Hi, Saturday Slackers,
You know that pile of mulch is waiting for you. What are you doing in front of your computer? Well, you must want to hear Tiz talk, so I won’t disappoint you.
Do you think that there is a requisite number of dumb things a person is required to do in her life? A quota that must be filled? Are mishaps preventable? Can you really wear white pants and eat spaghetti without incident? Can a person wheel large V-carts filled with textbooks without dumping them over? After picking up the mess of books, must one then soundly knock her head on the handle bar? I’m just wondering. I’ve long excelled in the klutz category, but lately I seem to be headed for the Klutz Hall of Fame. Ready to feel good about yourself? Read on. Before heading out to Moms’ Weekend with Nancy, I was feeling pretty good about myself. I had thought ahead. I had a nearly-new pair of khakis, my hair had been cut and colored, my the car was clean and vacuumed, I was well-rested and ready to Mom up. However, like a trite sitcom, my life never runs smoothly. With a last admiring glance in the full length mirror, I noticed a red spaghetti stain on the knee of my pants. Like any seasoned housewife, I knew just what to do. I grabbed a wet rag and started rubbing wildly while cussing in daughter-friendly terms. The spot got bigger and wetter. Then I noticed that it was getting redder. After using the scientific method – well, actually, Nancy figured it out – I realized that my spot was not spaghetti at all; my knee was bleeding. They just don’t make razors like they used to. (You women readers will understand the need to shave one’s legs even when wearing khakis, just in case someone should take a thorough look at your ankles while you're sitting at brunch.) Anyway, Nancy introduced me to Tide at Hand and we ultimately got the stain to nearly disappear. (I’m still puzzled by where the blood went as the Tide stick was still snowy white; my daughter Molly, a biology major, later explained that it had “oxidized” whatever that means). I was saved as I had not another pair of trousers that would actually fit and flatter -- as in zip and not look too hideous – this 5’2” temple of mine. As we were leaving, I took a minute to clean the kitchen counter. What did I spy but a swarm of ants enjoying leftovers near the windowsill? Again I knew just what to do. I quickly and indiscriminately – again while cussing in a daughter-friendly way -- sprayed poison on the countertop and their marching quickly became writhing. I was triumphant. I could regale you with another tale of what went on that day, but it would make me look entirely too ridiculous and your would shake your head in disgust. Furthermore, I like being married, so I choose not to reveal all of my stupid Tizzie tricks, even for YOUR entertainment. Instead, I included some photos from Moms’ Weekend . But I’ll add a few other Tizzie classics and then I’ll sit back and wait for you to share a few of yours. Or tell a few tales on me if you choose. Don’t disappoint me, okay? Even if you feel mine can’t be topped? Try me…Here goes…
1. Before leaving for work one day, I once picked up the wrong can and sprayed Scrubbing Bubbles bathroom cleaner all over my hair instead of hairspray. (Yes, I went to work anyway, and I smelled squeaky clean all day.)
2. While pregnant with Tim, I once took a cart filled with 3 huge boxes of Brigance Inventories (some of you will know what those are) down an escalator packed with people at a convention. The boxes fell off at the bottom and about 100 people had to jump over me and my stuff when they reached the bottom. I imagine a few of them still remember that one, perhaps only subconsciously.
3. A few months after I got my driver’s license, I asked Dad to let me drive to Terre Haute, IN. I was so excited that he let me do it. However, I soon realized that I had no idea how to get to Terre Haute (those of you from Paris, IL, are at least smiling if not laughing aloud right now) . Of course, I couldn’t reveal my ignorance because then he might change his mind. I guess I eventually got there.
4. When Molly was 4 I bought her a nice pair of Stride Rite shoes. One shoe fit, the other didn’t. I took Molly and the shoes back to the store and demanded a replacement pair. The shoe salesman reached in and took the tissue paper out of the toe of the other shoe…
5. Tim went to a preschool co-op where parents helped. I sent his teacher’s Christmas gift with a friend. It was a lovely copper planter still in the box that Bob and I had received as a wedding gift. Well, you’ve already guess this one, right? The teacher opened her gifts and read the cards while sitting in a circle with the group. The card said “Congratulations on your wedding, Tizzie and Bob.” Well, my friend Marianne has NEVER let me forget that one!
6. Nancy’s preschool had a culminating event each year: The Mothers' Tea. The children made elaborate paper hats for themselves and their mothers, had a parade, and performed a skit. I clearly remember dropping her off at 12:30. I decided to make use of the few hours before I had to return for the party. When I showed up to pick her up, I noticed lots of extra cars and dressed up mothers with flowerly paper hats on… I was aghast. Not only had I forgotten the tea – Nancy had to sit on the teacher’s lap for the photos and events – I had spent my afternoon cleaning the garage. I had on a sweaty tee shirt and dirty pair of shorts. I truly was a disgrace. If Nancy has anything to do with it, I imagine the quotation on my headstone will read “She forgot the Mothers’ Tea.”
Doing your dumb things for you,
I remain
I remember you had a plane ticket to New Orleans or someplace, boarded the wrong plane, and ended up in Washington, DC.
ReplyDeleteTom Bridwell
Love your blog, can't figure out how to leave a comment on your blog, that is how pathetic I am.
ReplyDeleteJo Trogdon Sweatt
Aren't DC & New Orleans close to each other?
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteTo leave a blog comment, you have to sign up for a Google account, just takes a sec --at least that's how long it's supposed to take.
