of the young cast members looked into the audience and exclaimed, "Look there. We have one under 50. Really. Come look at her!"
3. To buy CD's that will no doubt be rare gems on e-bay 30+ years from now when you might need the dough. After all, if only 50 were sold, they'll be worth a lot, right?
4. To take a scenic train ride. While it never said exactly what "scenes" we would see, we did expect more than trees and junkyards..
5. To learn some folksy jokes. You know you need one or two you can tell your kids, grandkids, or parents. Try this one: A four-year-old was watching her grandmother put on her makeup. She asked, "What are you doing, Grandma?" Grandma replied, "I'm putting on makeup so I'll look pretty." The little girl replied, "When does it start working?"
6. To shop with your sister, the fashion maven, so that she can tell you what is "in style" and "youthful". Of course, she is an expert on these things... Nonetheless, I continue to put stake in her advice. So, I turned myself into a regular hottie at the Eddie Bauer outlet. Check me out sometime.
Bob and I plan to go back in November to see Ireland's most famous music import next to Bono : Daniel O'Donnell. He's there in November as are Bill Medley, Paul Revere and the Raiders, Tony Orlando and more..Come join us. You know you want to!
In other news...
Tim and Megan are having more critter problems. This time it's swallows (ones protected by the government, of course) building nests above their front door. Poor Megan has been swooped down upon a few times. Tim thinks he has the problem under control. If only they would swoop down on the prairie mice instead....Worst critter story I've heard lately --absolutely true and verified by my friend Bunny at work -- a girl went into her upstairs bathroom at her home in Texas (You may think this is an urban myth, since I've given you specific details such as the person's sex, the location of the home, the bathroom, etc, but it's absolutely true.) and started screaming. When her mother came up, there was a dead squirrel in the toilet. No kidding. The sewer people could not figure out how it had gotten there...Not much happening here in COMO. Bob is mowing the lawn. No reports of snake attacks yet. Nancy is lounging on a yacht with her friends at Lake of the Ozarks. Don't know what Molly is doing other than not calling her mother. Don't know what Tim and Megan are doing other than not calling Tim's mother. Me? I'm sitting here with nothing better to do, just like you are. My only goal for the rest of the day is to go to the Dairy Queen and get a chocolate-dipped ice cream cone.
Happy 4th to you and yours!
Chillin' with no chillen,
I remain
Saturday, June 4, 2011
Under Siege

Hello, Saturday Slackers,
What is your excuse today? Pretending to be doing something useful on the computer while you’re really rotting your mind with Tiztalk? Well, I’ll never tell. Bob’s mowing the yard, so he’s not likely to check on what I’m doing for at least an hour. It’s always dangerous to leave me alone for an hour without specific directions .
Last time I swore that I was filling your quota for doing dumb things. Well, now I think I am setting new records for surburbanites whose homes are under attack. Under attack, you say? What is she talking about? Let me tell you. I live in a very ordinary house in a very ordinary subdivision. I think I live in a civilized neighborhood, but I sometimes wonder if creatures and critters look at my house and see a big X on it. Let’s go there. We’re sure to get a rise out of THAT lady.
I can’t decide whether it’s good or bad to wake up and put on my glasses. Last weekend I got up, did not put on my glasses, and grabbed a paper towel to pick up the “leaf” on my floor. Wasn’t I surprised to discover that it was actually a tree frog? See the photo above. Well, you can imagine my response. I screamed and hopped around like a tree frog myself for a few seconds. In fact, it was a DEAD petrified tree frog. Don’t ask me how or why it appeared in my kitchen. In self defense, I put on my glasses and walked over to the counter just in time to spy an ant strutting out of my toaster. .. Due to the rain, our basement got wet and we spent a few hours taking up carpet in Tim’s room. Despite family lore and evidence to the contrary, there was no well-established cricket colony or spider sanctuary ensconced under the carpeting. However, we did discover a few slimy worms living near the doorway which Bob picked up like a schoolyard boy and attempted to scare me with… Then there are the cicadas. They’re everywhere! One flew into my hair while I was walking and I did what anyone would do: I freaked out , waved my hands, slapped about my head , and did a little dance to entertain my neighbors. While all reports say they are “harmless”, I’m not fond of personal encounters with prehistoric insects. Last night I left the light on for Nancy and she said the entire door was covered with them. She had to sneak in the garage. ..We are also the victims of a tree outside our deck which is filled with squirrels that aren’t the least bit afraid of us. They come to the window and stare us down. Bob has been searching for his electric squirrel zapper to teach them a lesson, but so far he hasn’t found it. I wouldn’t be surprised if they stuck out their tongues and put their paws in their ears to taunt us.
We are s waiting for the deer to come feast on our tiger lilies, and the mole trap is set. But the raccoons and possums have left us alone lately.
This just in….Bob reported that he just killed a large black snake in the backyard. It was about 4’ long, although now that he knows I’m blogging about it he says it was 12 feet long and 4 inches in diameter. He killed it with a rake and then cut off its head with the clippers. He’s offered to show it to me, but I have declined his kind invitation. Of course, this reminded Bob of one more reason that Ireland is better than COMO – there are no snakes there.
I am about to build a mote around my house, but somehow I’m afraid all the critters would get on my side of it…
Did I mention the biggest assault of all on our home? Nancy is home from college. Talk about creatures stirring up trouble! Well, I’ll have to save that one for another time.
First photo is Nancy and Maggie heading to London a few weeks ago.
