Good day, Blogpals,
Okay, admit it. You thought T/T-M/M/L/E had blogged her last. Real life had finally gotten the best of me. Actually, real life has gotten the worst of me, and YOU, my friend-fams, have gotten the best of me! Read on. As the year comes to an end, I've decided to reflect on my life. I'm sharing my thoughts with you. Are you ready? Here are the top ten reasons my family hates me....
10. I forgot my great-nephew's names on my Christmas letter. That's right, I welcomed 3 new Bridwell clanbabies, but forgot the fourth: Drew Kirby, Kit's adorable bambino. I have offered to feature him prominently in next year's Christmas letter.
9. I get people into trouble without even trying. In my Christmas letter, I bragged about my daughter-in-law Megan setting up my printer. This led to her own mother wondering why she never did such things for her which led to Megan spending Christmas day setting up her own mother's printer and DVD..and well, you get the picture. I just never learn to keep my mouth shut.
8. I can't make decent Christmas cookies as you can see from "Mr. Snowman". Well, at least we did get a lot of laughs out of our attempts. Thank God for Teresa Foster who takes pity on the O'Connells throughout the year and provides us with properly constructed, perfectly baked sugar cookies while we burn batches while doing I don't know what at the kitchen table and not hearing the buzzer.
7. I have irrational fears of opening my front door or the garage door. I am nearly an agoraphobic once I get into my house. For one thing, it's been freezing cold here and everyone but me seems to think our outdoor cat deserves to come inside and warm up. The cat heartily agrees and tries to worm its way inside every time I open either door. Now, tell me, why did God give the creature a free fur coat?? For another, we had yet another wild animal episode last week with a possum getting into our garage because a certain person left the garage door open "just a bit" so the cat could get to her heating-pad, space heater-warmed bedstead. The man of the house resorted to Nancy's internet-fueled suggestions of throwing ammonia-soaked cotton balls at the critter which seemed to bring on another internet-supported condition -- a frozen state of shock (on the possum's part, that is). For the record, animal control doesn't consider possums in the garage an emergency, only possums in the house. So, now I'm afraid that a possum or a cat will attack me should I open any of my doors... You should see the recycling and garbage piling up at my door...
6. I forgot to turn on the oven Christmas Day and we ate 3 hours late...Yeah, this is a new one, even for me. I had to ply them with shrimp, crackers, cheese, beer, wine, whatever.
5. I fix food they hate. That's right. They all complained about having ham for Christmas and wanted lasagna instead.
4. I give them wastebaskets for Christmas. Isn't Cody (Molly's boyfriend) cute showing his off?
3. I can't use my new cell phone. If you get a text from me that reads "a...," it means, "Hi, how are you?" Just don't expect me to write back or to read what you write back. I don't have a clue, and Nancy is out of town. Bob and I have nearly resorted to cans and strings for our communication. (You young readers won't know what that means..)
2. I haven't mastered my new Kindle yet. Tim (the dear boy) patiently showed me how, but my success so far has been in turning it on, but having to ask Bob how to turn it off..
1. I blog instead of trying to improve myself. I could be reading my cell phone manual right now or perfecting my sugar cookies, but I am writing to you instead, dear friend-fams.
Hope you all have a happy new year! Now I expect you all to comment and tell me why you LOVE me!! Or even more reasons why you don't. I don't care, just say something.
Hamming it up,
I remain
Well you will be happy to know that Cody called me a brat for not be appreciative of the ham you made us - he loved it!
ReplyDeleteLoving this post :) Glad you are keeping your kitty warm and Cody's trash contained and torturing your kids with ham (on a delay)! Good luck with your gadgets, when it doubt just Google "how to ______ on my Kindle" and you'll probably get your answer!
ReplyDeleteGreat and hilarious. Forget the manuals: they are boring. Keep writing and making me laugh.
ReplyDeleteAnd, go let that little kitty in...
Happy New Year 2011.
Off to Merida w/ Margie tomorrow. Can't wait for the heat!
Enjoy your writings Tizzie!I like you because you are the same person you have always been, no changes over the years that had made you into someone else! Some people may consider this differently but I am a creature of habit and cling to OLD FRIENDS! Hope you have HAPPY HOLIDAYS and a GREAT NEW YEAR! Hope to see you this coming year, take care of MOM! My Dad would have been 100 tomorrow! Miss Him, he was a GREAT DAD and you have a TREASURE!
ReplyDeleteLove Ya!
Beth McDaniel
I do remember that your dad had a 1/31 birthday. He was a wonderful man and I miss him, too.
ReplyDeleteFor the very same reasons your family hates you, I love you. I almost said "Me too!" to all of them. Birds of a feather.....
I tried to comment on your blog, but you guessed it, I COULDN'T. I still have not figured out why. Maybe because I don't know if I have a g-mail account, whatever that is! But I don't dare ask my kids, because they think I'm stupid. Oh well.... wait until they're old.
From Donna Y
Emily wrote: "Tried to comment on blog, but couldn't figure out how so I'll leave it here. 1. I love you! 2. I would have loved a trash can for Christmas. We lost one to a stomach flu episode which Justin cleaned up by throwing the whole trash can away! :)". aUNT Tizie here -- YUK, I can just picture that!
ReplyDeleteI love you, but understand completely why your family hates you. This from the person who can comment on your blog, but it comes out as Coady doing the posting, and I don't know why.
ReplyDeleteWOW,my name appeared this time. It's magic.
ReplyDeleteDear Tizzie,
ReplyDeleteSometimes you could almost be writing like Erma Bombeck! We enjoy your cat, too. She is very smart. Sometimes she notices when we come home and she thinks our garage is inviting, too. We are always trying to be careful because we don't want her to get locked inside our garage. She is a pretty cat.
Thank you for sharing your life with us. Your friend, Rosemary