Hi, Blogmates,
Lots of things annoy my husband (I won't mention any names here), but this one took me by surprise... He hates it when people say, "Shoot me an e-mail." He claims he never has and never would use such terminology. I had not really thought about this particular misuse of the English language, so I have been surreptitiously observing my office mates the past few days to see how many "shooters" I can find. You could say it's open season in my office as everyone is either shooting or being shot at all day long. Well, shoot, I had no idea!...Aside to my niece Kit who gave me a most generous gift the last time I was in Paris,IL -- a CD that a lady was throwing from her float at the Chrisman Christmas Parade. Well, I listened to it all the way back to Columbia and I quite enjoyed her rendition of "Danny Boy." I thought I was back in R land...Holiday preparations? Well, the girls got the tree up and decorated 5 days ago, but somehow I have failed to get the mess that accompanies such an undertaking sorted and put away. I would shoot ..er..I mean take a picture of the state of my living room and post it, but I'm afraid it would destroy your Christmas spirit as it has mine. I think I'll just blog while watching Conan model a pair of jeggings even though I have no sheets on my bed and and 2 baskets of laundry beside me. All because I love you guys..or I'm a lazy slob..
Shooting you a blog,
I remain
P.S. Mom and the 2 "Mouseketeers"; Gabe, Sarah, and Emily; Mom with 4 Patrick Coadys
Robin wrote: "I love your blogs Tiz"
ReplyDeleteThis one is funny> I hope this comment will get to you. I'm trying to use my google account.
ReplyDeleteI wanna picture of your living room so I feel okay about my own! eheheh...Chris brought the boxes down from the attic a week ago. Got the tree put up last night. This morning...my job is to decorate it. Of course, he'll add his Star Trek ornaments.
ReplyDeleteFlyin back on your birthday to "fetch" Margie in Indy. Wanda and Jim are bringing her over and we'll have lunch. Fly out the 15th. Ah....hotel living at the Canterbury w/ tunnel to Nordstrom and St Elmo's Steakhouse next door. Gonna see some old friend and listen to the blues at the Slippery Noodle around the corner. Lookin' forward to it all.
You are way funny and it's time NOT to fold sheets for a week. I just learned how to fold a fitted sheet the other day. ehehe...
Some things are more important than others.
Karen in CA...it's 51 degrees! Brrrrr....
We started with the fake Christmas trees when we lived in SW Texas. It was a good thing because in my last career, I was working 80 hr weeks and at some point in February, the cleaning lady asked me if she should dust the Christmas tree in the living room (note to self: no more cleaning ladies with high IQs!). I told her not to worry, that surely I would get it down before Easter. And I did: Palm Sunday. In my new career, there will be no Christmas tree! We're going skiing!
ReplyDeleteI'm speechless. I hope you feel better now that you've gotten this dark secret out in the open. I had no idea you were a contender for the Slacker Hall of Fame.