Crittering my life away,
I remain
Saturday, May 14, 2011
Filling My Quota and Yours

Hi, Saturday Slackers,
You know that pile of mulch is waiting for you. What are you doing in front of your computer? Well, you must want to hear Tiz talk, so I won’t disappoint you.
Do you think that there is a requisite number of dumb things a person is required to do in her life? A quota that must be filled? Are mishaps preventable? Can you really wear white pants and eat spaghetti without incident? Can a person wheel large V-carts filled with textbooks without dumping them over? After picking up the mess of books, must one then soundly knock her head on the handle bar? I’m just wondering. I’ve long excelled in the klutz category, but lately I seem to be headed for the Klutz Hall of Fame. Ready to feel good about yourself? Read on. Before heading out to Moms’ Weekend with Nancy, I was feeling pretty good about myself. I had thought ahead. I had a nearly-new pair of khakis, my hair had been cut and colored, my the car was clean and vacuumed, I was well-rested and ready to Mom up. However, like a trite sitcom, my life never runs smoothly. With a last admiring glance in the full length mirror, I noticed a red spaghetti stain on the knee of my pants. Like any seasoned housewife, I knew just what to do. I grabbed a wet rag and started rubbing wildly while cussing in daughter-friendly terms. The spot got bigger and wetter. Then I noticed that it was getting redder. After using the scientific method – well, actually, Nancy figured it out – I realized that my spot was not spaghetti at all; my knee was bleeding. They just don’t make razors like they used to. (You women readers will understand the need to shave one’s legs even when wearing khakis, just in case someone should take a thorough look at your ankles while you're sitting at brunch.) Anyway, Nancy introduced me to Tide at Hand and we ultimately got the stain to nearly disappear. (I’m still puzzled by where the blood went as the Tide stick was still snowy white; my daughter Molly, a biology major, later explained that it had “oxidized” whatever that means). I was saved as I had not another pair of trousers that would actually fit and flatter -- as in zip and not look too hideous – this 5’2” temple of mine. As we were leaving, I took a minute to clean the kitchen counter. What did I spy but a swarm of ants enjoying leftovers near the windowsill? Again I knew just what to do. I quickly and indiscriminately – again while cussing in a daughter-friendly way -- sprayed poison on the countertop and their marching quickly became writhing. I was triumphant. I could regale you with another tale of what went on that day, but it would make me look entirely too ridiculous and your would shake your head in disgust. Furthermore, I like being married, so I choose not to reveal all of my stupid Tizzie tricks, even for YOUR entertainment. Instead, I included some photos from Moms’ Weekend . But I’ll add a few other Tizzie classics and then I’ll sit back and wait for you to share a few of yours. Or tell a few tales on me if you choose. Don’t disappoint me, okay? Even if you feel mine can’t be topped? Try me…Here goes…
1. Before leaving for work one day, I once picked up the wrong can and sprayed Scrubbing Bubbles bathroom cleaner all over my hair instead of hairspray. (Yes, I went to work anyway, and I smelled squeaky clean all day.)
2. While pregnant with Tim, I once took a cart filled with 3 huge boxes of Brigance Inventories (some of you will know what those are) down an escalator packed with people at a convention. The boxes fell off at the bottom and about 100 people had to jump over me and my stuff when they reached the bottom. I imagine a few of them still remember that one, perhaps only subconsciously.
3. A few months after I got my driver’s license, I asked Dad to let me drive to Terre Haute, IN. I was so excited that he let me do it. However, I soon realized that I had no idea how to get to Terre Haute (those of you from Paris, IL, are at least smiling if not laughing aloud right now) . Of course, I couldn’t reveal my ignorance because then he might change his mind. I guess I eventually got there.
4. When Molly was 4 I bought her a nice pair of Stride Rite shoes. One shoe fit, the other didn’t. I took Molly and the shoes back to the store and demanded a replacement pair. The shoe salesman reached in and took the tissue paper out of the toe of the other shoe…
5. Tim went to a preschool co-op where parents helped. I sent his teacher’s Christmas gift with a friend. It was a lovely copper planter still in the box that Bob and I had received as a wedding gift. Well, you’ve already guess this one, right? The teacher opened her gifts and read the cards while sitting in a circle with the group. The card said “Congratulations on your wedding, Tizzie and Bob.” Well, my friend Marianne has NEVER let me forget that one!
6. Nancy’s preschool had a culminating event each year: The Mothers' Tea. The children made elaborate paper hats for themselves and their mothers, had a parade, and performed a skit. I clearly remember dropping her off at 12:30. I decided to make use of the few hours before I had to return for the party. When I showed up to pick her up, I noticed lots of extra cars and dressed up mothers with flowerly paper hats on… I was aghast. Not only had I forgotten the tea – Nancy had to sit on the teacher’s lap for the photos and events – I had spent my afternoon cleaning the garage. I had on a sweaty tee shirt and dirty pair of shorts. I truly was a disgrace. If Nancy has anything to do with it, I imagine the quotation on my headstone will read “She forgot the Mothers’ Tea.”
