I guess you've missed hearing Tiz talk, or you wouldn't be here. My niece Coady got married in Lexington, KY last weekend. Oh, what an affair! I'm still recovering from the joyous occasion. While we didn't actually see any horses or bridles, we did drive past a few horse farms on our way to the winery...Bob and I are enjoying having Molly with us each week while she works here in town. If I didn't know better, I would think she had sent a Molly lookalike in her place. She is thankful for any slop I throw in front of her, she makes her bed, fixes her lunch, cleans up after herself, rarely goes out at night, and is safely tucked in bed sound by 10 each night. Did I mention that she only used one towel all week AND kept track of it? I may have to demand a DNA test to prove that she is truly my daughter...Need to go do some full scale slacking myself.
Went to my niece's wedding last weekend in Kentucky. I haven't had any blog time. I have my brother Bob coming to visit Wed, and Marianne J coming Thurs. I promise to post some great pictures this weekend.
I've heard that people just can't resist reading articles with numbers in the title. I guess that's true in your case. You're like everyone else. You have no willpower to stop reading this blog. You are wondering about those 37 works of art. You know I won't tell you until the end, so relax. I'm not a "Bob caught a possum" type of person. I'm a "would you just get to the point of the story?!" type of person. That's why you like me, right? You like to have your mind filled with useless details...Since you insist...I've included Molly's picture to maintain your interest. Isn't she cute? Her picture is supposed to be the first one, but I have no idea how to move it to the top.. The other photos are from Bob's office. After 30 years, his office has been redone. He now has carpeting (!), new paint, a new desk, and his blackboard is being retired :( So, I'm sharing his last photos of it. If you look closely, you'll see loves notes from Nancy, Tim's mile times when he was training for the HS soccer team and other sordid scribblings. This blackboard -- which years ago used to have jock straps hanging on it drying out from Bob's noontime runs -- is itself a work of art. But, it's not one of the 37. No, the 37 works of art have been carefully curated (that might be word) on the kitchen table since Tuesday. They are the kids' artwork that has also been hanging around Bob's office for -- in some cases -- 28 years or more. Now they have been lovingly dumped at my place at the table. What should I do with Molly's Johnny Appleseed drawing? Her fourth grade "River of Ice" ballad? Nancy's preschool sunflower? Tim's "Boy and a Ball" poem? Of course, they are mostly on faded, oversized manilla paper. Many of you know that I have a mother who still has my artwork from grade school, which consistently earned me grades of "C" or "D" from the good nuns. One picture of beavers at dam -- where my teacher claimed not to recognize animal I had drawn --has been preserved for posterity. (Have you ever tried to draw a beaver??) So, I have a bad legacy to overcome. Do I save them forever? Chuck them all? Digitalize them and then chuck them? Stuff them into each child's overflowing "childhood stuff" plastic bin? Put them on e-bay? Or just leave them on the table until further notice?? ... Suggestions welcome.
Artsy but not fartsy, I remain Tizzie/Tiz/Tizmom/Mom/Liz/Elizabeth
Do you know where you mop is? Really. Do you know? You should go find it right now and put it where you can find it. Then write yourself a note. As the clock ticked and my bunco party drew closer, I decided to give the old kitchen floor a quick mop. Guess what? I couldn't find my mop! I could swear I have used it at least once since arriving home in June, but it was MIA, or should I say MII (Missing in inaction)? Now you and I all know that nobody but me would ever consider picking up a mop around here. Had Molly taken it to Kansas City? Unlikely. Had Bob taken it outside -- totally without permission -- to mop the back porch? He claimed innocence. Despite my best efforts -- which weren't all that good -- I could not find it. But, being the resourceful homemaker that I am, I solved the problem. I threw one of my many wet dishtowels (don't you have a lot of those when you are preparing for company?) to the floor and swished it around with my foot. It really worked pretty well, and I was able to clip on my pearls and don my apron before my guests arrived. (Yes, I made that part up.) Bunco was a big success. I did, in fact, make Rolo pretzel treats, spinach artichoke dip with pita crackers, corn and bean salsa with Fritos, and a frozen fruit dessert with cream cheese and a graham cracker crust. Add a few bottles of wine and my friends were once again fooled into believing I really know how to entertain with ease. They didn't see me flipping pretzel treats to the floor while attempting to get them off the cookie sheet or my bed overflowing with countertop papers and stuff that has now taken up residence on my bedroom floor...I did reveal my faux paus from last week's blog if you go back and look at my comment. You are all lazier and .. well, never mind ...than I give you credit for. And I give you a lot of credit. You surely have things to be doing right now, don't you? If not, you could come help me rid the basement of my new boarders: crickets! Sorry, Tim, your childhood friends have returned and are calling out for you. So far I have not seen any of the prehistoric variety(aka "camel crickets") , but they are probably lurking about waiting to assault me when I least expect it. One lucky fellow has already survived a wastebasket and a box of Tide being thrown on him. Now I have Tide all over the floor. I hope I can find my vacuum cleaner. You haven't seen it, have you??
Well, I've wasted enough of your time and mine. I just spied the mop hiding horizontally in the garage. I've made a note so I'll know where it is next time I have Bunco. In the meantime, I'm off to set my mousetraps, my cricket traps, and do whatever else it is I do.
Thinking about chirps and twerps, I remain Tizzie/Tiz/Tizmom/Mom/Liz/Elizabeth