Friday, May 20, 2016

Packing It In and On

Hi, old friends,

I'm at it again.   This time Bob and I will be inflicting ourselves upon the Italians as well as a few Hungarians, Germans, Austrians, and Dutch.  But first, comes my most unfavorite chore --- one I have taken a two days off work to complete -- one that inspires me to see if I can even still sign into blogspot-- one that may even make me come up with a new password and tour all the ways this website is "new and improved" even though I am perfectly happy with typing and pressing what I hope is the correct button -- one that I have been whining to my sister about for at least six weeks:  you guessed it:  PACKING.  

You can see that instead of packing, I am doing what you all do best:  slacking.   I should be crossing my accomplishments off a list, but instead I’m sitting here eating malted milk balls and writing a blog.

Of course, I have taken most of the proper steps to prepare for my trip.  I've ordered clothes, bought clothes, purchased luggage, and made lists, lots of lists as I can never find the previous list I made.   I’ve even ordered Bob a thing or two – a multi-pocketed nylon travel vest to hold maps sunglasses and all those things he usually dumps in my tote bag and a plaid collared Eddie Bauer nylon hikng shirt.   I've done everything but the most hated chore of all:  trying on the clothes I have to see what fits.  The answer is: not much.  Nontheless, I am taking these things:

Gray travel pants that I ordered from Lands’ End last year that fit just fine.   My daughters relentlessly claim that they are nothing more than yoga pants disguised as “travel pants”;
and they laugh evilly.   But that can’t be because I would never wear yoga pants to the airport.

An RFID  (Look it up if you don’t know what it means; what else do you have to do?) fanny pack, passport holder, credit card holder, billfold, and purse.  Those infamous Roman pickpockets will not be outsmarting me! Bob thinks they will just pick me up and carry me away.

I did have one rather disturbing experience.  I was trying to up my underwear count.  After visiting several stores, I was in a state of despair.  What I wanted just wasn’t anywhere to be found.  Then I happened into Walgreens and  - lo and behold – I found just what I had been looking for.  At the risk of starting a blog-readers’ mad rush for the brand/stye I prefer, I won’t mention it.

BTW, we are taking 27 students with us this time.  Wish us luck.

Tune in Sunday for an update from Milan.

Packing and yakking,
 I remain

Tizzie/Tiz/Tizmom/Mom/Liz/Grandma Tizzie