Doing your dumb things for you,
I remain
Sunday, April 24, 2011
An Easter Surprise

April 24, 2011 Blogpost – An Easter Surprise
Hi, Folks,
Are you all mad at me, or just Nancy? She thinks I don’t blog nearly enough. Ah, the power of the written word. I talk to her and see her plenty, but she must see my words in print. So, here goes… After a long week of work, having a horrendous cold, and nighttime commitments, I had just settled down Friday night for what I thought were 2 days of vegging. You slackers know all about that. About 9:30 the phone rang. It was Tim. Megan’s plant had had a power outage, and she had to work all day Sat. and Sunday. What were we doing for Easter? To be honest, I hadn’t really planned that far ahead. I had bought Nancy a couple doodads at the bookstore, but that was the extent of my holiday planning. Tim was coming to visit by himself. In true motherly mode, I immediately threw off my blanket, stood up, blew my nose, covered my cough, smoothed out my flannel jammies, and got busy. I cleaned the bathroom, washed the sheets, made chocolate chip cookies, burrowed through the basement for the Easter baskets (checking thoroughly for brown recluses, of course) and made a grocery list. Saturday morning found me fruitlessly searching Walgreens and Schnucks for chocolate-covered marshmallow eggs (since some people use my unorthodox food habits to rationalize their behavior to their spouses when they are accused to eating entire bags of cookies ..”Tizzie did it in her blog,” I won’t reveal that there was a previous secret stash of such eggs purchased awhile back but which no longer existed in the physical world…). Anyway, I stocked up on healthy foods for my slim and sporty son. You know soy milk, hummus, fresh fruit, yogurt, baked potato chips, low-fat crackers, ground turkey --- you’ve heard of those foods, right? I sneaked in a package of cinnamon muffins, but the calorie count (540 each) quelled Tim’s temptation, but not mine and Bob’s. You never know when you might need some stored carbs, right? Someone might come in and steal all the food out of our kitchen or there might be another Missouri tornado which might blow the away the house - food and all -- and then I’d be glad I’d eaten that muffin. I guess you could call me a hoarder – a calorie hoarder, that is. Finally, Tim arrived. He was shocked to discover that the Tim O’Connell Suite is in the process of being transformed. That’s right. Its 1999 dark green teen angst color has been replaced by a crisp blue and beige young married man décor. While he thinks we are all talk and no action, occasionally we do take action and it is shocking to all. Megan will learn once and for all that she has not married into a family of slackers; we are merely more thoughtful than most people. Nancy joined us for a little hometown sightseeing (Pi Phi house, new Student Center Building, the new arts district) and an evening of Wii playing/watching. Since it was Easter, we had to wait for the earlier Mass to end and the people to parade out which gave me a great opportunity to yell across the departing crowd to old friends and round them up to talk to Tim. Of course, he loved it. We then went to a bounteous brunch, stuffed ourselves, and enjoyed wonderful Easter. The only things missing were Megan, Molly, and Cody. Once again, we werre reminded that family is what it’s all about.
Photos: The Bridwell Family (Easter circa 1955 _The Paris Beacon-News_), Tim & Nancy today, Mom's profile on Wii (created by Nancy)
Egging myself on,
I remain
Saturday, April 9, 2011
Dishing on My Friends, etc.

Hi, Saturday Slackers,
I have been saving up some good stories to tell you. Now if I can just remember them. Normally, I don’t make fun of my friends, but I’ll make an exception today. The first story involves my friend Jody and her husband John. Like many of us, Jody hasn’t had a new set of dishes since 1970s Corelle with brown doodad trim was all the rage. About a year ago, she decided to improve her tableware and started buying place settings of the ever-classic Fiestaware. She had proudly acquired nearly a full set in 4 eye-popping colors. She felt good. Flash forward to March 2011. Her husband John finally relented and agreed that the dishwasher was kaput. Ever the handyman, he took out the old one and installed the new one. Jody even helped him carry the old one down to the garage. Life in her kitchen just kept getting better and better. A co-worker gave John the phone number of a man who would come by with a truck and take away the old dishwasher in order to salvage the metal. Then the trouble started. Jody became annoyed with her grandson for taking all her Fiesta cereal bowls to the basement and not bringing them back up (imagine that!). She couldn’t find her serving spoon at just the right moment. Other items in her kitchen turned up missing. She finally made her way to the basement only to discover that the bowls weren’t hiding anywhere. Her grandson was telling the truth. A disturbing thought crossed her mind. She finally had to verbalize it , “You did unload the dishwasher before you put it on the curb, didn't you, John?” John “couldn’t remember.” Oh uh. He finally remembered that he hadn’t checked inside the dishwasher. He scrounged up the scrap of paper and called the man with the truck. He got the man’s son on the phone. When John asked if there were any dishes in the dishwasher, the young man guffawed and said they all broke to bits when he dumped the dishwasher at the dump. Ha ha ha! Needless to say, John cannot and will not live this one down. It is heretofore known as the "Fiesta Fiasco". One friend asked if John would let him know when he planned to replace his refrigerator. I even offered to stop by with a truck when that happens. I can always use a steak or two and...If you’ve done anything dumb lately, be sure to let me know. I’d be happy to help you tell your story...In other news, we went to Paris recently and as I was taking Mom for a ride around the northern edge of Twin Lakes my car was attacked by two huge Canadian (well, I didn't actually see their passports, but they did squawk kind of funny) geese. One dented my car and ran right into my windshield. It flew off toward the lake. Despite Mom's urgings, I did not take a gander to go back and see if it was still afloat...Mary then told me of another disturbing animal incident at Twin Lakes. Her friend was swimming in the lake when a giant swan flew over, spread its wings over her and began pecking her head under water. Evidently, she had swum too close to its nest. She had baseball-sized welts covering her back and head before it was all over...We decided to take the scenic route back from Paris to Columbia. The photo above shows one of our stops --- a two-story outhouse in none other than (as Dave Barry would say, "I am NOT making this up.") Gays, Illinois. Unfortunately, it was locked and we didn't get to try it out.... Pictures---the dishwasher couple, Nancy and Jody celebrating their mutual birthday, my sweet great nephew Drew whom I left out of my Christmas letter....
