Friday, October 29, 2010

Blah Blah Blogging

Good day, Slackers,

I do apologize for my slacking, but ALL of you know what an affliction that is or you wouldn't be reading Tiztalk. While I would love nothing better than to blog and have you blog back all day long, in the words of my brother Tom to Dad, his boss, circa 1967, "This job interferes with my fun." What a true statement!...Molly is here this week and Bob is not, so we have reached new heights in the "girls just want to have fun" department. We enjoyed a nice Italian dinner at Bambino's last night, went to Shoe Carnival and fell for the "Buy one get one half price" schtick. The odd thing was I was looking for "cool" shoes (and I almost succeeded -for me at least --with a nice brown leather pair of Clarks with a slight heel. I'll post a pic later for all you nosy broads who love to see what shoes Tiz is wearing) while Molly was looking for "sensible, comfortable" shoes to wear for work... Despite my stringent suggestions to take them to a seamstress, Molly insisted that we hem her pants last night. Remarkably, I discovered that I do still actually sort of know how to do that. And, in an uncharacteristically nurturing, motherly mode, I took a needle and thread in hand and showed Molly how to do it. Can't you just picture us? All this while watching "The Housewives of Beverly Hills" -- something Molly was able to teach me about. I don't know which of us learned the most... Well, I will do better about blahhhhging. In fact, I have a blog in mind that I hope to post this weekend if real life doesn't intrude again...Bob comes home tomorrow. I will try not to end up in Homer Simpson mode (only faithful readers will know what that means) by the time he returns. After work today I plan to stop at Schnucks, buy my favorite foods, eat them, get a Redbox movie, fall asleep on the couch watching it, and generally, just join all of you in competing for a spot in the Slacking Hall of Fame..

Still lazy and crazy,

I remain


  1. I am commenting from my new phone! We really have been having fun in Columbia:) Well besides the whole work thing lol!

  2. I agree. Not commenting from my old beat up outdated phone that I still don't quite how to use.

  3. Furthermore, we wear the same size shoe, so if you decide to be cool and I decide to be sensible we can just borrow one another's shoes.

  4. "Not commenting from my old beat up outdated phone" Actually mother, i think that's me who's not commenting from my old beat up outdated phone because Molly used my phone in college and your phone hadn't even been invented at that point..

  5. Nancy, I knew it. You WERE switched at birth! You need to start a search for your real mother who would never make you wander around in shame with with such an old phone... However, I seem to remember you having a slightly better model that somehow you don't have anymore?

  6. It's in the drawer at home. I can only make calls on it when it is on speaker phone; therefore, I switched to a older phone that I could at least talk to people wtih. Please trade me back to my REAL mother.
