Friday, October 29, 2010

Blah Blah Blogging

Good day, Slackers,

I do apologize for my slacking, but ALL of you know what an affliction that is or you wouldn't be reading Tiztalk. While I would love nothing better than to blog and have you blog back all day long, in the words of my brother Tom to Dad, his boss, circa 1967, "This job interferes with my fun." What a true statement!...Molly is here this week and Bob is not, so we have reached new heights in the "girls just want to have fun" department. We enjoyed a nice Italian dinner at Bambino's last night, went to Shoe Carnival and fell for the "Buy one get one half price" schtick. The odd thing was I was looking for "cool" shoes (and I almost succeeded -for me at least --with a nice brown leather pair of Clarks with a slight heel. I'll post a pic later for all you nosy broads who love to see what shoes Tiz is wearing) while Molly was looking for "sensible, comfortable" shoes to wear for work... Despite my stringent suggestions to take them to a seamstress, Molly insisted that we hem her pants last night. Remarkably, I discovered that I do still actually sort of know how to do that. And, in an uncharacteristically nurturing, motherly mode, I took a needle and thread in hand and showed Molly how to do it. Can't you just picture us? All this while watching "The Housewives of Beverly Hills" -- something Molly was able to teach me about. I don't know which of us learned the most... Well, I will do better about blahhhhging. In fact, I have a blog in mind that I hope to post this weekend if real life doesn't intrude again...Bob comes home tomorrow. I will try not to end up in Homer Simpson mode (only faithful readers will know what that means) by the time he returns. After work today I plan to stop at Schnucks, buy my favorite foods, eat them, get a Redbox movie, fall asleep on the couch watching it, and generally, just join all of you in competing for a spot in the Slacking Hall of Fame..

Still lazy and crazy,

I remain

Thursday, October 21, 2010

"Grown" Daughters

Hi, Desperate Readers,

Nancy tells me that I can't call my readers unfaithful if I am an unfaithful blogger....she wants something to appear when she clicks "Tiztalk". Well, I do, too. How about a comment or two or three?? I could make an outrageous claim like insisting that I am not a witch or a crook , and then you would all get on and come to my defense, right? Right....I've been thinking a lot about mothers and daughters lately. Mom is turning 100 next month, and I just visited her last weekend. While you might think that a 99 year old lady doesn't yield much power, think again. When I am with my mother, I must adhere to the strictest standards of behavior. I must account for all the Pinwheel cookies that go missing during my visit. "Tizzie, have you been into the Pinwheels?" Mom eats one - and only one - Pinwheel each night and my visits inevitably throw off her inventory. I must go to bed somewhere around 8:30 PM. I can and often do rebel and attempt to stay up later, but when Mom gets up for a bathroom break I am forced to explain why I'm dozing, whether I really need the light on, what I'm watching on TV, and why I don't just immediately go to bed. And so I do. Lunch must be eaten promptly at 11:00. Even if I am in the middle of writing out invitations to HER birthday party, I must put them aside and eat a proper meal. The same thing happens at 5:00 PM. In between meals, we take our required tour of the cemeteries. Mom once again ponders why a certain person is buried in a certain spot. I once again offer to dig up that certain body and move it to where she wants it. My sister and I agree we should have done this about 50 years ago. Last weekend Mom and I did get to have some extra fun. We picked up two of her friends who are 91 and 94 and we went to the new Castle Finn Winery near Marshall, IL. It was a picture perfect fall day and we sat outside and toasted ourselves. We also ended up in the middle of a wedding, but no one one seemed to notice. We behaved ourselves and only one of our party -- not me -- snitched a handful of peanuts intended for the guests. When you're in your 90s, who's going to stop you??...Okay, you're wondering about the photos. Well, my niece Coady sent me the link to her wedding photos . E-mail me if you want the link. It started me thinking about where my own wedding pictures are, so I photographed one of them for you. Yes, that's it, ignominiously perched on a heap of stuff in the basement. In 1976, I had envisioned it gracing the grand hall of my stately home or over the fireplace in my formal living room. Alas, I have none of the above, but I do have a roomy back basement that welcomes such things. So, I hope Coady reads this before she orders her wedding photos....Today is a big day in the University Bookstore. The new MU Student Center -- we are connected to it -- is having an open house today and a dedication ceremony tomorrow. Mort Walker of Beetle Bailey fame will be there. We've been told to "dress professionally" in Mizzou's colors, black and gold. So, I will pull out my trusty black pants that served me so well in Eire and make myself respectable once again...

Minding my mother,

I remain

P.S. Faithful and unfaithful readers know that I have no idea how to delete the extra photo above. I have tried, but the computer has outsmarted me once again.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Saving Face

Hi, faithful and unfaithful readers.

I have a confession to make. In a weak moment, I've done what I've been avoiding for years: I've joined Facebook. That's right. I can now stalk my children and maybe yours, too. I can see I really just wanted to see pictures of my great nieces and nephews, but it seems I have opened up a whole new world. In fact, I am afraid to open my e-mail as I keep getting all these requests from people and I'm not sure what to do with them or how to do it. I've also discovered that I don't know the proper Facebook protocol . Mary told me that if I didn't post a picture within 24 hours I would be considered a huge loser. That's the rule. It took me 4 months to figure out how to post photos on this blog and now I had 24 hours?? Luckily, someone posted a picture of me and I was able to click on it and it miraculously became my profile. I persuaded my sister to join, too. Tonight she tells me that she has 100 friends. I, on the other hand, only have 32. I made her read me her 100 friends. While I don't know half of them, I'm still wonder why she has so many, and I don't....In other news, when we last spoke I was threatening to mop the floor with a Shark, remember? Well, I managed to put the thing together in such a way that even Tim and Megan had to get out the direction book to undo my mistake. They did finally get the thing assembled I finally got the pleasure of pushing wet fluffy mop around the kitchen floor. It was exhilarating! .. Well, I will catch up with you slackers later.

Stalking and talking,
I remain

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Football , Fun, and Something Fishy

Hi, Friends, Fam, and Frenemies,

Bob and I visited Tim and Megan last weekend. Bob and Tim went to the football game while Megan and I had the fun. We visited Tom, Marty and all 6 of their grandkids. Aren' t they cute? ..I'm sitting here watching _The Biggest Loser_ by myself. What does that tell you? I like having Molly and Nancy here so that I can comment on how many people cry, how many times the phrase "kick a**" or a variation is used, who has bad grammar , and how many times cuss words are bleeped out. It's no fun to make these observations to myself. I like them to roll their eyes and tell me that if I don't like it, I don't have to watch it and would I just shut up...I was so excited today as I got the car . I felt like a teenager. I was exhilarated! Bob and I share a car now which means that I rarely drive anymore. I'm the little old lady whose husband carts her around. But today the car was mine. After work I drove to Sonic and had a cheeseburger for dinner. Then I bought something that is all the rage among middle-aged -- well, that's stretching it a bit -- ladies. It is guaranteed to make my life easier or I get my money back. I even got a $10 gift card for buying it. I have discussed the purchase in detail with several friends. If you are a faithful reader of this blog, you'll know that I probably need this item. No, it's not a new wheelie cart. More clues? It's named after an ocean creature. It needs to be plugged in. Give up? It's a Shark Light 'n Easy Steam mop. Aren't you jealous? .. Soon I will do some butt kicking myself as I charge into the kitchen to try it out. Hopefully, I won't cuss and/or cry before I finish. After burning a few calories, I will vote myself out of the kitchen..All the BS (blog stuff) for now.

Currently viewing instead of doing,