Taking abuse from a goose on the loose,
I remain
P.S. Are the mousetraps set? Put down that beer and go do it now! And while you're at it, spray the wasps. They're itching to come in your house.
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
The Youngest Child

Hi, Friends, Fam, and Frenemies,
I've been ordered to write this blog by my youngest child. Today is her 20th birthday. She told me that I didn't have to get her any presents; she just wanted a blog written about her with baby pictures included. I wish she'd told me that earlier; it would've saved me some dough. As you can see, I didn't succeed on the baby picture front. I knew just where Tim's baby pictures were, but who knows where Nancy's are?...You see, Nancy suffers from YCS. What? You've never heard of "Youngest Child Syndrome"? Let me fill you in. A child afflicted with this disorder wants a complete filled out baby book with chronological photos. She wants her mother to reel off what her first word was, when she started walking, and every cute thing she ever said. She dreams of surprise parties in her honor, and is in no big hurry to grow up. She wonders why her cake candle (see above photo) is not a real "2", but an upsidedown 5. How does a mother explain that? As a YCS sufferer myself, I understand her pain. As the youngest of four, my mother told me that the playpen had only 3 sides and no bottom left by the time it got to me. She put it against the wall, and I never figured out how to get out of it...enough about me. Although Nancy is not my first child to turn 20, she is my last. Therefore, I must pause and note this special day in her life. I'm reprinting a poem I wrote for her high school graduation.
A Poem for Nancy
And so the day is finally here;
today you will be going.
It seems as though you just arrived;
but life - it just keeps flowing.
You’ve been such fun;
you’ve kept us young.
You’re never dull or boring.
You’re comical and phenomenal,
and usually have us roaring.
You don’t give up; that’s for sure.
You have determination.
It’s who you are and what we love—
part of your Nancy conglomeration.
Today you take a step
in your own unique direction.
Just don’t forget, our darling girl,
We’re your loudest cheering section.
With love and affection,
Mom & Dad
Tim & Megan
Bloggin' about my baby,
I remain
Thursday, March 17, 2011
Shamrocks Rock!

Top O' the morning, Bloggies,
While I never heard anyone say that in Ireland, I knew it would please my readers to read it. My blog inspirations always occur about 7:10 AM. I have to leave for work at 7:40. I'm not sure why that is. Molly had to go outside wrapped in a towel to take my photo this morning. She wouldn't keep taking them until I got a "good" one, so you'll get to see me as I really look. Sorry. If you look closely, you'll see that I have shamrock earrings (they're cheap and my ears will be infected by the end of the day, but beauty always has its price), a shamrock necklace, a vest I bought when Tim was 16 (if you read the last blog you'll know how old it is; it used to actually button in front before I "blossomed" into my current self), and close observers will even see that I have green eye shadow. Molly says I look like a regular leprechaun. I'll take that as a compliment. In fact, I'll take anything as a compliment.
Work is about to interfere with my fun, so I must wish you all a happy St. Paddy's Day!
Bein' seen wearing green,
I remain
Thursday, March 10, 2011
Tim Turns 30; Tiz reflects

Good morning, Friends, Romans, Countrymen, Countrywomen,
I used an epic salutation as today is an epic day. Today I enter unknown territory. I now have a child who is 30. I’m not quite sure how this happened since I’m only 39 myself. I’m sure my mom doesn’t think she’s 100 either, but, well, life happens. Somehow we get into the category that when we tell people how old our children are they do the math and have no doubt of our probable minimum age.
I could write a smarmy sentimental blog about my firstborn and what a cute baby he was and all the funny things he said and did as a little boy. I could extol his virtues and accomplishments and convince you that he’s a fine young man who, indeed, gives me hope for mankind. But I’ll have to be careful what I say and do as my two daughters will demand equal treatment when they turn 30. They won’t fall for my old tactic of just changing the name and saying the same things about them.
I’ll share just a few tidbits about my firstborn and only son. Tim began to announce his arrival into the world at Bob’s birthday party at our house with a group of Bob’s running friends. His friends didn’t worry too much about my labor pains as they went about having a good time. Neither did Bob for that matter. At 10:30, we finally had to throw out one father-of-four so that we -- well, actually I -- could get down to business. Like most first-time mothers, I was convinced that my pain was consistent with having the baby at any moment. Wasn’t I surprised when Tim’s arrival occurred 13 hours after my prediction?? The joke was on me, as usual.
Tim was born to parents who had not the slightest idea what to do with or for him. My sister and I used to take turns babysitting a neighborhood family. When the kids saw me coming in the door instead of Mary, they would say, “Oh, no, it’s Tizzie, not Mary. ” Well, you can imagine how I responded to that once their parents drove away… Anyway, let’s just say, I’ve never had a natural affinity for small children. I like them. I just always considered them a lot of trouble.