ReplyDeleteYes I remember the wrong plane adventure; "what do you mean this plane is going to D.C.? I don't know about the rest of you but I am going to New Orleans!" That was back in the days that they were nice to you when you screwed up...
ReplyDeleteNancy Blossom
Yes, I really did fly to DC when I was supposed to go to New Orleans. And nobody arrested or imprisoned me. That would be impossible to do today, but if anyone could do it, I could.
ReplyDeleteThat is hysterical!
ReplyDeleteCandace Kadivnik-Painter
Hi, Bloggies,
ReplyDeleteThe comments have all come on Facebook which I link to the blog. I'm posting them for those of you who aren't on Facebook.
From my cousin Pam Miles..
ReplyDeleteWell, Tizzie,
I hate to admit it but it does run in the family. (Cousin blood) I thought that I would share a couple of my Oh, no, Mom's done it again moments so you can feel comfortable knowing you're not the only Bridwell lady losing it or is that past tense--having already lost it!!
Two Christmas' ago I was on the hunt for the perfect gift for our son Shay and his wife, Jeni. They had just bought a new home in Co Springs, Co and were doing some remodeling/decorating. Since they live in the mountains, they wanted to have a western themed living room. It is very difficult finding just the "perfect" gift for the two of them since they are pretty particular--that's an understatement considering Shay thinks he is a licensed interior decorator. Well, I decided that what they really needed was a cow hide rug to go in front of their sofa. Yes, a brown and white hide the perfect size not too large to overtake the room but small enough to make an impact and not ruin the pocketbook at the same time. I stayed up very late one evening checking e-bay for such a rug. What luck, someone was selling a 4X6 hide the perfect colors for just $11.75 plus $6.00 shipping! I couldn't believe my good fortune! I filled out the PayPal payment and hit send. I could now rest knowing I was going to make two picky adult kids very happy on Christmas morning. Well, about five days went by and I picked up the mail. There was a brown manila envelope from an unknown sender. What in the world is this? I opened it and under the tissue paper was a pint sized zip lock bag with a 4X6 INCH sample cow hide!!! I never have been good with the details! The laugh was on me. But, I did wrap it up and give it to them on Christmas. When they opened it they said, "What is this?" I told them that was their new rug for their living room!!! Boy, I've never heard the end of that one. In fact, they now have it in their living room--as a coaster!! Can you believe it???
More from Pam Miles...who proves that this runs in the family..
ReplyDeleteOne more for the record:
I am a huge fan of the TV show "So You Think You Can Dance". Well, last Oct. after the season they went on tour. My luck they we close enough to go see them live in St. Louis. I told Larry, please, please, let's go see them. That can be my birthday present. So, he agreed to take me to St. Louis and spend the night. That same week Dr. Oz did a segment on bed bugs. (Now tell me you haven't tried to find them too.) We checked in to the Holiday Inn Express close to the area and I told Larry, whatever you do, don't put our luggage on the floor or the bed. We need to inspect this room for bed bugs before we do anything. Dr. Oz says indications of bed bugs are black spots around crevices--mattresses, curtains, headboards and such. We search thoroughly and it looked as if we were good to go. Well, we go to the concert, and doesn't every 61 year old woman need a T-shirt with the top ten dancers on it? Sure, so Larry got me one to add to the b'day celebration. We got back to the hotel and the next morning early I got up to go to the bathroom and the back on my knee starting itching and it was red!! Oh, no! "Get out of bed right now, I think I've just been bitten by bed bugs." We threw back the covers and sure enough, there were little black spots all over the sheet!!! Larry has already had one cup of coffee watching me tear the room apart. He picks up the empty Styrofoam cup and starts scooping up these little black suckers. I called the front desk, indignantly asking to speak to the manager. He got on the phone and I told him he better get up to room 209 right now--we have bedbugs!!! He told me he would be right there. A few minutes later there was a knock at the door. The manager was aghast--"We've never had bedbugs before in our establishment". I said, "Well, guess what? You've got them now!" He proceeded to tear the room apart and say, well ma’am; I don't see any evidence of bed bugs. I then raised my pant leg to show him my bites and said, "Well, how do you account for these?" I handed him the cup with the little black thingies in it. He said he would take it back to his office and inspect them more thoroughly! Wow, maybe we might even get a free night's stay out of this. Larry looked at me and said, "Pam, didn't you wear that new black T-shirt from the concert to bed last night?!! I had just given the manager a cup of black lint! Holy *@#%! The end of the story is-- We packed, went down to the lobby and waited for the manager to leave and snuck out the front door. The bad thing is-- he knows my name and where I live!!
I'll add bedbugs to my list of critters to warn my blog readers about. We already watch for raccoons, possums, moles, ants, spiders, yellow jackets (poor Cody; he's still traumatized by that experience in our yard last year), and of course our # enemy: mice! Bob was searching for his squirrel zapper yesterday so we may have to add them to our invaders list, too...
ReplyDeleteTom Bridwell
ReplyDeleteMy only recent faux paus was at Mom's 100th birthday celebration. I was talking to 3rd cousin Connie(or maybe Johnnie?) Whalen whom I hadn't seen in 40 plus years. I told him that we had been working in Charleston all year and that I passed his great aunts' mansion several times a week. I told him what a shame it was the the people who lived there now had let it fall down around their ears and wouldn't even mow the lawn. He then told me that was where he lived. I imagine it will be another 40 years before we talk again.
I had the priveledge of being in earshot of that conversation. I was desperately trying to think how I could stop the conversation, but nothing came to mind, so I just slunk away like Pam at the Holiday Inn. Some things are just better left alone.