At any rate, when Tim arrived --- all 9 lbs 4 oz of him --- we were suddenly thrust into parenthood. My mother, God bless her, came to stay with us for a week. She was a mere lass of 70 then. . She worked around the house while I contentedly rested and basked in my new role. She disdained my techniques for mopping my kitchen floor and felt compelled to soak my mop in a bucket of bleach before she would wash the floor with it. How was I supposed to know that one should clean a mop before mopping? Anyway, she fixed me hot tapioca (I don’t think I’ve had that since) for lunch and we shared scrumptious pieces of hot Sara Lee pecan pie each afternoon. She would bring Tim to me in bed when he woke up. However, she did demand that I take her and Tim to Mass when he was all of 6 days old. He made quite of mess of things – mostly himself in a cute little yellow knit outfit with a matching blanket- and I was given the first clue that my life had truly taken a new course. Too quickly, my week of being pampered was up. Dad arrived to take Mom home. Bob and I were desperate. When Mom and Dad left we would be truly on our own with this new crying, demanding, and supersized chunk of humanity: Tim. I still remember my dad standing at the bottom of the stairs saying, “Don’t you know what to do now, Tiz?” I cried, “No, no, I don’t know what to do!” Bob shared my panic. He offered to pay mom (whom he still called “Mrs. Bridwell” at that point) if she would stay another week. Despite our pleadings, they got in the car and drove away. Tim was asleep. We uneasily stared at each other several times throughout his nap wondering what we were going to do when he woke up. Well, he woke up, and somehow we muddled along as parents , and now it's 30 years later. Despite my many shortcomings as a mother..
I tend to laugh at the wrong things and thereby encourage children to behave in the wrong way..
I have done and will do anything – and I do mean anything – to get a child to take a nap. That includes bringing them blankets, favorite toys, another bottle, glasses of water, rereading books just “one more time”, etc. You name it, I would do it. (Oh, did I mention they were anywhere from ages 0 to 29 during these attempts??)
My first reward of choice was always food – any and all varieties – some favorites of Tim’s were microwave tater tots, Little Debbie cakes, frost and flakes (a.k.a. “frosted flakes”), and various other foods he thinks he wouldn’t dream of buying HIS children .. (we’ll see..)
Bribery was always part of my arsenal. For a dollar, would you just do your own homework, find your own stuff, clean your room, go play by yourself, etc,? Despite my friends’ purported outrage at this technique (it’s not in any of the parenting books, you know, I made it up myself) , I know that when they saw how well it worked, they secretly went home and tried it with their own kids. So, I may have added more than my share to the overall downfall of the next generation….
At 9:00 PM , my shift ended and I would announce that I was no longer “Mom”, but “Tizzie.” This annoyed Tim to no end and prompted him to announce one night, “Well, if you’re not my mother anymore, then get out of my house!” Of course, I laughed loud and inappropriately at that one!
I could go on and on. Those of you who know me could no doubt add many more faults to my list.
But, somehow, in spite of being subjected to me for 30 years, Tim has prevailed and thrived. I would say that he proves the nature over nurture theory. I think he would’ve turned out wonderfully no matter who is mother was, but I got to be that lucky person. Happy birthday 30th birthday, Tim.
Loving and laughing,
I remain
P.S. Picture of the birthday boys 3/10/81; picture of Bob & girls 3/9/2011; Nancy's birthday card for Bob (we chose a "Possum Party" theme this year..)
P.S.S. By the time I figured out how to scan and load the picture of Bob and Tim, I had to forgo washing my hair (it's only been 3 days) and may yet have to show up at work in my pj's. But, I prevailed! I'm still hoping to brush my teeth.
Saturday, February 26, 2011
"Grown" Kids

Hi, everybody,
What is a "grown kid" anyway? When you hear someone say, "Her kids are grown", do you get visions of a woman whose life is completely her own, one whose days are spent deciding just what to do and when to do it? A woman whose house is perpetually picked up and who eats cheesecake and wine for dinner if she feels like it? If a man or woman is single and perhaps dating a friend or relative of yours and he/she has "grown kids" ,do you think, "How nice. No complications." But isn't the term "grown kids" really an oxymoron? If you're a kid, you're not grown, right? If you're grown, then you're not a kid, right? This all brings me to today's blog. Certainly by the standards of most world cultures, I have 3 "grown kids". However, at times, they seem anything but grown. One of them still likes to sit on my lap. (I won't say which one.... Okay, okay, if you insist, it's Tim. Now if that didn't put a weird image in your head I don't know what would). One of them was here last week and left a jacket with a button that needs sewing and she stole my toothpaste when she left. (Don't you just love it when that happens? I laugh just thinking of myself searching for that elusive tube of toothpaste before work yesterday morning). One of them was out of underwear for 2 days while waiting for me to complete washing about 25 pairs of panties (okay, Tim again.) A couple of them have junked up my bathroom shower to the extent that it could double as a spa. Come on over. There are 7 bottles of shampoo, apricot sloughing stuff, 2 loofas (sp?) a foot scrubbing brush, various razors, my face wash (another thing I was searching for yesterday morn)...okay now it's week later and I'm continuing this blog. In the name of truth, I must report that Bob, in fact, stole my toothpaste and that it's really not Tim who sits on my lap and runs out of underwear..Aside: I hosted bunco here last night. I'm still recovering. Tonight I've had to clean up the kitchen by finishing off those extra pieces of Texas sheet cake, those toffee peanuts, and a few M & M pretzels. It's a tough job, but somebody has to do it, right?....Back to "grown kids". Well, I think I'm a bit guilty of this myself. I recall a time not so long ago when my brother, sister, and I were home and we all sat at the kitchen table while our mother (who was probably only 99 then) made all of us glasses of iced tea. It never occurred to us to get up and help or make our own...So, send me your thoughts on "grown kids". I'm studying the topic...
Kidding around and growing but not up,
I remain
Saturday, February 12, 2011
Driven to Distraction
Hi, Sunday Slackers,
Have you ever cried over junk mail? Before tossing a piece yesterday, I got rather emotional. What, you might ask, could cause such a reaction? Do you really want to know? It was an invitation to subscribe to Sirius/XM Radio. Why, you ask, would someone cry over THAT? I’ll tell you why. A few years back I drove off a car lot in a new car with a sunroof, heated seats, and a free subscription to XM Radio. On my maiden trip home, I laughed so hard at a comedy routine that I nearly drove off the highway. I used to LAUGH in my car. In fact, Laugh USA was my preferred radio channel. I could keep myself well-entertained and felt that my eventual subscription price of $15/mo was an investment in my mental health. As an added bonus, I always had a joke to tell. You all remember how clever and funny used to be, right? So, what happened? When we went to Ireland for 10 mos, I canceled the XM subscription , and we sold Bob’s car. Since we returned to COMO in June, we have replaced neither. We are a one car family. I don’t find myself guffawing and driving off the road much anymore. In fact, now that we drive back and forth to work together each day I mostly find myself saying things like, “You know it wasn’t really your turn to go, right?” and “Have you ever driven all the way to work (it’s 4 miles) without cussing?” So, the Sirius/XM solicitation reminded me of one bright shining moment when my tousled tresses were blowing in the wind as I whisked down the highway in my very own new car howling with abandon….
Siriusly lacking,
I remain
Have you ever cried over junk mail? Before tossing a piece yesterday, I got rather emotional. What, you might ask, could cause such a reaction? Do you really want to know? It was an invitation to subscribe to Sirius/XM Radio. Why, you ask, would someone cry over THAT? I’ll tell you why. A few years back I drove off a car lot in a new car with a sunroof, heated seats, and a free subscription to XM Radio. On my maiden trip home, I laughed so hard at a comedy routine that I nearly drove off the highway. I used to LAUGH in my car. In fact, Laugh USA was my preferred radio channel. I could keep myself well-entertained and felt that my eventual subscription price of $15/mo was an investment in my mental health. As an added bonus, I always had a joke to tell. You all remember how clever and funny used to be, right? So, what happened? When we went to Ireland for 10 mos, I canceled the XM subscription , and we sold Bob’s car. Since we returned to COMO in June, we have replaced neither. We are a one car family. I don’t find myself guffawing and driving off the road much anymore. In fact, now that we drive back and forth to work together each day I mostly find myself saying things like, “You know it wasn’t really your turn to go, right?” and “Have you ever driven all the way to work (it’s 4 miles) without cussing?” So, the Sirius/XM solicitation reminded me of one bright shining moment when my tousled tresses were blowing in the wind as I whisked down the highway in my very own new car howling with abandon….
Siriusly lacking,
I remain
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
Feelin' Flaky
Good afternoon, Snow Day slackers,
Shouldn't you be shoveling your driveway, eradicating ice sickles, or at least cleaning out your junk drawer? I guess you are plopped in front of your computer instead. I know several of you are supposed to be "working at home today". You know who you are...Like you, I began my day with high hopes of accomplishment. We finally got our photos from Ireland printed (Thank you, Nancy. I know you have one more reason to murder me now). There are over 700 of them. Bob and I plan to put them in albums today. Other things on my list of what to do with an unexpected gift of two days off include: organize my tax stuff, clean out the refrigerator, and finish reading _White Teeth_, my book club book. None of those tasks is particularly unpleasant. However, as of 3:14 PM, I haven't begun any of them. Here's what I have done instead. I may have set a new record in calorie consumption. I've had chocolate sheet cake, angel food cake, oatmeal with brown sugar, more chocolate cake, toffee peanuts, and, of course, the healthy lunch that Bob thinks is all I've eaten: soup, carrots, grapes, and a half a sandwich. I've talked on the phone and /or texted Mary, Mom, my brother Bob, Mary, Molly, Jody, Tim, Mom, Mary, and Nancy. We've compared snowfall rates, flake size/composition (ice pellets - not snowflakes - are falling Savoy, IL), and how we are occupying ourselves. Bob and I have watched _Citzen Kane_ which I had never seen start to finish. Bob is now napping, and I'm staring out the window at the blizzard and awaiting the once-in-a-lifetime experience that our weathermen have predicted: snow thunder. It is like a rainstorm with thunder and lightening except that snow, not rain, falls from the sky. It is quite rare, but the conditions are right today. So, I'll let you go finish your jigsaw puzzle or stir the soup while I hunger for thunder.
Eating cakes and watching flakes,
I remain
Shouldn't you be shoveling your driveway, eradicating ice sickles, or at least cleaning out your junk drawer? I guess you are plopped in front of your computer instead. I know several of you are supposed to be "working at home today". You know who you are...Like you, I began my day with high hopes of accomplishment. We finally got our photos from Ireland printed (Thank you, Nancy. I know you have one more reason to murder me now). There are over 700 of them. Bob and I plan to put them in albums today. Other things on my list of what to do with an unexpected gift of two days off include: organize my tax stuff, clean out the refrigerator, and finish reading _White Teeth_, my book club book. None of those tasks is particularly unpleasant. However, as of 3:14 PM, I haven't begun any of them. Here's what I have done instead. I may have set a new record in calorie consumption. I've had chocolate sheet cake, angel food cake, oatmeal with brown sugar, more chocolate cake, toffee peanuts, and, of course, the healthy lunch that Bob thinks is all I've eaten: soup, carrots, grapes, and a half a sandwich. I've talked on the phone and /or texted Mary, Mom, my brother Bob, Mary, Molly, Jody, Tim, Mom, Mary, and Nancy. We've compared snowfall rates, flake size/composition (ice pellets - not snowflakes - are falling Savoy, IL), and how we are occupying ourselves. Bob and I have watched _Citzen Kane_ which I had never seen start to finish. Bob is now napping, and I'm staring out the window at the blizzard and awaiting the once-in-a-lifetime experience that our weathermen have predicted: snow thunder. It is like a rainstorm with thunder and lightening except that snow, not rain, falls from the sky. It is quite rare, but the conditions are right today. So, I'll let you go finish your jigsaw puzzle or stir the soup while I hunger for thunder.
Eating cakes and watching flakes,
I remain
Feelin' Flaky
Good afternoon, snow day slackers,
Shouldn't you be shoveling your driveway, eradicating ice sickles, or at least cleaning out your junk drawer? I guess you are plopped in front of your computer instead. I know several of you are supposed to be "working at home today". You know who you are...Like you, I began my day with high hopes of accomplishment. We finally got our photos from Ireland printed (Thank you, Nancy. I know you have one more reason to murder me now). There are over 700 of them. Bob and I plan to put them in albums today. Other things on my list of what to do with an unexpected gift of two days off include: organize my tax stuff, clean out the refrigerator, and finish reading _White Teeth_, my book club book. None of those tasks is particularly unpleasant. However, as of 3:14 PM, I haven't begun any of them. Here's what I have done instead. I may have set a new record in calorie consumption. I've had chocolate sheet cake, angel food cake, oatmeal with brown sugar, more chocolate cake, toffee peanuts, and, of course, the healthy lunch that Bob thinks is all I've eaten: soup, carrots, grapes, and a half a sandwich. I've talked on the phone and /or texted Mary, Mom, my brother Bob, Mary, Molly, Jody, Tim, Mom, Mary, and Nancy. We've compared snowfall rates, flake size/composition (ice pellets - not snowflakes - are falling Savoy, IL), and how we are occupying ourselves. Bob and I have watched _Citzen Kane_ which I had never seen start to finish. Bob is now napping, and I'm staring out the window at the blizzard and awaiting the once-in-a-lifetime experience that our weathermen have predicted: snow thunder. It is like a rainstorm with thunder and lightening except that snow, not rain, falls from the sky. It is quite rare, but the conditions are right today. So, I'll let you go finish your jigsaw puzzle or stir the soup while I hunger for thunder.
Eating cakes and watching flakes,
I remain
Shouldn't you be shoveling your driveway, eradicating ice sickles, or at least cleaning out your junk drawer? I guess you are plopped in front of your computer instead. I know several of you are supposed to be "working at home today". You know who you are...Like you, I began my day with high hopes of accomplishment. We finally got our photos from Ireland printed (Thank you, Nancy. I know you have one more reason to murder me now). There are over 700 of them. Bob and I plan to put them in albums today. Other things on my list of what to do with an unexpected gift of two days off include: organize my tax stuff, clean out the refrigerator, and finish reading _White Teeth_, my book club book. None of those tasks is particularly unpleasant. However, as of 3:14 PM, I haven't begun any of them. Here's what I have done instead. I may have set a new record in calorie consumption. I've had chocolate sheet cake, angel food cake, oatmeal with brown sugar, more chocolate cake, toffee peanuts, and, of course, the healthy lunch that Bob thinks is all I've eaten: soup, carrots, grapes, and a half a sandwich. I've talked on the phone and /or texted Mary, Mom, my brother Bob, Mary, Molly, Jody, Tim, Mom, Mary, and Nancy. We've compared snowfall rates, flake size/composition (ice pellets - not snowflakes - are falling Savoy, IL), and how we are occupying ourselves. Bob and I have watched _Citzen Kane_ which I had never seen start to finish. Bob is now napping, and I'm staring out the window at the blizzard and awaiting the once-in-a-lifetime experience that our weathermen have predicted: snow thunder. It is like a rainstorm with thunder and lightening except that snow, not rain, falls from the sky. It is quite rare, but the conditions are right today. So, I'll let you go finish your jigsaw puzzle or stir the soup while I hunger for thunder.
Eating cakes and watching flakes,
I remain
Sunday, January 23, 2011
Martha and Me

Good afternoon, Sunday slackers,
Got your snow all shoveled? Bills paid? Clothes laid out for the week? Mousetrap/possum/raccoon traps set? I didn't think so! Tiztalk readers are not obviously not the type of people who make good use of their time, if you know what I mean. Note the photo of two of my most avid readers. Enough said. Well, if you insist, Tiz will talk...Longtime readers will remember the creative decorating ideas I employed while in Ireland. Surely you remember my newspaper-covered box end tables? My wheelie cart that doubled as as coat rack? Well, what I didn't reveal was that that is pretty much my real life decorating style as well. But I have vowed to improve. You must realize that I come from a home where the item which greets visitors is the same as it has been since it was hung on the wall in 1956: a large photo of my sister and me dressed identically in matching dresses, hats, and gloves smiling angelically at the camera. Until I was about 30, I never realized that people actually changed their decor. I didn't know I was supposed to know how to select colors, paint, wallpaper, and set a bowl on a table just so. I thought once you picked out your wallpaper that was it. Forever. I didn't know to look for handiness in a husband. And even more important than handiness -- which my husband does grudgingly possess in a certain measure when he chooses to -- is willingness. Well, that trait rarely emerges when it comes to household improvement projects. Why, I thought I had hit the jackpot when I met Bob because he was (and is ) cute, smart, and funny. It never occurred to me to give him a hammer and nail test or ask him if he knew how to sand a floor. Luckily, he didn't make me pass a cooking test or demonstrate any useful knowledge either. So, I guess we deserve each other. But I have vowed to improve this place. This weekend I have ordered blinds, a bedspread, and bought 2 new throw rugs. While I bought the items on sale, there were sizable hidden costs. During my quest for home decor, I also ended up with 3 Christmas ornaments, a brassiere (I know Cara and Coady like the proper term to be used), a lovely pink cable knit turtleneck, a blue paisley top, a pair of lovely soft knee socks, and a nice pair of brown pants that fit perfectly. It occurred to me after my shopathon that I would could've hired Martha Stewart -- or at least Beth McDaniel --- to do my decorating for me and I would've come out ahead... Nonetheless, I have begun. I will keep you posted on my progress. In the meantime, I'm enjoying sitting at my table with non-matching chairs (believe me, they're not like the ones you see in magazines that clever people eclectically mismatch on purpose and put cute pillow on) which need repair, wallpaper that has its share of stains and gashes, a plaid valance which appears to have a bit of a spiderweb motif...
Always in good taste,
I remain
A "Happy 40th Anniversary" shout out to Tom and Marty Bridwell!!
Thursday, January 13, 2011
To Laugh or Not to Laugh
Hi, Blogpals,
Are you missing me? I guess Nancy isn't because she just asked me why I'm up so far past my bedtime. It is 11:45 PM, so that's a very good question. Why, I haven't been up this late since the senior prom -- and I don't mean the one at the local nursing home either. I've actually just wandered upstairs after a few hours of sleeping/TV watching. Who says I can't multitask? Why I've been doing it since before the term was invented...Anyway, I think Nancy is annoyed as she is nearing the end of week 4 of being home for Christmas vacation. And let's face it: Christmas is OVER. Why should she have time to herself w/o her parents hovering around? Bob just popped open a bottle of Bell Ridge red wine (you can only get this special variety at Castle Finn Winery outside of Paris, IL, so eat your hearts out, city folk!) and turned the TV up to a comfortable blare. I'm joining her at the kitchen table while she portends to be writing a paper for her intersession English class. However, she has earphones in and was looking at Facebook pictures last time I looked over her shoulder. She now appears to be doing arm dances and chewing a big wad of gum. She has drunk a 2 liter bottle of Diet Pepsi to "stay awake." Does she think she's in college or something? What was I thinking encouraging her to take this class? It seemed like a good way to keep her occupied and gain a few credits. Who was I kidding? As the resident English major, I wake up to rough drafts at my breakfast table with urgent pleadings to "fix them" and figure out what her thesis is. Of course, my biggest problem -- once I get her Mac opened, that is --is getting the dang thing to show up on her computer (I only know my girl Toshiba intimately) and stay there. I feel like the comedian who's invited to a dinner party and turns out not to be funny. The name of the class? Literature and Laughter. After writing a 3 page paper explaining why a few lines in a book were funny, neither Nancy nor I was laughing. ..aside from Nancy:"Why are you guys STILL awake??"...Well,enough on Nancy... What else is happening? Well, Bob met me for lunch today. I decided to spruce myself up before his arrival at the Student Center by applying a dash of lipstick. I smiled widely as I walked across the room and sat down. His first remark? "You have lipstick all over your teeth." Well, you can't say I didn't try. Furthermore, aren't vampires all the rage??..Nancy won't go to bed until I post this blog. But I've insisted that I'll "post no blog before its time". Bob was walking through the kitchen and piped in, "And I'll release no belch before its time." .. So now you know it's time to end this thing and officially go to bed..
Blosting my plog,
I remain
Are you missing me? I guess Nancy isn't because she just asked me why I'm up so far past my bedtime. It is 11:45 PM, so that's a very good question. Why, I haven't been up this late since the senior prom -- and I don't mean the one at the local nursing home either. I've actually just wandered upstairs after a few hours of sleeping/TV watching. Who says I can't multitask? Why I've been doing it since before the term was invented...Anyway, I think Nancy is annoyed as she is nearing the end of week 4 of being home for Christmas vacation. And let's face it: Christmas is OVER. Why should she have time to herself w/o her parents hovering around? Bob just popped open a bottle of Bell Ridge red wine (you can only get this special variety at Castle Finn Winery outside of Paris, IL, so eat your hearts out, city folk!) and turned the TV up to a comfortable blare. I'm joining her at the kitchen table while she portends to be writing a paper for her intersession English class. However, she has earphones in and was looking at Facebook pictures last time I looked over her shoulder. She now appears to be doing arm dances and chewing a big wad of gum. She has drunk a 2 liter bottle of Diet Pepsi to "stay awake." Does she think she's in college or something? What was I thinking encouraging her to take this class? It seemed like a good way to keep her occupied and gain a few credits. Who was I kidding? As the resident English major, I wake up to rough drafts at my breakfast table with urgent pleadings to "fix them" and figure out what her thesis is. Of course, my biggest problem -- once I get her Mac opened, that is --is getting the dang thing to show up on her computer (I only know my girl Toshiba intimately) and stay there. I feel like the comedian who's invited to a dinner party and turns out not to be funny. The name of the class? Literature and Laughter. After writing a 3 page paper explaining why a few lines in a book were funny, neither Nancy nor I was laughing. ..aside from Nancy:"Why are you guys STILL awake??"...Well,enough on Nancy... What else is happening? Well, Bob met me for lunch today. I decided to spruce myself up before his arrival at the Student Center by applying a dash of lipstick. I smiled widely as I walked across the room and sat down. His first remark? "You have lipstick all over your teeth." Well, you can't say I didn't try. Furthermore, aren't vampires all the rage??..Nancy won't go to bed until I post this blog. But I've insisted that I'll "post no blog before its time". Bob was walking through the kitchen and piped in, "And I'll release no belch before its time." .. So now you know it's time to end this thing and officially go to bed..
Blosting my plog,
I remain
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